Originally Posted by fylimar
I just had that scene and it didn't really sound. like he was in love with those people. He expresses pity, but the way he phrases it, they were just conquests for Cazador:

[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]

I think, he mostly looked for people, that might not be so easy missed - I remember, he told me something along the line. So it didn't matter, if they were male, female, binary, old, young, beautiful or ugly, they just had to be available and in teh best case loners.
We only see 4 out of the - what, 200? 300? - people, that Astarion brought Cazador, so not much to go on with imo.

You're missing the point, it doesn't matter how many of them we see, it matters who we see and hear about, and they are all males, except that Lady in the cell, who also looks conveniently like a dude smile .

Perception of what he sounds like will be different to every person, so it's not an argument here. You perceive it as a pity, I see it as a grief for a lost former lover.