We have 9 options? Where did you get the 4 options? Everyone has 9 options. And it is nowhere stated that you have to choose your romance after your real life perference. I choose mine with the story in mind. I'm lesbian irl, but my DUrge Suri is romancing Astarion, because storywise he just makes so much sense for a good, resisting Durge.
Wait, who's nr. 9? Or do you count the Emperor?
And I agree, Astarion probably works best for resist Durge. Shadowheart works very well with it too (and personally I think Karlach as well just because she's so wholesome) but the writer for Astarion worked on Durge so he has a lot more Durge specific dialogue.
I do feel it's not necessarily wrong for someone to prefer keeping their choices to what they feel comfortable with IRL though, but I think 4 is still more than enough to choose from even if they have some issues (since they all do, to some extent).