Larian Banner: Baldur's Gate Patch 9
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Originally Posted by Bethra
I'm sure Larian had their reasons for releasing the game when they did but perhaps the solution would have been an ending slide saying 'to be continued'? Just a thought.

In the first iterations of EA there was a video wall at the end with Swen Vincke basically saying thanks, that's all for now, lot more to come, hope you enjoyed it so far. When I went through the ending of the release version that video wall popped up in my mind again.

What I think is they are, more than anyone, aware that this game isn't finished yet. But for unknown reasons they absolutely dislike transparent communication whatsoever. What are their plans? How did they come to make the decisions around story, characters, gameplay and so on?

Instead they try to respond to the community by releasing features and fixes. It's just that, no matter how hard they work now, the developers cannot meet expectations raised by flawed or lack of communication and a premature release ("17000 endings", "everything is in the game as planned long time ago"). In fact it's backfiring hard as serious bugs are released with every patch.

Give us a post release PFH already (or any other forum really) with an AMA from the community and disclose your future plans around BG3. Talk to us.

- You are one of us now. - Yes, I suppose I am.
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It's par for the course with larian, I actually thought it was there best ending yet. Not that it's good per se just that they are normally awful.

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Originally Posted by Staunton
But for unknown reasons they absolutely dislike transparent communication whatsoever. What are their plans? How did they come to make the decisions around story, characters, gameplay and so on?

Instead they try to respond to the community by releasing features and fixes. It's just that, no matter how hard they work now, the developers cannot meet expectations raised by flawed or lack of communication and a premature release ("17000 endings", "everything is in the game as planned long time ago"). In fact it's backfiring hard as serious bugs are released with every patch.

Give us a post release PFH already (or any other forum really) with an AMA from the community and disclose your future plans around BG3. Talk to us.
Now this I can agree with. Is there any way we can get this request through to them? There is no communication happening and I don't think a post-release PFH is likely. They sure like to interact on Twitter, but they're mostly just retweeting fan art/content.

Minthara bug list, updated for Hotfix #22.
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Originally Posted by rendemption
Originally Posted by Staunton
But for unknown reasons they absolutely dislike transparent communication whatsoever. What are their plans? How did they come to make the decisions around story, characters, gameplay and so on?

Instead they try to respond to the community by releasing features and fixes. It's just that, no matter how hard they work now, the developers cannot meet expectations raised by flawed or lack of communication and a premature release ("17000 endings", "everything is in the game as planned long time ago"). In fact it's backfiring hard as serious bugs are released with every patch.

Give us a post release PFH already (or any other forum really) with an AMA from the community and disclose your future plans around BG3. Talk to us.
Now this I can agree with. Is there any way we can get this request through to them? There is no communication happening and I don't think a post-release PFH is likely. They sure like to interact on Twitter, but they're mostly just retweeting fan art/content.
From what I heard, they never communicate or announce anything unless it's right before the launch. Which is especially sad for me, because Red Hook is quite close to my heart and their co-owner literally goes through Darkest Dungeon reddit and talks to the fans, answers their questions or hints future stuff

Last edited by Stray Cat; 09/11/23 10:01 PM.
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Originally Posted by Staunton
Instead they try to respond to the community by releasing features and fixes. It's just that, no matter how hard they work now, the developers cannot meet expectations raised by flawed or lack of communication and a premature release ("17000 endings", "everything is in the game as planned long time ago"). In fact it's backfiring hard as serious bugs are released with every patch.

I watched a Mortismal "100% Review" vid earlier and he addressed the '17,000 endings' - he reckoned there were about "half a dozen" endings.

I'm reminded of Terry Pratchett's Discworld novel Moving Pictures with its "1,000 elephants" which is a nod to Cecile B De Mille's "100 camels".

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Originally Posted by Bethra
I don't mind the bugs and the technical issues - those can be fixed and almost certainly will be.
What I am most upset about is how towards the end of Act 3 the narrative ceases to matter, choices railroaded
eg: emperor 180, why do we need another mindflayer (and if we must why can't we use Omeluum) it's plain dumb, especially if you plan to use Gales bomb, companion dialogues and quests hinting at better resolutions that never occur (steel watch and Karlach, Book of Thay for Astarion),
suddenly we're all on a straight line to a finish that doesn't allow for player choice in a game which in Act 1 and 2 was full of meaningful player interactions.

