Originally Posted by vx_phoenix_vx
I've seen this thread tons of times and kind of wanted to add my thoughts to it. I don't expect any of them to be groundbreaking or new but, I like Halsin and would love to see a proper polyamorous relationship added.

As others have mentioned, Halsin was written with an aversion to the word/label "relationship." This seems to be a huge oversight if the purpose was poly representation.

I'm monogamous myself but my partner and I have explored to see if poly would be an option for us before so research was done. It doesn't compare to first-hand experience though so, bear with me here.

My understanding of what poly requires by definition is a relationship and commitment to the other person, just not ONLY to that person. Open communication and active consent are core tenants and when they are not actively reinforced always, you have a toxic relationship on your hands.

What Halsin is proposing seems to be an open fling. He doesn't want commitment, he doesn't want relationships, he clearly sucks at the open communication part, and consent is clearly ambiguous (which is a big no-no).

These need to be improved upon if Larian's intentions were to give a polyamorous option to players.

Additionally, I wanted to add my thoughts as a die-hard Astarion fan: please please don't make him an option for a three-some with Halsin or the bear version anymore.
Astarion, once you know him better, would not know how to say no to these sexual advances and since consent is vitally important to all encounters, Astarion is probably the worst option when it comes to Halsin's sexual adventures. Astarion is a SA survivor and needs time to heal and slowly enter back into sex comfortably. Being proposed a 3-some that he doesn't know how to say no to that would likely be too much for his trauma response to handle is tone-deaf and I wish it wasn't an option...
And who would you chose for that? As Shadowheart romancer I'm fully against adding in there too.