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Just had a look and found the post you are referring to; I was hoping it showed what some of the fixes were, it didn't. But I see it has been getting updated every 5 or so days. Unfortunately this is the same patch that had October 15 on it too which is now october 19 last updated, so I guess the playtesting is finding that the fixes weren't actual fixes, or the playtesting is taking longer than anticipated.

I searched "bg3 patch 4" on reddit and found it "update on my previous post on patch 4 release". Not too sure if i can post external links here otherwise i'd link straight to reddit thread.

I hope you are right and it's soon smile

I just want that FSR update that was promised to be release nearly 2 months ago.... I mean modders did it in how many days.....? 0.o

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Yep, that's the post on reddit. Yeah, I saw they updated the files, hoping they are fixing whatever the playtesters find. I don't think Larian can afford another botched patch.

We'll see, they seem to drop their patches on Friday, so we just need to wait.

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Well that would be Great.. but i bet it will be on Next week..xD
Shit. cant wait to blast some things again.

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Since last week, I have been through several game problems.

Latest one is once the game is launched, all I get are flashing lights on screen, some big some small.

None of the many suggestions on line mention this "issue", it makes the game unplayable thus far.

First time since I started that I have had any problems with the game.

pain in the butt

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Maybe we're almost there! Let's hope they solve some problems, especially for the PS5 version

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Originally Posted by Jeckob1994

Maybe we're almost there! Let's hope they solve some problems, especially for the PS5 version

Oooh, that's interesting, I wish I knew what all that stuff meant haha. Is there a new link every time for a different patch/hotfix? or can I go to that link all the time and I'll find all the latest stuff they are doing when i refresh the page?


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Man i really wish this Drops Today im since 3.0 trying to get back but as many aready point out..
the game its really in a bad State and like others told already evry time i try to start a new game i find more and more game braking bugs
(so far i only Managed to keep playing going full evil becouse its the Less Buggy yu know.. yu just play like Doom Slayer man kill evrything that moves and the game run nice.. becouse yu kill evrybody theres no buggy quest.. evrybody is dead.)
But im actually in a let down already with this game and i dont really expect that much from larian anymore..
i will just be happy if they at least Fix what they broke in the game with 3.0 just so can i give 1 Last Shot at this Thing and Move On..
(and i dont really expect nothing from this game anymore becouse i already notice that we are the Minority yu know.. All yutubers and the Giants that could actually change our situation with this game are only Praising then and calling then the Game Changer of the Industry Kinda funny when yu stop to think.. this game is great indeed but only act 1,2 the rest its unfinished and incomplete just like any other yu know..xD, why they dont talk about that then ?, i guess this dont give then Views or Money thats why. xD)

Just Yeasterday i was seeing that Dude i Beleave its Legacy Kill HD something like that..
Just take a look at his Video.. Such a Bad Joke man..
i bet the dude never even left act 1 to think the way he thinks..
(and dont beleave yu can comment ok he deletes any coment that goes against his view.. his that kind of youtuber)

Last edited by Thorvic; 27/10/23 02:55 PM.
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The last major patch we got (Patch 3), they announced it and gave a date like a week later. I highly doubt Patch 4 will just drop without them announcing it first.

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Yup i already told that here too..
if they realase any Patch to fix the amount of stuff that are broken they will do Next Mounth, i bet in the Same day they Release the patch 3.0
and espeacially if what evrybody is saying is truth that they are on Break, Vacation that would be the case..
they will never waste there time trying to fix anything especially the way people are praising then at the moment..
they will just Wait for the Storm to went down a litle or when the Youtubers start to call then out about the way things are.. they will make there move..
thats how a company do things guys.. dont beleave that they are Trully Pro Gamers such thing dosent exist nowadays ok.. Never Trust that in Any Company.
(the disappointment is always Less when yu dont expect nothing from people trust me.)

Last edited by Thorvic; 27/10/23 05:26 PM.
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The link below now shows Patch 4

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Bard of Suzail
Bard of Suzail
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I am wondering if part of the delay is the work on XBox. Remember anything they fix now needs to be fixed on Playstation, Apple and PC but now they have Xbox close so this adds another platform for validation.

