Originally Posted by Ieldra2
Originally Posted by t1mekill3r
Originally Posted by Brainer
Now, if certain moments (like the colony in Act 2) changed depending on your state of parasite attunement

It would have been so nice if we saw some things differently, or could interact with more things in the colony if we had consumed some tadpoles.

Regarding Daisy, I never thought I was supposed to be tricked into trusting it. I was going to do at least a couple playthroughs - one using the powers and one without them, with different characters whose personalities fit the decisions.

No, you, as the player, weren't supposed to be tricked that way, but with Daisy, you could roleplay a character who was, quite literally, being seduced into using the tadpoles. You can play such a character without feeling stupid, because we all know sex can make even the best of us do stupid, self-destructive things. Meanwhile, the Emperor wants to convince us of the reasonableness of using the tadpoles, which...it plainly isn't, and in order to do it nonetheless you'd have to be either the dumbass of the century or reckless to the point of insanity. Thus, the Emperor's suggestions always come across as suspicious to anyone with INT or WIS of 8 or greater. But if you play that way consistently, the game "rewards" you by being forced into mind-flayer-ness. Yuck. Well, you or someone else on your side, but thematically, it makes no difference.

Yea that's what I meant. But people say Daisy was changed to the Emperor because players didn't trust it, which was surprising to me, because of course you wouldn't trust it, but you can rp someone who wants what it's selling.