I’m with you on the frustration with the sheer number of same-y enemy encounters in the Pathfinder games. It was the main reason I never finished Kingmaker. As I probably said somewhere in this thread already, I did finish WotR and found loads to like about it, but there were times it was a chore.
I found I could either make the encounters boringly easy and make progress at an acceptable rate, or make individual encounters difficult enough to be interesting but then move forward at a mind-numbingly tedious rate. I think in the end I settled on normal difficulty when wandering round the smaller world maps as there were fewer encounters and playing mainly turn-based, then turning the difficulty down when the number of encounters went up and using RTwP (mainly without pause). Which basically made most of the complex difficulty settings useless to me, as it was too much of a faff to keep fiddling with them so I just toggled between a couple of the defaults.
It also helped that I took the Trickster path in WotR with an Arcane Trickster sorceror with high charisma. There’s a Trickster path ability that makes enemies either save or die when they first see you that I got at around level 17. That thinned the crowds somewhat
"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"