That's some balanced views (tried to avoid possible spoilers). Whilst I have my qualms, I don't get anybody completely crapping on either game as if they were both Ruins Of Myth Drannor meets Descent To Undermountain Reincarnete, btw. (often times fanboys/haters of either game and/or the company who made them). Just a decade ago, EITHER a game such as WOTR or BG3 was but a pipe-dream. They didn't make games like these anymore outside of really small-scale indies, let alone at any scale, as it was basically a few publishers dictating completely what gets to be made... and playing it ultra safe whilst doing so. 2005-2012/13ish were so far the bleakest years in the history of gaming from that point of view, if you were to ask me. Ever since, there's been an explosion of games of all kinds for nearly anybody.
With rogue trader, there are little to no throwaway encounters, and they're spaced between proper exploration chunks. The longest combat sequence I can remember is the end of act1, with 3 encounters in a row going up to the boss.