So we get to the end and in all honesty it's the worst ending to a story driven game I have ever come across - because it isn't an ending.

An ending is the end scenes in Witcher 3 Blood and Wine, sitting in your vineyard with the love of your life (or your best friend) discusing plans and hopes when you already know the outcomes for your friends and the world you have interacted with from ending slides just prior.
An ending is the end slides from BG2 or even the party scene from Act 1 of this game.
An ending is knowing what your companions and friends plan to do next and whether or not you will be a part of it. Where are Scratch and the Owlbear and who is feeding them? We're the de facto guardian of a small child and her cat - who is looking after them if we are now Illithid or dead or swanning around trying to get killed in Avernus?
I'll give us 10 mins real time tops as soon as Zariel hears about it btw, In my game at least Wyll isn't the blade of Avernus as he is not pacted and in any case Mizura won't likely back him against Zariel, why on earth would she? So 3 normal, if skilled, people against the entirety of Zariels legions in a hostile environment? Come off it
You know what an ending isn't?
Watching your lover run off burning and not being able to go after him, we can't even react to it - all completely unecessary as it was sunset
2 minutes of nondescript and unromantic chat to your romance partner from 8 feet away - some time later.
And some random NPC saluting some random statue.

Ok so thats what I am concerned about. But to my mind at least some of that, at the least some ending slides, should have been in the game at release. I hope some of it will be in this mythological definitive edition but I'm not actually holding my breath.

My solution?

I just stop playing before the end sequence even starts so I don't have to deal with the soul crushing it generates because the love of my life in this game is unascended Astarion and the chances of Larian getting off their 'Poignant' streak and giving me a scene similar to sitting in my vineyard with Astarion (or equivalent thereof for Karlach or any other possibility we may have had as a love interest) seem to be non existant at the moment. I'm hoping I'm wrong but it is what it is, and maybe given time modders can take up the slack.

BTW I don't think complaining about a non existant ending is entitled in any way. It's not at all unreasonable to have expected a proper story ending in a story driven game you have paid full price for.
I'm sure Larian had their reasons for releasing the game when they did but perhaps the solution would have been an ending slide saying 'to be continued'? Just a thought.

100% couldn't have said it better myself, except for 1 point: I have seen one game that was worse on release... Mass Effect 3. On release it was PURE SHIT how Astarion would eloquently put it. You cannot compare BG3's shit ending to ME3's shit ending. Not even close baby. It was so shit on release I am happy that I forgot the finer details (which are still to be found on youtube... but I don't wanna go through reliving that crap ever again).

Not even CP2077 was that bad and yes it was bad, I played it once and uninstalled and not planning on reinstalling it, even if I was paid to replay it. Hell no.

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Joined: Nov 2023
Originally Posted by Nicottia
Originally Posted by Bethra
I don't mind the bugs and the technical issues - those can be fixed and almost certainly will be.
What I am most upset about is how towards the end of Act 3 the narrative ceases to matter, choices railroaded
eg: emperor 180, why do we need another mindflayer (and if we must why can't we use Omeluum) it's plain dumb, especially if you plan to use Gales bomb, companion dialogues and quests hinting at better resolutions that never occur (steel watch and Karlach, Book of Thay for Astarion),
suddenly we're all on a straight line to a finish that doesn't allow for player choice in a game which in Act 1 and 2 was full of meaningful player interactions.

So we get to the end and in all honesty it's the worst ending to a story driven game I have ever come across - because it isn't an ending.

An ending is the end scenes in Witcher 3 Blood and Wine, sitting in your vineyard with the love of your life (or your best friend) discusing plans and hopes when you already know the outcomes for your friends and the world you have interacted with from ending slides just prior.
An ending is the end slides from BG2 or even the party scene from Act 1 of this game.
An ending is knowing what your companions and friends plan to do next and whether or not you will be a part of it. Where are Scratch and the Owlbear and who is feeding them? We're the de facto guardian of a small child and her cat - who is looking after them if we are now Illithid or dead or swanning around trying to get killed in Avernus?
I'll give us 10 mins real time tops as soon as Zariel hears about it btw, In my game at least Wyll isn't the blade of Avernus as he is not pacted and in any case Mizura won't likely back him against Zariel, why on earth would she? So 3 normal, if skilled, people against the entirety of Zariels legions in a hostile environment? Come off it
You know what an ending isn't?
Watching your lover run off burning and not being able to go after him, we can't even react to it - all completely unecessary as it was sunset
2 minutes of nondescript and unromantic chat to your romance partner from 8 feet away - some time later.
And some random NPC saluting some random statue.

