Originally Posted by Icelyn
There was an interview with Josh Sawyer where he said he would be up for doing PoE3 if he had BG3’s budget! Microsoft has lots of money, so maybe now that BG3 is a huge hit, they will let him! Just hopefully not in 1st person!

Avowed would need to be a big success for Microsoft to even consider spending this kind of budget on PoE3. And unfortunately, I get the feeling Avowed may turn out to be the opposite of a success. Which is a shame, I really liked Obsidian, but everything they've done since FNV (except Pentiment, but it's a side project) was a lesser (PoE2) or bigger (PoE) disappointment, that led me to skip their other games (The Outer Worlds). From what I saw so far, Avowed looked like Skyrim... a game from 2011... I don't think I want to play another Skyrim in a less interesting setting.