Joined: Nov 2023
Sure, DOSII was really very hard in HM (Kemm vs Arhu, Adramahlik or Alisceon f.e) but BG3 is really hard in tactician if you don't spam F5~F9 to optimize results (or reload after your group didn't deal enough damages). For a more difficult game in Tactician, LARIAN just have to desactivate F5/F9 we can spam without limit in any situation (middle of a fight, cutscenes included, before a dice-rolls...). For gameplay, global difficulty (in any mode), and credibilty of game achievements, it's TOTALY senseless. @who_want_a_harder_game : try to make a run only saving when you quit, only reload when your entire group RiP, accepting failures, and do the last fight only helped by 2 invoked heroes (cause you missed quite all with your low persuasion/charisma habilities) and come back posting here 
Joined: Jul 2022
I did the hole run without any reload you can chek by yourself. Also I had 24 charisma + friends +proficiency and I failed kind of 20+ times.
Halsin never came to my camp thieflings left w/o party. The gnomes and all thieflings died Damion died. The little gnome girl blowed on me the smoke powder I failed to ascend. And the list is almost endless. But I still did it without a great effort I made a lot of mistakes. I got two huge bugs in the run when I falled down do a geometry bug and when I started to fly in baldur's gate. I needed to load back because I had to. But out of that it was not needed at all.
I actually believe if I whould prepare with companions I would not fail any of those dialog checks. I mostly failed because I had only 6 or something inspiration in the full run.
Joined: Nov 2023
@zozo : that was just a "generic reply" concerning that question I did my first run in Tactician, the second was far easier (same with lots of failures) I aleady know what will happen : so what is the solution ?
Last edited by Savalfer; 11/11/23 11:42 AM.
Joined: Dec 2020
I think what the solo runs really show is that larian broke 5e - which we know. And I don't see them fixing this - ever. A harder difficulty will probably bump up number of foes and AC etc - but the fundamental issues remain because they'd have to overhaul the game mechanics and all encounters. If they applied rules like item attunement, reduced powerful magic to normal limits, did away with elixirs or overpowered potions, enforced scroll usage by class, incl checks to use them etc - I suspect a lot of the 'ease' would vanish. It still boggles my mind that they ignored all this in EA....it was pointed out again and again. But that would be wildly unpopular and many people would not tolerate such a radical change to the way the game plays, esp. since it would break many of their builds. I doubt things will change much, so I think people will be disappointed.
Joined: Nov 2023
This is like complaining that a puzzle is too easy if you already know the solution. Fully understanding the mechanics of a game is bound to make it easy, unless heavy RNG or reflexes are involved. Even if there was a difficulty that required rigorous minmaxing to complete it, once you know exactly how to do it, there is no challenge in following the required steps. Luckily you can always make your own custom challenge. Like beating the game with a solo level 1 cleric using only a salami as weapon, or something like that. But don't ask for the removal of the tools that make the game doable for the "filthy casuals" who don't have the time and resources to fully learn all the obscure game mechanics.
Bard of Suzail
Bard of Suzail
Joined: Oct 2020
I think what the solo runs really show is that larian broke 5e - which we know. And I don't see them fixing this - ever. A harder difficulty will probably bump up number of foes and AC etc - but the fundamental issues remain because they'd have to overhaul the game mechanics and all encounters. If they applied rules like item attunement, reduced powerful magic to normal limits, did away with elixirs or overpowered potions, enforced scroll usage by class, incl checks to use them etc - I suspect a lot of the 'ease' would vanish. It still boggles my mind that they ignored all this in EA....it was pointed out again and again. But that would be wildly unpopular and many people would not tolerate such a radical change to the way the game plays, esp. since it would break many of their builds. I doubt things will change much, so I think people will be disappointed. Well said and go even further: - Turn off Repsec
- increasing attributes over 18 should be harder. You need two points, or is it three to move from 16 to 17 in creation, the same should apply to latter attribute movement.
Joined: Oct 2021
Try playing without using the Alt key. Talk about hard.
