Joined: Sep 2023
I was so excited to transfer my pc saves to the new ps5 version of bg3, but I’ve spent 2 hours trying to get them to transfer and nothing will work. I have BG3 on my PC through steam and my ps5. Both my PC and PS5 are linked to my Larian account and cross saves are enabled on both platforms. I deleted all my PC saves except for 3 to try to get them to transfer to my ps5. I also create a new save for my main character to try to trigger another sync. But I still can’t get my saves to transfer from PC to PS5. I’ve also tried turning cross save on/off/on/off on both platforms then relaunching the game on both platforms a bunch…. The only other thing I can think of is that I have the digital deluxe on pc (from EA), but only the regular version on ps5. Could that be it? Any ideas  ?
Joined: Sep 2023
Update: my new ps5 save is on my PC, but my PC saves still aren’t transferring to ps5. I bought the digital deluxe upgrade on ps5 in case there was a version compatibility issue, but that didn’t help..
Joined: Sep 2023
Same problem here. Just bought the PS5 version to use my PC save... sad. Can someone official please comment on the cross save function state?
Joined: Sep 2023
Addtional info for those who can't find the cross save function in the menu on PS5.
If i opened the meun from the title screen the entry was missing. It only showed up when opening the setting from within a game.
Joined: Sep 2023
Same problem. I have Steam Edition and later bought the PS5 version purely for the cross save functionality of being able to switch platforms and continue play. Cross saving is only working in one direction and that is PS5 to PC. If I play on PC and save my progress, it triggers the Sync to Servers within game, however the saves are not appearing or transferring back to the PS5. This is a hugely disappointing issue.
Before anyone needs to comment to same advise as I've seen online already, I have, along with the OP as stated, ensured the cross save setting is enabled on both PC and PS5 versions and that the devices are both registered and linked to the Larian account. I have tried turning it off and on, also creating new saves etc. The functionality is simply broken. Can someone at Larian please acknowledge this is a known issue and let us know that a fix is on the way. Thank you.
Joined: Sep 2023
Same for me , i see my ps5 saves on PC but don't see PC saves on PS5 ... try synch , remove mods, active/desactive cross , steamFix , deleted all useless saves , delete profile folder .... still not working . when i toggle cross save on PC and go to load game i can see the cross logo with "transfering" and when finished the cross disapear. look like that my synch are ok but my pc saves don't stay on larian server.
Last edited by roudg; 10/09/23 02:36 PM.
Joined: Sep 2023
It would be great to have an official response on this. Exactly the same issue here for me.
Joined: Jun 2022
cross saves are not working because Larian turned them off at their end around Patch 1 the fact you are on PS5 is beside the point guys
Luke Skywalker: I don't, I don't believe it. Yoda: That is why you failed.
Joined: Sep 2023
But it IS working from PS5 to PC, but not PC to PS5.
Joined: Jun 2022
it doesn't work from PC to PC here
Luke Skywalker: I don't, I don't believe it. Yoda: That is why you failed.
Joined: Jan 2021
it doesn't work from PC to PC here You about 100% wrong in your ”speculations”. Cross saves were enabled back in hotfix 2.1. They are fully enabled and operational. It works for pc to pc as I use it all the time. It works for PS5 to pc, but not other way around. There is simply bug in it.
Last edited by Cirrus550; 17/09/23 06:57 AM.
We are all heroes, you and Boo and I! Hamsters and rangers everywhere, rejoice!
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Joined: Sep 2023
Joined: Nov 2023
Same problem,
PS5 uploads fine, PC says cross-save uploading - you can see this in Load Game menu when first launching game. This is aburptly disappears and the syncing message stops after about 10-15 seconds. It is like the PC connection to Larian servers is dropped or times out.
I relinked accounts, deleted larian account and started again - played with every setting imaginable, in steam, larian account & on router - nothing makes this work.
I would have thought there'd be more uproar about this bug but it seems noone uses cross save after the had to revoke it at the start of october and everyone disabled cross save to actually play the game.
Joined: Nov 2023
Same issue here. Steam/PC won't upload the saves but it downloads the PS5 saves. I have tried everything under the sun to make it work. From turning off Windows Def to having only 1 save to making a new save etc etc etc.
I bought a PS5 copy to play my 150+ hour Act 3 save on the PS5 and it simply doesn't work.
Larian HELP
Joined: Oct 2021
Hmm. Which multiverse are you in?
Joined: Nov 2023
Any chance this was dealt with in the new patch?
Joined: Nov 2023
So, something i've realized which might help, I have no idea how though.
The saves sent to from the PS5 to the PC will upload back the other way (PC to PS5), but saves made on the PC will NOT upload to be sent to the PS5.
So, maybe it has something to do with the saves themselves? I thought maybe something had sort of glitched my 150+ hour saves but even a New Game save doesn't transfer.
So yeah, PC saves that originate from the PC will not upload period. PS5 saves work just fine)
Though, not all the PS5 saves. My most recent attemps out of the 3 PS5 saves on my PC, instead of all 3 uploading as normal, only 1 did.
I've even tried reinstalling the game and that didn't fix it.
More and more I think it's Steam.
I don't know. And Larian and/or Steam doesn't seem to care.
Joined: Oct 2023
I had a lot of issues going from PS5 to PC and back again in the beginning. The way I finally got it working is to disconnect all devices on Larian's network, then relog them in.
From there, whenever I want to go back to PS5 from PC, I open both versions of the game. I then load into another character or older save on the PS5 and then do a fresh save on the PC. Then, check to see if the new save is showing on the PS5. If it is, great, your'e done. If not, close and reopen the PS5 version and it's usually there.
Once you get them seeing each other both ways, it crosses save pretty consistently.