So what? We can now change the hair and genitals of the hirelings? But still we can't make a party of 4 dragonborn, 4 dwarves or just in general have what is commonly known as "customizable companions"? Are you guys f****** serious right now? Who ever wanted "semi-customizable" vessel hirelings? Why is it so hard for Larian to implement a simple choice of having fully customizable and sentient companions, like most other cRPG's in the history of cRPG's have? I seriously feel like the developers are trolling the fanbase with these ridiculous restrictions. Even the mods that allowed one to create custom companions, seem to no longer work since patch 3. Why can't we just get to play the game like we want to? It's not hard to implement at all. Seriously: Who is benefiting from this?
Honestly I am at a point where I am no longer interested in playing this game. This trolling of the fanbase has just gone too far.
Jesus christ, what a way to exaggerate this small thing. I heard nobody wanting this in the older Baldurs Gate games, or in the Original Sin games, or most other rpgs. When will you finally accept that if that minor thing is a big deal for you, it is time to move on to an other game? This is clearly not your game. Go play something else, instead of throwing a childish tantrum here and name calling other people. So pathetic.