Oh nice, it's Nyloth! I love your vids and shorts with ascended Astarion! laugh

Originally Posted by Nyloth
Astarion, judging by his phrases, loves drow and is not afraid of them. But I would like more answers with the drow tag for Astarion, because he is an elf.

That's great, because I was worried he might have something against female drow. The only time I remember him mention the race was when I was looking through alternative options when talking about saving my drow buddy Nere. There were definitely not enough tags.

Originally Posted by Nyloth
I want you to notice that after Ascension, all the player's dialogues are negative or stupid. The dialogue after Ascension should be reworked, especially the answer to the question "what do you want". I should be able to answer "nothing" or "to make you happy" or "to be with you." I find the options "your body" or "being a vampire" strange. The other two options are negative and aggressive. (...) If you have a relationship with Ascended Astarion, then you do not have a neutral reaction to his behavior. It's as if you're a disgruntled kind character again, or a stupid evil character who doesn't care about Astarion.

Exactly! I mentioned that in the OP. Honestly, it feels like the game is judging me by assuming I ascended him only for his powers and to have reward sex. The only alternative is telling him you're basicly disappointed in him. It took me a lot of time reloading to check the dialogues and staring at the screen not knowing what to do because I didn't want to pick any of the options. Eventually, I settled for 'I hoped you learned to love me' to make the exchange have a tiny semblance of romanticism.

Originally Posted by Nyloth
You can also breakup with Ascended Astarion in this dialogue and the next scene in four different ways. Do you know what I want? So that you can breakup with spawn. You can't leave the graveyard scene. You can't say to Astarion, "No, I'm not going anywhere with you." It's not fair. Why can't I say no to him? I literally can't give up the graveyard scene. it's very strange.

That's a very good point! You can roleplay your character to be terrified of ascended Astarion's attitude and be disgusted with him but can't for example roleplay losing interest in spawn Astarion because suddenly he's too soft and human for their liking and they wanted an edgy, seductive vampire, being a pragmatist who only helped him so Cazador's lackeys never stalk your group again, or persuaded him out of ascension because they didn't want to have a potential powerful enemy if things turned sour, or an obsessive vampire lord lover harassing them Imhotep from "The Mummy" style breaking into their room at night trying to turn them into his spawn, etc.

Originally Posted by DarkAngelBeckons
He wants it all, & I want it all. Please make his romance better. The kisses as of patch 4, not even a traumatized vampire would be this middle school. Plus this is an 18+ game, please give us better & more mature sex scenes, hugs, kisses, the whole thing (I like the toggle option idea because even as a woman, I do not mind a more graphic sex scene. I am not a flowers and chocolates type of woman.). Astarion says he wants it all. Either way, the story goes, make it worthy of him, because there are a lot of us out there that were drawn to him to begin with.

Wholeheartedly agree! I would like to see more content and improvements for both paths.