Joined: Jul 2022
I am making a new series with dark urge and on the top of those self rules what I had I a forbid to use elixirs. I will also try to use minimal long resting. But i am playing as the so called worst class "druid" as a durge.
Also I am capturing it on SteamDeck so I am not so sure how the quality will be. But is someone interested let me know. Whit out intrest I will not post it here because I don't want to pick a figth with any moderator.
Last edited by ZOZO1006; 11/11/23 06:34 PM.
Joined: Aug 2020
But i am playing as the so called worst class "druid" as a durge. Uh, in what world is druid the worst class in the game? Buggiest maybe, if you go moon with myrmidon forms, but worst? Moon druid imho outperforms fighters. People just seem to be sleeping on it. And spore druid is the ultimate necromancer of the game, just broken. Straight up broken. And land druid makes for the ultimate caster if built right. Honestly, I don't quite know what I would call the worst class in the game, wild magic barbarian maybe, then again if you get lucky with wild magic surge... Also I am capturing it on SteamDeck so I am not so sure how the quality will be. But is someone interested let me know. Honestly, I'd love to see it. 
Volunteer Moderator
Volunteer Moderator
Joined: Feb 2022
Totally fine with posting vids that are purely gameplay if others are interested (and it seems they are!).
I'd just suggest that if there's a series, please create a separate thread specifically for them. You can post a link to that thread here, if it relates to the topic, but does mean that those who are interested in this thread's subject but not watching gameplay vids don't have to hunt for the discussion.
"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"
Joined: Jul 2022
So I tried but it's simply it just don't want to work. I recorded 2 times 1.5 hours it saved. I watched them everything looked fine. I went to YouTube to upload and suddenly both of them had 0kb file sizes. I am not so pro with SteamDeck.
I think for this I need some kind of capture device.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
First of all, I want to say I appreciate the work you've done and time you spent on making and posting these video's very much. There is no better way to show your point. Great job.
It's a lot to go through however, and from the start I was especially curious to see you handle the Githyanki patrol in chapter 1. This is one of the hardest encounters in the first part IMO, because, if they got the initiativeI had at least one member down before I even had the chance to act. When I found the clip, your PC was already much more powerful than I would imagine. Where did you get these spears from that do so much damage ? Even La'zel whacking with the everburning sword didn't do so much damage in my plays. And I searched all of the surface, even Ethel's place before facing the Githyanki... And then.... picking up a guy in armor and throwing from the scaffold. Really ? Yea well the game allows it, but really ? And then complain that it's not hard enough ? I think we can consider this a bug also, unless you drank a hill giant strength potion.
So I tried to backup in time to find out where you got these weapons and armor from and that's where things get difficult as it's very hard to trace back these kinds of things. However, I came upon the fight in the marshes against the mud mephits. Your PC jumped on a rock and none of the mephits nor Wood Woads could reach him. They just hung there while Astarion shot them down one after the other. That's clearly a bug you were abusing, right ? And how did you know that on that particular stone you'd be safe. So yea I think that there was some cheesiness involved here. Why didn't you descend from that rock and fight them in earnest to really measure the difficulty of the fight ?
I started my 2nd PT about 3 weeks ago, and when I came in this spot, I wanted to check this thing out and it was impossible for me to jump on that stone, so it looks like that bug was repaired meanwhile.
