Glad we're on the same page about tone! Back on-topic:

Originally Posted by autistichalsin
My only complaints about Halsin that I actually want to see fixed are:

1. It would be nice if the player could tell Halsin they personally don't wish to date others, but it is okay if he does so (so that if the player doesn't want to do it themself, they can still have that boundary, while still respecting this fundamental part of who Halsin is and not demanding he change it for them)

2. Halsin's sexual assault. It has been addressed many times already, but I think it's the bare minimum that Halsin's sexual assault should be treated AS a sexual assault by the narrative. The way they continuously have Halsin insist he enjoyed it is so beyond hurtful, especially because he also intersperses it with comments that imply Stockholm Syndrome, but are not treated as such. If he feared for his life while imprisoned, it was by definition IMPOSSIBLE for him to give consent- every action he made was under duress. Even if he WASN'T (and he says he was), there is a reason it is in real life considered impossible for prisoners to consent to sex with prison guards. The power imbalances mean that meaningful consent is impossible.

3. I wish we could go with Halsin in the ending. Especially if this could include the player's other love interest, if they have one, coming with them. I could see Karlach being delighted to help out the kids after her engine is fixed, Astarion could be offered protection from the sun, and Shadowheart would just be over the moon to finally get to climb Mount Halsin herself.

Everything else is either perfect or minor enough that I don't think it really needs any changing.

This all seems eminently reasonable to me. Halsin can express himself mostly as before, but giving the PC more options for response can then broaden what he says in answer to that. For instance, on point 2, we could have the option to challenge how he presents his SA, and that could allow some exploration of the coping strategy he's used up to this point.

As I see it, we generally want additive updates to the game, not subtractive ones. Adding things to the game feels good, for fans and developers. Removing things won't feel good nearly as often. There may be conversation options we don't like, but their existence generally isn't a problem if we just have alternatives that we do like.

That being said, I can understand how a few things could fairly be removed on a conditional basis, such as Halsin making an overture to join a couple in one scenario when he was already told no in another. I can't imagine that too many people who said no the first time will want to say yes the second time.