Originally Posted by Thorvic
dont beleave that they are Trully Pro Gamers such thing dosent exist nowadays ok..

This statement is simply not true. I have been working in the industry directly for over a decade and while a "lot" of the people on hardware and software sides do not actually game or only do so casually, there are still many of us that are hardcore. I put in 4 hours or so of gaming during the week at a minimum and spend 10 or so hours each day on the weekends. Gaming is more of a life style for me. I use gaming for my entertainment, watching almost no TV.

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I beleave that yu understand me wrong bro..
or maybe i cold not say it in a proper way becouse english its not my main language..
but what i mean its that no Company will keep open if they Go all out with Players Wishes
(thats why i told they are not True Pro Player get it ?)
yu have always to satisfie the Higher ups.. or they will cut of investment..
i used to work on companys not gaming ones.. even had 1 of my own back in a day..
thats why i say that.. im not meaning that they hate us or anything like that..
(becouse some of then they trully hate us trust me.. they saw theses forums like just winning babys..haha)
And thats why i dont really Trust that Larian will actually delivery what all people want out from the game..
thats kinda sad but i actually understand this pretty well.. yu just cant satisfie all sides its just that..
(thats why i always say to people tone down just a litle bit on expectations.. becouse will hurt less this way.. it sux yeas it sux but its best i beleave.)
becouse if they Really gave us Something cool will came out like something unexpected.. and the feeling its always better.

BTW sorry for my poor english its really hard for me actually put on words what i really want to say..
and sorry if i ofend anybody becouse of that .. thats not my intention in any way.

(Im really just Trying to Help the People that get the same feeling as me playing this game . Empty..)
and as far as i saw im not the manority anymore.. and evryday just Grow.. just take a Look on Reddit or Here
in just 2 weeks Bunch of People are reaching the end and bang. Slap in a Face.

(and indeed there are cool endings in the game ok im not saying that all of then are shit.. but the good ones sux really bad.. the Dark Ones are Perfect in my opinion its the Only ones that Are worth get.. and thats the real problem in the room in my opinion if the game gave yu two sides two play why not Two decent endings ? kinda forces yu to go only one way with the game and thats SUX. The Choice is Evrything.. and yu only get this for real in Act 1,2 )

And Fun Fact: almost ALL people that are actually Happy with this game at the Moment were the ones that went All Evil in the first gameplay Funny thing.. hauhauhauh
(like playing as Durge.. Guys want be happy playing this game Just Go with if.. stop listen people saying otherwise.. and yu will love the game..haha)
until they Do anything Better theres no other way to Have Fun..
in My Last Game i Just Went like i was the Doom Slayer man and it Felt GREAT>
i even went Solo like a True Souls Player just to Have some Challenge. lol

The Blood God will Protect Yu. Praise the Sun \0/
i never felt so happy been a cyco evil scumbag in a game..haha
and if yu wanna Have Real Fun and Lought your ass off just go with the Durge instincts most of times yu will lought your ass off..haha
Just Kill Evrything that Moves. Trust Me worth a Lot.. just for the Challange.
(and i really felt that i would Broke the game doing that.. nop. just go like a Crazy cyco and kill evryone.)
Lets Just Drown the Sword Coast in RIvers of Blood like a True

Last edited by Thorvic; 30/10/23 10:02 PM.
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Bard of Suzail
Bard of Suzail
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Originally Posted by Thorvic
I beleave that yu understand me wrong bro..
or maybe i cold not say it in a proper way becouse english its not my main language..
but what i mean its that no Company will keep open if they Go all out with Players Wishes

I do agree with this, gamers are fickle and wildly diverse as a community, there is no way any company can go all in on Player Wishes and even if they did, the game would likely suck.

Originally Posted by Thorvic
And Fun Fact: almost ALL people that are actually Happy with this game at the Moment were the ones that went All Evil in the first gameplay Funny thing.. hauhauhauh
(like playing as Durge.. Guys want be happy playing this game Just Go with if.. stop listen people saying otherwise.. and yu will love the game..haha)

This reads as a lot of hyperbole. I actually know few players that found the evil play through as enjoyable and none that I know that did pure evil from the start.

