Originally Posted by Dext. Paladin
Originally Posted by Maximuuus
I did not create the Forgotten Realms. Go read books, play other video games, watch films or read internet articles if you are not inspired.

Then come back and tell me if throwing a potion at someone's feet would heal him in that world, if arrows are creating a wierd arc when shot, if cows climb ladders, if meteo doesn't exist and if time is frozen, if after walking 6 minutes characters can see a druid grove + a forest + a village + a ruined temple, if teleportation runes are common,...

These exemples only exist in Larian's personnal representation of this world. Of course you can insist that it is indeed *the* world representation and how million other players are probably wrong !
I am sorry and I apologize in advance if I sound rude.

How on earth is this relate to "coherent at all with the world in which the story take place"?

These example exist because Rule of Fun. So please, take your "no fun allowed sign" out of here and put it somewhere else.

Your answer does not sound rude man... it just sound ridiculous^^
"TW3 would have been SO MUCH funnier if we could fast travel through teleportation runes rather than sign post" => This is ridiculous and this is your answer.

BG3 would have been a slightly better representation of the Forgotten Realms if fast travel was possible through sign post (or something like that) rather than through magical teleportation runes that doesn't exist in this world.

But as I said in the first answer talking with you is pointless. The guy trying to "prove" he's objective talking about Rules of fun rolleyes

Last edited by Maximuuus; 30/10/23 09:33 AM.

French Speaking Youtube Channel with a lot of BG3 videos : https://www.youtube.com/c/maximuuus