Give a Try man.. Just saying that..
Just Give a Try in been Full evil Scumbag especially if yu go as Durge.. Its a Blast.. not Joking..
i tried both ways this game, even made 2 runs like yu guys say (True Neutral)
and Trust me.. The Evil way i had a Lot more Fun and Lought then been the Hero
(dont Know kinda Felt that i didant get Any Reward in the Game by the End for Been a Hero.. but in the Dark Side.. yu get a BUNCH of rewards.. kinda reaally weird this.)
Just Try out been full evil as Durge and go Full Ilithid and get the Rewards from the Butler.. yu will go Nuts with the amount of Power yu can get by end game.

I just Really Wish they Had made a LIttle Bit Better the Hero Path end endings.. becouse really dosent make me want to play that way again.. becouse of the endings i get.. with all of then.
(yeahh i tested it all already.. have more then 900 hrs, and as far as i count last time hade made dont know.. 11 games or more becouse i delet a lot of then since 3.0)

nowadays im just Testing Things in the Game.. and waiting for the new Patch or Update to Try to Fix what got broken in 3.0
(find some Work around for the Bugs too.. sometimes i Try to help people here doing that or giving advice on quests and stuffs.. but the game kinda is Dead for me im just F. Araond there yu know.)

(i do enjoy Test Things.. i used to SpeedRUn so.. yeah im that kinda of guy ho loves find Bugs, Game Braking Stuff actually already find a Lot of then and reported to Larian.. but since 3.0 they never aswer anymore, just the same old stuff like the dev team its aware and working on it..)

But dont Get me Wrong Guys i really love the Game.. i just want this game to be good in the Both Sides. just that.
maybe im Harsh on what i say becouse i already told here.. english its not my main language..
Please my intention its not to Offend anybody or Larian.. i just want this Game to be the Best he can Be..
in my opinion this game its not Complete.. but if all of yu are Happy with the way he is at the moment.. F. Amazing..
i Wish i could enjoy the game like yu guys.. really wish not joking.

Last edited by Thorvic; 31/10/23 06:59 PM.