Originally Posted by EdaLee
Most players want to go with him and not force him to be monogamous. He should remain constant like the other companions! JeyFrey, your writing sounds very familiar to me...

Originally Posted by Laras
Apparently everyone has their own "most players". Most players want to have choice and certainty. Why would I leave with someone who can't even decide who I am for him and what is going on between us in general. They have not changed the main thing, the relationship still does not exist.

What Laras says. I guess we can't really speak about minorities and majorities here, we don't have any numbers.
Also, this is totally not about changing him, it's about adding possibilities. Isn't that what we all want for our lives? Options and possibilities? Never seen anyone going into a restaurant that has like one dish to offer and all customers were like "Yo thats fine. I don't like the dish but yeah, for the sake of everyone who loves that dish, please don't change the menu."

You want Halsin for casual flings? You want Halsin as a monogamous partner? You want Halsin as a polygamous partner with another companion of your choice? Well, why can't we just have all options? And that's not just about Halsin, that should be for all companions.