Finally beat WoTR.
Imo I do consider WoTR to be a better game overall the exceptions to this is obviously the presentation BG3 is just a more '' AAA '' looking game and also the companions are more responsive ( with exceptions especially in act 3 ).
A big issue in WoTR imo is that the companies don't react or talk to you about things they should have pretty big issues with or feel very strongly about in some other way.
There was a HUUUUUUUUUUUGE decision I made towards the end that should've caused one of my companions to basically turn on me completely, but instead she basically just hesitated for a second and then proceeded to fight on my side and never talked about it at all afterwards.
The companions in WoTR can just feel a bit dead sometimes and like they're ignoring everything that's happening.

Act 5 and 6 are fairly short and in act 6 especially the game just throws a billion ultra strong enemies at you one after the other I think there's one demon henchman boss that gets resurrected like 4 times in a short span of time lol.
I still like where the story went way more than BG3 tho, the story in WoTR stayed more of a personal story while BG3 felt like it was supposed to be a personal story but then became Mass Effect 3 very suddenly in act 3.

Pathfinder games have more enjoyable combat imo and being able to pick between turn based and non-turn based on demand is awesome but it has sort of the opposite problem of BG3 in that it's too hard sometimes whereas BG3 is too easy.
But especially in the last act in WoTR it basically just becomes '' everyone is a glass canon '' you just blow up your enemy before they blow you up hopefully.

WoTR also handles the '' embrace your powers '' powerfantasy much better, there's so much variety and crazy things you can do and become and it has a huge impact makes the game much more replayable.