Joined: Jul 2022
Use proton. BG3 was not released to Linux. It just available to steam os by using proton. Mybe you can try wine as well. But with proton it's working flawlessly. Graphical problems performance issue bugs are other things. There are some really good guides how to do it. On redit and Linux or steamdb forums. I did it to at the beginning when it was not so supportive in early access. I don't say I am a grandmother but more like a casual user. I like to play games and not install them. So for sure you can do it hopefully.
Last edited by ZOZO1006; 12/10/23 10:16 AM.
Joined: Oct 2023
Well, that is the point : the game work, not the launcher. I can force the game to launch using wine, but the Larian Launcher will never open, even with wine.
However, all was alright before the update.
Joined: Oct 2023
You will get Linux version faster than xbox users will get any info 
Joined: Jul 2022
There is a commandline that avoid the launcher completely. If you search around steam deck larian launcher. For sure you can found it. I am saying this because for steam deck the launcher was turned off. Mybe this week I will get it back currently its on varranty. But i will get a new one in a couple of days. Than I can check it for you.
But I am sure there is a command line. That will work for you. Also I think Proton experimental will work for you.
Last edited by ZOZO1006; 12/10/23 11:54 AM.
Joined: Oct 2023
Wanted to query about multiplayer server disconnects for the PS5 which bugs the game in to thinking an invitee is still within your party. For which they are not, and inviting becomes impossible. I’m sure you’re already aware of the problem, but my brother and I want actually have a Multiplayer session be our first run.
Joined: May 2021
Wish your hirelings looked a little more… glamorous? Worry no longer! We’ve given it a kick, and the Magic Mirror will now allow your hirelings to change their appearance! The same restrictions apply as when you edit your Tav, but we hope this enables you to create the party of your dreams. Or, someone else’s nightmares. We can’t wait to see it. Nice, but I have been waiting for the ability to custom create a hireling. Since there are no Dragonborn hirelings it would be nice if you could create one from scratch.
Maxim 14: "Mad Science" means never stopping to ask "what's the worst thing that could happen?"
Joined: Oct 2020
Hey - just thought I'd share the "Baldur's Gate 3.desktop" file I used to directly launch on Linux so people who want to use the desktop can bypass the Larian Launcher.
[Desktop Entry] Type=Application Name=Baldur's Gate 3 Exec=wine start /unix /home/<username>/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Baldurs\ Gate\ 3/bin/bg3_dx11.exe 2>/dev/null MimeType=application/x-ms-dos-executable;application/x-msi;application/x-ms-shortcut; Icon=BG3 NoDisplay=true StartupNotify=true
The exec command is what you would type [or cut+paste] into a terminal to run the game - keeping in mind that "/home/<username" is whatever your home folder is.
This works for me because I linked my .wine folder [aka default wine prefix] to .local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/1086940/pfx
This is important so that all your game settings [saved games, etc] are there the same way as when you run it through the Larian Launcher on Steam.
If you have multiple wine prefix's or if your default one is in use then try:
export WINEPREFIX=".local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/1086940/pfx"; wine start /unix /home/<username>/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Baldurs\ Gate\ 3/bin/bg3_dx11.exe 2&>/dev/null
Anyway - this is tested and working at the time I'm posting so hopefully it will help someone.
Note that you can use bg3.exe instead of bg3_dx11.exe if you notice one runs better in linux than the other. I got better performance running the bg3_dx11.exe (based on steams in-game frame rate counter back when I was comparing the two versions. I'm sure it depends on video card, etc, but that was my personal observation on my rig, YMMV.
Last edited by introspection; 17/10/23 04:23 AM. Reason: Grammar
Joined: Oct 2023
Well Nice One the Hirelings but at least be able to have 1 Custom hireling would be amazing.. and this Hotfix dosent fix a Lot of Bugs that was add with 3.0 to tell yu the Truth i just Gave up on the Game since 3.0 its unplayable i had a Better experience on lounch and 2.0 the Only way i find to Keep playing was as Evil dude but i already beat the game dont know 6,7 times so far i have more then 500 hrs maybe i just saw evrything and the endings dosent gave me a lot of reasons to play again.. i only liked the Evil one and the Dark Urge.. really wish they made something better for the Hero endings.. just a Party before post credit with the Romance would be GREAT>> just a Simple party to see and talk with evrybody 1 last Time.. the way it is right know dont know i felt Empty man.. really sad.