Please don't take this comment wrong. You showed in all honesty how the game becomes too easy. It's not an easy task to watch it completely , though I would really like to know how in the seven hells you got 32 AC, and it is difficult to skip and find the parts that show exactly where you got your power. But it does look like you made use of foreknowledge of bugs and weaknesses of the game, right ? So a new level of difficulty won't help much, unless these bugs and weaknesses are eliminated first. Like the mephit scene would just have taken maybe twice as long to shoot them all down from that unassailable rock if there was a hard level where they had intrinsically twice as many HP and higher AC and could do more damage, but still couldn't reach you anyway. This kind of sounds like, "I see you can beat it using your tactics, but can you beat it using my tactics?" Regarding the Mud Mephits, for instance, using the terrain effectively isn't a bug. It's being smart about how you're engaging the enemy. Also, it's not a bug. If you couldn't get on that stone, it was probably because your strength was too low. I occasionally have characters misty step there during that fight. Not always, but sometimes. A big part of the game (from a tactical point of view) is reading what the equipment does and figuring out how to use it effectively. Some things synergize well. I would say that's more paying attention than relying on exploits and bugs. I did not intend it to sound like that, but on retroespect, I think your conclusion is not wrong. I'd rephrase it maybe as, "I see you can beat it using your tactics and you find it no fun anymore, but can you have fun again using other tactics ?" (not necessarily mine.) The game offers different solutions to the different challenges. If combat is your preferred one, I understand you prefer to stick with it. I hope Larian will provide a satisfactory combat difficulty in the future for the many who request it . Personally I would like them to provide more camp-scene cutscenes and a rewrite of some parts of the story to remove inconsistensies and gaps. I don't suppose I'll get that. Maybe it's because the game is so rich and so good that we want it to be perfect for us.
Last edited by ldo58; 11/11/23 08:14 PM.
Joined: Aug 2023
Try solo tactician if you're finishing doing normal playthrough. Alot of fun and very challenging. You need really good gear synergy, alot of consumables, positioning, buffs, debuffs, etc. It's basically BG3 'souls-like'.
Last edited by Killton; 11/11/23 09:11 PM.
Joined: Nov 2023
And for those ppl hou are reporting me I ask 1 questions. If had the opportunity to go to an ice shop and there are only lemon vanil and caramel ice. And someone in the line ask next time can we have chocolate too???? Why is that a physical pain for you???? Dos it hurt??? That someone can eat chocolate???? I honestly don't know what to say. And the fact that someone convinced the moderator is mind blowing. For a more difficult game in Tactician, LARIAN just have to desactivate F5/F9 we can spam without limit in any situation (middle of a fight, cutscenes included, before a dice-rolls...). For gameplay, global difficulty (in any mode), and credibilty of game achievements, it's TOTALY senseless. As you can see, these two statements clearly clash with one another, and this is just the latest example of this happening. It's perfectly fine if you want to have chocolate if they aren't offering it. But more than a few posters have been talking about turning every flavor into a cosmopolitan. And the statements talking about affecting global difficult on all levels to make things harder have not been called out. I have no problem with people wanting a new hardcode mode. Live it to your hearts desire, but keep it to that mode. Leave those that enjoy explorer or balanced mode out of it.
Joined: Sep 2022
I suggest playing Baldur's Gate 2 for a more complete, challenging, and limits imposing experience for a mature audience who do not mind not having "quality of life xxx" stuffed everywhere. And with Larian, it is only going to get worst. View it as...a sequel to BG3 in terms of difficulty and world immersion. BG3 is pretty much the "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" of the Baldur's Gate series.
The way BG3 was designed and made, no way in hell its going to get any harder. Unless you impose HARD LIMITS, which modern casual gamers HATE. There is just too much in this game! (OP items, items in general, camping/rest, EXP, quality of life stuff like unlimited inventory slots/instant travel/full info minimap..., OP options for EVERY specs etc...). This usually leads Larian to the easy way out rabbit hole of just buffing creature stats and numbers...
Last edited by Count Turnipsome; 12/11/23 03:45 AM.
It just reminded me of the bowl of goat's milk that old Winthrop used to put outside his door every evening for the dust demons. He said the dust demons could never resist goat's milk, and that they would always drink themselves into a stupor and then be too tired to enter his room..
Joined: Aug 2014
Adding a harder difficulty mode that just, again, increases enemy stats would be counter-productive. All it would accomplish would be to force the player to use the most OP nonsensical MC builds and resort to Illithid Powers, whether it makes roleplay sense or not. It would just limit your options. I wouldn't touch such a mode.
I'm already really annoyed with tactician. There's nothing tactical about it. You can go all-in in every single encounter with reckless abandon. Enemies just have more HP, an arbitrary attack bonus, and they focus fire Gale more.
