Originally Posted by Ixal
As long as we are railroaded into helping the emperor he will suck as it also means he must stay a empty shell so that he is compatible with everything, no matter hiw well this is explained. And as long as Larian wants to keep their consequence free tadpole superpowers we will be stuck with the emperor.

Daisy at least promised conflict and meaningful decisions. The Emperor has none of that.
It's deeply ironic if the tadpole powers remained just as unpopular of a mechanic despite the idea being that the Emperor and them being consequence-free was supposed to make them more appealing.

They are pushed much too hard as "something you will absolutely need to survive" when the game is a cakewalk even without them, while someone playing a tadpole-abstinent character will reject them on principle, and the way they are obtained and generally implemented clashes too strongly with the game's (granted, already rather unfaithful) attempts at recreating a 5e (and D&D in general) experience.

Now, if certain moments (like the colony in Act 2) changed depending on your state of parasite attunement, or if your degree of consumption affected your base values (say, a +1 to Intelligence and Wisdom per every few tadpoles, enhanced saves, higher attack) were the game actually difficult enough to warrant wanting to resort to tadpoles (and having consequences for doing so), it'd be a different story. Otherwise you have an allegedly dangerous condition which you are encouraged to indulge in for the heck of it. I guess it's a modern lifestyle thing, so it fits with the rest of the less-than-impressive bits of writing the game has.