Last edited by Thorvic; 18/10/23 06:52 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Well Nice One the Hirelings but at least be able to have 1 Custom hireling would be amazing.. and this Hotfix dosent fix a Lot of Bugs that was add with 3.0 to tell yu the Truth i just Gave up on the Game since 3.0 its unplayable i had a Better experience on lounch and 2.0 the Only way i find to Keep playing was as Evil dude but i already beat the game dont know 6,7 times so far i have more then 500 hrs maybe i just saw evrything and the endings dosent gave me a lot of reasons to play again.. i only liked the Evil one and the Dark Urge.. really wish they made something better for the Hero endings.. just a Party before post credit with the Romance would be GREAT>> just a Simple party to see and talk with evrybody 1 last Time.. the way it is right know dont know i felt Empty man.. really sad. What? This this an AI?
Last edited by ShinyBuddha; 19/10/23 08:04 AM.
Joined: Aug 2015
If you don't understand the scope of this game (bigger than Starfield and Diablo 4), why make comments like this? Why talk about things you don't know much about? Yeah the game isn't finished, because it is way too huge, but I am happy, was getting tired of all the other games without any real substance. If that is your jam, sure, nothing wrong with it. A lot of people like games like Skyrim. But try to understand how big this game is. Maybe they should have waited one more year before releasing, still it is in a way better state than a lot of other triple A games. Big is absolutely no excuse for unfinished and in a state that is barely acceptable for a beta phase. And BG3 is by far not as big and complex, as you make it to be. A good comparison would be the Pathfinder games, with tons more classes, mechanics, spells, weapons, armor, characters and so on, a crusade mode on top and other gimmicks. They were released in way better state by a smaller team. The software in modern day cars is pretty big, or in commercial airplanes. Would you fly or drive around in something needing a thousand bugfixes a week? Probably wouldn't be acceptable. Now, a game is not dangerous when it is buggy, but that doesn't mean anybody has to accept paying quite a lot for an unfinished product. I have stopped playing. Once again. After "Patch" 3 killed all my saves and some bugs effectively stopped me from progressing in act 2. Started a new game with Patch 3 and found act 1 one in a worse state than it has been before. It is great, that Larian is reacting fast and it is absolutely ok that a game like that comes with bugs. But the bug fix counter is around 5.000 or more since release and every patch introduces new problems (which says a lot about how well structured the code internally is) some of them game breaking. So at least I am beyond accepting this. I'm angry, I'm disappointed and wait for something like a Definitive Edition, as I can't refund it. It is way more complex than you think. You comparing it's complexity to Pathfinder proves that. I have played the second Pathfinder game, although the mechanics are more complex, that is not something that is complex to make. They are just more calculations. Easy to write for programmers. What is complex, is the fact that choices have such impact in BG3. And they have to test every possible combination in order to make it work well. That is a lot of work. I have not seen anything that impactful in the second Pathfinder game. Maybe the first is different? And the pathfinder games don't have those complex cinematics either, so no. You are right about 1 thing, the game not being finished is not an excuse, like I said before, they should have waited 6 months longer, or maybe a year.
Joined: Oct 2023
Nop im Real.. Not a IA im just Sick and cant leave my home for more then 4 months by now.. so i dont have a lot of things to do besides playing.. thats why i already have this much time in the game and Beated more then 7 times.. and to tell yu the Truth bro.. im really Tired already with this game Dont Get me Wrong i Love this Game i never had a Experience like that since Witcher 3 blood and Wine or Persona 5.. has YEARS i dont get to Enjoy a Game for real like im loving BG3 BUt The game is really broken since 3.0 and any hotfix they release just broken even more.. kinda really sad that ( and just for curiosity when they start trying to fix Minthara, Karlach was when i start to find the most Broken bugs, from there just went down the Toilet.) They did something that went reaaaally wrong trying to fix then. im just waiting for Hotfix 10 so that Maybe i can go back and give a Try again.. but even so im kinda dont know what to do in the game anymore.. already try all companions, all possibilities and the Worst (the Endings..) Man they need to Make Something better ASAP thast so Empty.. ( i already Played so Much that im starting to just Help Guys here in the forum with some stuff that i already know how to do) like yu Can Speak with Halsin, get the quest then kill him ASap and only Save the Thieflings did yu know ? ( but for this to work Cronfont Khaga first if not will not work) i Hate him so that was so amazing for me to discover.. i bet there are still secretes to be found.. but im just getting tired of the bugs i Actually already posted in some posts about the Amount of Bugs i found.. i even had to delete dont know more then 5 games since the update becouse if i try to load anything old.. bunch of crazy stuff happens most comon is the Strange Ox Rage Bug.. crazy thing.. BTW sorry for the Poor English thats not my main language so im trying my best..