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They really Liked ?
All my friends and the guys that played Esports with me (my team members..)
all of then Hate.. but when i told then to go like a Evil Scumbag..
man know they really are enjoying the game.. crazy thing..
was the only way for me to keep playing after the 7 time i beat the game
i just went all out and explore all evil sides possible
( and i Love the 2 evil Gale endings..pretty cool i wish i could kill the Lady if yu did yu will understand me.. Karsus the True Archwizard..)
(But the Durge. Shit. that thing was amazing.. like i sad i play him like a True Demon Came out of the 9 hells..haha)
first time.. when i get to act 3 evrybody was dead. haha no party F. That.
then i went back again and did the last One like a True Souls Player. ALL alone. and was A BLAST
maybe becouse i already played too much of the game.. but man i always were the Boss in the Room the entire time.
just Intimidate and Manipulate and Betray evrybody F.IT
(the only Challeng in this Game that i will never have the Balls to do its the Multi Class in evrything.. shit that will be too hard even for me.. i would have to plan the entire run from start.. my brain is too old for that already.)
But theres a Admin Doing it man.. Red Queen i Beleve.. Shit REspect guys Respect. lol
(i even gave her some Itens she can Try to use in the Run for Mobility and Stuff or Itens locations to get Stats Increase that sort of stuff for a run like that its perfect.)
True souls Player.
Praise the Sun! \0/

(Yu can even Cheese a Bunch of Fights Solo to convince the asshole to die for yu.. not Joking.. but if yu want a True Souls Feeling.. Just kill evrybody legit.)

Last edited by Thorvic; 30/10/23 10:29 PM.
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Originally Posted by Zentu
Originally Posted by Thorvic
I beleave that yu understand me wrong bro..
or maybe i cold not say it in a proper way becouse english its not my main language..
but what i mean its that no Company will keep open if they Go all out with Players Wishes

I do agree with this, gamers are fickle and wildly diverse as a community, there is no way any company can go all in on Player Wishes and even if they did, the game would likely suck.

Originally Posted by Thorvic
And Fun Fact: almost ALL people that are actually Happy with this game at the Moment were the ones that went All Evil in the first gameplay Funny thing.. hauhauhauh
(like playing as Durge.. Guys want be happy playing this game Just Go with if.. stop listen people saying otherwise.. and yu will love the game..haha)

This reads as a lot of hyperbole. I actually know few players that found the evil play through as enjoyable and none that I know that did pure evil from the start.

I agree. Thorvic is being too exaggerated in his statements. I know about 20 people personally who have been playing the game since day 1, and every single one of them made their first playthrough a "good guy" playthrough. And from I see on twitter, facebook and instagram - it seems to me (I can't prove it, it's just a slightly educated guess) most people's 1st run in the game chose to make it a "good person" playthrough (or at least Neutral).

I also fundamentally disagree with most of his statements (in many previous posts too) brutally criticizing Larian as a company. But I don't want to fight, so I won't argue with him directly (he's entitled to his opinion).

I mean, if there's a game company that gamers should trust (especially given their History) it's Larian Studios. 'Nuff said. (edited for typos and clarity)

Last edited by MarcoNeves; 31/10/23 09:00 AM.
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I haven't made my first playthrough a "good guy" playthrough.

My playthrough has been roughly "True Neutral"

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Originally Posted by Motojunkie86
I haven't made my first playthrough a "good guy" playthrough.

My playthrough has been roughly "True Neutral"

Cool beans. Yeah, I totally get it. I basically mean (in general most people) went from anywhere Good to Neutral, and up to chaotic neutral on playthrough 1. Just not "EEEEVIL".

(Edited for clarity and typos)

Last edited by MarcoNeves; 31/10/23 09:02 AM.
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Give a Try man.. Just saying that..
Just Give a Try in been Full evil Scumbag especially if yu go as Durge.. Its a Blast.. not Joking..
i tried both ways this game, even made 2 runs like yu guys say (True Neutral)
and Trust me.. The Evil way i had a Lot more Fun and Lought then been the Hero
(dont Know kinda Felt that i didant get Any Reward in the Game by the End for Been a Hero.. but in the Dark Side.. yu get a BUNCH of rewards.. kinda reaally weird this.)
Just Try out been full evil as Durge and go Full Ilithid and get the Rewards from the Butler.. yu will go Nuts with the amount of Power yu can get by end game.

