Also, to add to the discussion:

I don't hate the Emperor, sure sometimes I might write "I hate him with a passion!" but what I really mean to say is that I don't like him as a character, sure, he's a good antagonist, way better than both Orin and Gortash combined. His role in the story seems to be an antihero one.

And yes, he helps us in the beginning, mostly cause he knew that he could and had get us to depend on him (otherwise we die). During his big 'reveal' he even says so himself. Orpheus' disposition towards you also changes depending on the things you did in game (eg, stolen the githyanki egg) and yes , he will be somewhat hostile but will come around very quickly. He is a lot more reasonable and agreeable than the Emperor painted him to be. Why did Emperor do that? To manipulate us, of course.

Speaking of Orpheus, I wouldn't say he's lawful evil. He is a son of Gith, yes, born of her (before githyanki started laying eggs) - like KillerRabbit said, in the beginning the gith were just humans. And sure, Gith went to the Hells to secure an alliance with Tiamat, who's evil. Then she went missing (and what happened to her is still a mystery). Gith herself was lawful evil, or maybe she thought that the means justified the cost when battling the illithid empire so she turned to desperate measures? Who can say. Well, Orpheus can say cause he was there, so to speak. Also, next thing, the way Orpheus talks seems to place him waaaaay closer to the githzerai way of thinking than that of the githyanki. Remember again, he, just like his mother, is ooooold, ancient. He witnessed the split of the gith into the 2 races. I would say that at best Orpheus is lawful neutral. At worst very pragmatic lawful evil bordering on neutral.

Another thing to take into account is that Orpheus is not his mother, he seems to understand that githyanki need to move forward which they won't for as long as current Vlaakith holds so much power. Gith of old would've enslaved all other races, it's true, just to prepare for the inevitable return of the Illithid Emptire. Which almost happened in BG3. I am betting that despite his grumbling, Orpheus understands that becoming a tyrannic conqueror will lead githyanki nowhere.

The Emperor is clearly lawful evil through and through and ain't nobody gonna convince me otherwise. Omeluum is lawful neutral, maybe bordering on good but I don't think so. Maybe once he finds a replacement for brains.

Why I dislike the Emperor so much?

1. He is untrustworthy. He lies (sorry, dances around the truth, omits to tell the whole story, heavily colors facts to make him look superior), he tries to emotionally manipulate us and comes across like an AI pretending to be human.
2. Sees no problem with enslaving others - Orpheus, Stelmane (yes puppeteering Stelmane still counts as enslavement).
3. Claims to have eaten brains of criminals only. Sure, in game there is proof for this in his hideout. BUT he also forgets to mention that he commanded an organization that was all into corrupting governments and people. Thus creating more criminals. Thus more people for him to dine on. Even ascended Astarion isn't this twisted.
4. Will assume direct control if you try to approach Upper City gates.

Last edited by Nicottia; 28/10/23 02:36 AM.