Having a Long Rest cost double food means nothing. And if you actually run out of supplies, which is impossible, it would just be an inconvenience to go get more. Camp Supplies is not a real game mechanic and I'm flabbergasted the devs are completely unable to make Long Rest work in any meaningful way. The entire 5e system is designed around that. They should make an effort.
Last edited by 1varangian; 12/11/23 01:59 PM.
Joined: Mar 2020
I made an overhaul new thread about Difficulty here for greater visibility because it's a real wall of text that I think is quite exaustive: https://forums.larian.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=922161#Post922161I think there's plenty to talk about.
Last edited by DaKatarn; 12/11/23 03:12 PM.
He who breaks a thing to understand what it is, has left the path of reason.
Joined: Jul 2022
But i am playing as the so called worst class "druid" as a durge. Uh, in what world is druid the worst class in the game? Buggiest maybe, if you go moon with myrmidon forms, but worst? Moon druid imho outperforms fighters. People just seem to be sleeping on it. And spore druid is the ultimate necromancer of the game, just broken. Straight up broken. Honestly i think you are rigth about it but not because of necromancy. I never played spore but I just found out that he can regenerate the temporary hp. Effective he became for me a troll whit out any downside. This class is insane. I think effectively around the end game its possible to gain like 20+ temporary hp / turn w/o dooing anything. Multiclassing can have even more brutal impact on this class.
Last edited by ZOZO1006; 13/11/23 12:39 PM.
Joined: Nov 2023
And for those ppl hou are reporting me I ask 1 questions. If had the opportunity to go to an ice shop and there are only lemon vanil and caramel ice. And someone in the line ask next time can we have chocolate too???? Why is that a physical pain for you???? Dos it hurt??? That someone can eat chocolate???? I honestly don't know what to say. And the fact that someone convinced the moderator is mind blowing. For a more difficult game in Tactician, LARIAN just have to desactivate F5/F9 we can spam without limit in any situation (middle of a fight, cutscenes included, before a dice-rolls...). For gameplay, global difficulty (in any mode), and credibilty of game achievements, it's TOTALY senseless. As you can see, these two statements clearly clash with one another, and this is just the latest example of this happening. It's perfectly fine if you want to have chocolate if they aren't offering it. But more than a few posters have been talking about turning every flavor into a cosmopolitan. And the statements talking about affecting global difficult on all levels to make things harder have not been called out. I have no problem with people wanting a new hardcode mode. Live it to your hearts desire, but keep it to that mode. Leave those that enjoy explorer or balanced mode out of it. Sorry : no problem with Easy/Narrative modes. "Unlimited saving/loading" just ask questions about hazard/consequenses/credibility in a dice-rolls-game, but it's just a personal opinion. "F5/F9" : you need to score 20 then 25 then 30 to succeed a dialog. With one save after each good try and xx reloads after each fail, you can success everything with any character (20 = auto-success). This bias can help to bypass many critical situations/combats, making Tactician Mode easier and summerize BG3 to an ultra-opti-combat-classes game : GodKillers solo-dismember bosses in one turn of absurd numbers of attacks/damages dealed. As said @MalacPok "problem is probably a puzzle we already know the solution". But balance is obviously a real problem in BG3 Tactician actualy.
Last edited by Savalfer; 13/11/23 01:09 PM.
Joined: Sep 2017
Who are the people talking about you need to save and re-load every fight for Tactician? Lmfao, that is 100% untrue.
I've beat the game on Tactician (not solo) with just a party of 4. Using no pre-buff or pre-fight cheese and just good itemization, I didn't lose any fights or have not to save spam at all. The fights are so easy in part because Larian has enemies in Act 3 with 11 AC, 13 AC and low high points.
The enemy AI is dumb with their turns still too. So many pointless Misty Step or teleportations for small distances, running into AOO for no reason just to run back to initial spot, poor tactics, and bad enemy design.
You do not need to save spam at all to beat the game in Tactician nor do you need to spam long rests.
If anyone is talking about they beat Tactician but they long rested after every fight or spammed save, then they're not really at Tactician level and used that as a crutch.