I just Really Wish they Had made a LIttle Bit Better the Hero Path end endings.. becouse really dosent make me want to play that way again.. becouse of the endings i get.. with all of then.
(yeahh i tested it all already.. have more then 900 hrs, and as far as i count last time hade made dont know.. 11 games or more becouse i delet a lot of then since 3.0)

nowadays im just Testing Things in the Game.. and waiting for the new Patch or Update to Try to Fix what got broken in 3.0
(find some Work around for the Bugs too.. sometimes i Try to help people here doing that or giving advice on quests and stuffs.. but the game kinda is Dead for me im just F. Araond there yu know.)

(i do enjoy Test Things.. i used to SpeedRUn so.. yeah im that kinda of guy ho loves find Bugs, Game Braking Stuff actually already find a Lot of then and reported to Larian.. but since 3.0 they never aswer anymore, just the same old stuff like the dev team its aware and working on it..)

But dont Get me Wrong Guys i really love the Game.. i just want this game to be good in the Both Sides. just that.
maybe im Harsh on what i say becouse i already told here.. english its not my main language..
Please my intention its not to Offend anybody or Larian.. i just want this Game to be the Best he can Be..
in my opinion this game its not Complete.. but if all of yu are Happy with the way he is at the moment.. F. Amazing..
i Wish i could enjoy the game like yu guys.. really wish not joking.

Last edited by Thorvic; 31/10/23 06:59 PM.
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Originally Posted by Motojunkie86
The actual current support from the Larian team regarding the sheer amount of people that are having major problems with this game is insane. I am so disappointed in Larian as a company. If the reason is because people are on holidays; then that is not good enough. Many of us have worked for many different companies, and when there is deadlines and important things to do, no one goes on holidays until it's done or the deadlines are met; Programming and developing should be no different. There are forums and message boards/discord channels littered with people complaining about how the game is unplayable or broken in some aspects that are not allowing them to continue playing the product they PAID for....

This experience has left me with a very sour taste in my mouth regarding Larian.

Rather frustrated....

I get that you're frustrated but this is a pretty wild thing to say about an industry thats already rife with overworking and exploiting workers

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Originally Posted by PrinnyWesker
Originally Posted by Motojunkie86
The actual current support from the Larian team regarding the sheer amount of people that are having major problems with this game is insane. I am so disappointed in Larian as a company. If the reason is because people are on holidays; then that is not good enough. Many of us have worked for many different companies, and when there is deadlines and important things to do, no one goes on holidays until it's done or the deadlines are met; Programming and developing should be no different. There are forums and message boards/discord channels littered with people complaining about how the game is unplayable or broken in some aspects that are not allowing them to continue playing the product they PAID for....

This experience has left me with a very sour taste in my mouth regarding Larian.

Rather frustrated....

I get that you're frustrated but this is a pretty wild thing to say about an industry thats already rife with overworking and exploiting workers

Remember; they always have the ability to leave that company in search for a position in another company or industry that better suits the amount of work they want to do. It's called choice; We all have it.

Every industry is under the pump for deadlines and margins being met. EVERY industry......

If you sell a product in any other industry you need to stand behind it or people take you to court for malpractice or fraudulent behavior.

Perhaps next time you purchase a product in a store and it is less than what you paid for; you'll be ok with accepting it for your money because who ever made it might be "overworked or exploited" as you put it.

As an example; perhaps you'll be ok with concreters rocking up and only concreting half your driveway, taking your money that was for the job being completed in full and telling you that they will do the rest in 6 or so months time when they can get around to it and leave you not able to use the driveway at all.......

If we don't accept it in other industries why should people accept it in the games they pay for that make millions and sometimes billions of dollars in profit?...

Last edited by Motojunkie86; 01/11/23 03:17 AM.
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