Originally Posted by Sven_
Originally Posted by Zentu
I am hopeful the smaller studios that have already shown some skill at this like Obsidian, Tactical Adventures, Owlcat Games, inXile Entertainment and Hairbrained Schemes will step more heavily into CRPG. They will have to temper expectations however as dealing with WotC will be a turn off for studios to seek out DnD liscencing.

There's other newcomers stepping up, and I disagree with the expressed notion in this thread that indies / smaller projects all have bad art.


There's many more, of course. And BG3 didn't impact those any, as they've been in development for quite a while.

There is certainly some good art in indies. But there are also some good indies (IMHO of course) that have bad art.

Knights of the Chalice 2 (very, very niche, but very good if its YOUR niche, also pretty bad art)
Anything by Spiderweb Software (ie. Geneforge, Avernum, Avadon). All of it is good, and all of it has bad art. Owner Jeff Vogel has blogged about why here: https://jeff-vogel.blogspot.com/2019/08/why-all-of-our-games-look-like-crap.html

Age of Decadence and Battle Brothers are both fun games with graphics that are not great, but work anyway.

Solasta's art isn't all terrible, but the character models are. Still fun.

I could list more, but I don't really want to spam the board with 80% of my steam library.