Last edited by Thorvic; 19/10/23 05:02 PM.
Joined: Aug 2015
Nop im Real.. Not a IA im just Sick and cant leave my home for more then 4 months by now.. so i dont have a lot of things to do besides playing.. thats why i already have this much time in the game and Beated more then 7 times.. and to tell yu the Truth bro.. im really Tired already with this game Dont Get me Wrong i Love this Game i never had a Experience like that since Witcher 3 blood and Wine or Persona 5.. has YEARS i dont get to Enjoy a Game for real like im loving BG3 BUt The game is really broken since 3.0 and any hotfix they release just broken even more.. kinda really sad that ( and just for curiosity when they start trying to fix Minthara, Karlach was when i start to find the most Broken bugs, from there just went down the Toilet.) They did something that went reaaaally wrong trying to fix then. im just waiting for Hotfix 10 so that Maybe i can go back and give a Try again.. but even so im kinda dont know what to do in the game anymore.. already try all companions, all possibilities and the Worst (the Endings..) Man they need to Make Something better ASAP thast so Empty.. ( i already Played so Much that im starting to just Help Guys here in the forum with some stuff that i already know how to do) like yu Can Speak with Halsin, get the quest then kill him ASap and only Save the Thieflings did yu know ? ( but for this to work Cronfont Khaga first if not will not work) i Hate him so that was so amazing for me to discover.. i bet there are still secretes to be found.. but im just getting tired of the bugs i Actually already posted in some posts about the Amount of Bugs i found.. i even had to delete dont know more then 5 games since the update becouse if i try to load anything old.. bunch of crazy stuff happens most comon is the Strange Ox Rage Bug.. crazy thing.. BTW sorry for the Poor English thats not my main language so im trying my best.. It's fine pal. You finished it 7 times, that is WAY more than the average player, and don't worry about the future of the game. Larian always supports their games for a time, and I am sure more content is in the pipeline. I hope you have diagnostics turned on, the way you try stuff in your game (like with halsin and the thieflings) could give Larian very useful debug information!
Last edited by Draganta; 20/10/23 08:53 AM.
Joined: Oct 2023
Thanks Man i will be ok.. but Yeah i Love Test and Try out all crazy things.. huahauha i already find many other Unique and Crazys stuffs yu can do in this game.. Like in Act 2 Char gountlet yu can defeat pretty easy the dude Necro.. RS Best advice ever. Never JUST Never finish the quest after going back there to Slay him.. yu will thank me later..RS (AND if yu have high Charima just take his brother for yu along the way yu will understand when the time comes.. lol) Charima based characters are the True Chads in this game trust me.. yu can actually do anything yu wish almost.. (it was like playing New Vegas. yeah im old..RS) True RPG>> Best Multi i did so far was Classic Sorlock with 2 Fighter for action Surge was my Durge.. haha man i felt like a Demigod by endgame Raphael and Sarevok almost cry with me. Fighterlock (classic HEXABLADE i love on TableTop so.) True Magic Trickster (3 thief,9 Mage go with the school yu want but for power real power the one that is the same as gale is the best so far) and i used this build on Astarion too but i always go in Necro for him.. feels better Palock (Want to be a Deathknight ? go for it.) Sorsadin (The True light bringer. lol)
Last edited by Thorvic; 20/10/23 10:24 AM.
