I would say this (and I will probably repeat myself and other comments here, but still): the famous "bear scene" showed us that since Halsin is a druid and shapeshifts into a bear, it is kind of expected such thing can be in the game. Plus, his accidental change is logical, as it was said earlier: Halsin had no private life for a centure and it is normal to get too arosed and let your passion out. What this scene didn't tell us is that Halsin would be very thirsty towards companions and this is messed up. I'm not sure when it was announced that Halsin is polygamous character (I was not reading all news and articles about the game, just some general ingormation) but yet again being thirtsty towards companions cannot be called a representation of polygamy - Halsin just "wants" companions for sex.
People knew about bear sex before release, people knew about poly scenario before release (as far as I understand), some probably didn't like it but at least these themes could be avoided. But people had zero expectations Halsin whom they have seen in EA (an ultimate good guy, adult, responsible, etc.) would turn into an embodiment of fetishes and not a good writing.
Yes, we do understand Larian people have all rights to not change anything (it will be sad, on one hand, but it is expected in a way on the other) but we also want to express our thoughts and feelings. Many of us don't want Halsin to be comepletely changes. All we want are some slight additions (epoligue for sure, especially for those who romance Halsin) and fixes for Halsin/SH/Astarion (maybe) interactions. This is, imo, the necessary minimum of what could be done. The maximum, of course, is adding extra dialogues/quests in Act 3, turning down Halsin's thirst in Act 3 at least a little bit, maybe something to do with his past in the Underdark, etc.

Last edited by Noelle666; 27/10/23 03:40 PM.