Joined: Aug 2015
Thanks Man i will be ok.. but Yeah i Love Test and Try out all crazy things.. huahauha i already find many other Unique and Crazys stuffs yu can do in this game.. Like in Act 2 Char gountlet yu can defeat pretty easy the dude Necro.. RS Best advice ever. Never JUST Never finish the quest after going back there to Slay him.. yu will thank me later..RS (AND if yu have high Charima just take his brother for yu along the way yu will understand when the time comes.. lol) Charima based characters are the True Chads in this game trust me.. yu can actually do anything yu wish almost.. (it was like playing New Vegas. yeah im old..RS) True RPG>> Best Multi i did so far was Classic Sorlock with 2 Fighter for action Surge was my Durge.. haha man i felt like a Demigod by endgame Raphael and Sarevok almost cry with me. Fighterlock (classic HEXABLADE i love on TableTop so.) True Magic Trickster (3 thief,9 Mage go with the school yu want but for power real power the one that is the same as gale is the best so far) and i used this build on Astarion too but i always go in Necro for him.. feels better Palock (Want to be a Deathknight ? go for it.) Sorsadin (The True light bringer. lol) hehe awesome. I am starting my second tactician play as a monk/barbarian, but in the beginning it's very weak, every fight is so hard I have to cheese :P I will try the things you said, I love a good surprise!
Joined: Sep 2023
You sound really like a troll ...... but you aren't ..... a virtual reality has unlimited degrees of freedom and game developers are only scratching the surface. Larian are trying to go for fairly deep character interactions, so that is probably why they haven't granted your wish of a uniform party of 4 Dragonborn.
Joined: Mar 2020
After hotfix 8, everything worked fine. After hotfix 9, the game crashes when I load a save file (at 60% each time) Anyone else getting this issue?
Joined: Aug 2015
So what? We can now change the hair and genitals of the hirelings? But still we can't make a party of 4 dragonborn, 4 dwarves or just in general have what is commonly known as "customizable companions"? Are you guys f****** serious right now? Who ever wanted "semi-customizable" vessel hirelings? Why is it so hard for Larian to implement a simple choice of having fully customizable and sentient companions, like most other cRPG's in the history of cRPG's have? I seriously feel like the developers are trolling the fanbase with these ridiculous restrictions. Even the mods that allowed one to create custom companions, seem to no longer work since patch 3. Why can't we just get to play the game like we want to? It's not hard to implement at all. Seriously: Who is benefiting from this?
Honestly I am at a point where I am no longer interested in playing this game. This trolling of the fanbase has just gone too far. Jesus christ, what a way to exaggerate this small thing. I heard nobody wanting this in the older Baldurs Gate games, or in the Original Sin games, or most other rpgs. When will you finally accept that if that minor thing is a big deal for you, it is time to move on to an other game? This is clearly not your game. Go play something else, instead of throwing a childish tantrum here and name calling other people. So pathetic.
Joined: Nov 2023
finally some errors that needed to be solved! Thank you!! (Now repair Astarion's scenes please) Bumping this, we need patch 3 scenes back!
Joined: Nov 2023
We need all things from Patch 3 back!
We need:
- The scenes back in the right places. I found several ciutscenes, triggered in the wrong locations. - The romance animations back from Gale, Astarion, Wyll, Shadowheart, all of them! - The Companion banmters with NPCs, li8ke Gale vs Lorroakan Gandrel in Undercity acting like a flamoing fist accusing you of crime is the biggest failure - We need the "Not found" Dialogue options on Astarion and Gale fixed - We need party banters back, my party is often mute since patch 4
Just a few examples. I personally would rather want patch 3 back until Patch 4 is properly working.
Last edited by Rebel Moon; 06/11/23 12:39 PM.
Bard of Suzail
Bard of Suzail
Joined: Oct 2020
Can you verify which platform you are on for the issues your having. I am on PC and not having these issues. Jesus christ, what a way to exaggerate this small thing. I heard nobody wanting this in the older Baldurs Gate games, or in the Original Sin games, or most other rpgs. When will you finally accept that if that minor thing is a big deal for you, it is time to move on to an other game? This is clearly not your game. Go play something else, instead of throwing a childish tantrum here and name calling other people. So pathetic. We are walking an edge here with this, please stop all personal directed responses with attacks, also stop general attacks. Let's keep this under control/
Last edited by Zentu; 06/11/23 02:05 PM.