Ok so thats what I am concerned about. But to my mind at least some of that, at the least some ending slides, should have been in the game at release. I hope some of it will be in this mythological definitive edition but I'm not actually holding my breath.

My solution?

I just stop playing before the end sequence even starts so I don't have to deal with the soul crushing it generates because the love of my life in this game is unascended Astarion and the chances of Larian getting off their 'Poignant' streak and giving me a scene similar to sitting in my vineyard with Astarion (or equivalent thereof for Karlach or any other possibility we may have had as a love interest) seem to be non existant at the moment. I'm hoping I'm wrong but it is what it is, and maybe given time modders can take up the slack.

BTW I don't think complaining about a non existant ending is entitled in any way. It's not at all unreasonable to have expected a proper story ending in a story driven game you have paid full price for.
I'm sure Larian had their reasons for releasing the game when they did but perhaps the solution would have been an ending slide saying 'to be continued'? Just a thought.

100% couldn't have said it better myself, except for 1 point: I have seen one game that was worse on release... Mass Effect 3. On release it was PURE SHIT how Astarion would eloquently put it. You cannot compare BG3's shit ending to ME3's shit ending. Not even close baby. It was so shit on release I am happy that I forgot the finer details (which are still to be found on youtube... but I don't wanna go through reliving that crap ever again).

Not even CP2077 was that bad and yes it was bad, I played it once and uninstalled and not planning on reinstalling it, even if I was paid to replay it. Hell no.
Quite a different thing. Cyberpunk was bugged mess, so was (and still is but to a lesser extend) act 3 in BG3. Ending of ME3 was just peak of absolutely horrible writing that threw the entire trilogy to trash for the sake of attempted plot twist and dramatism. And while it's tolerable after extended cut, the biggest problem it created remained. The only thing BG3 is similar is that we don't see any aftermatch of our decision, like in ME3 original ending, but much of the act 3 content is simply bugged, it works horribly and is plagued by performance issues

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With respect... throwing decades worth of universe lore under the bus for the sake of nonsense last minute plot twists and sudden drama seems to be quite exactly what a lot of folks are complaining that BG3 is doing, too...

Joined: Oct 2023
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Well im actually telling this since 3.0 came out..
i beleave becouse i eat the F. Game too Fast i realized that shit earlier then most of people..haha

But Yeah.. Yu all are coming to the Same realization that i came when i beated the game in the Hero Path the 3 time..
Then i Went Back so Pissed Off with this Game that i Made more 5 games just to Slay, Betray and Kill Evrybody..
the Last two ones were Like Doomslayer Runs.. haha
One of then i even went with a Party of Hirelings and other Solo just to not Bother with Origins. haha

i just stop count at the F. 11 run. maybe i beated More.. dont know i just like to 100% stuff a lot and Test a bunch of Nit Picky details in games yeah im crazy.
but evry Patch they Release i go Back and Made Test Runs just to go in evry shit broken to test myself im that kinda of crazy.
and all of yu are not Wrong.. the Game is A Masterpiece only in act 1,2 the act 3 its incomplete, rushed and feels like a Slap in a Face when yu get to the endings..
and all of then are the Same..
Best advice i Can Gave yu its to only go as Evil and F. all of it.. its the only one that yu can atleast feel something..
i felt like i am Thanos and all this shit is Mine ..
and i was so pissed off that i liked a lot.haha lol

But i Wish yu all feels a Litle Bit Better..
becouse this shit its not cool at all..
and im feeling empty till this day.. and it sux..
so if at least this can easy your pain guys.. trust me..
yu are not Alone..
there are Planty of topics like this all around the Net. no Joke.

(if yu are curious just Take a Look Here.. there another 2 or 3 topics Just talking about it.. i posted in evry one of then i belave. haha)
some of then i even be called a Hatter or Super Harsh with the Game.. Becouse i Felt Just like yu Guys. haha
Funny Thing.

Btw: sorry for the Shitty english im old and that stuff its not that easy for me anymore..
i never wanted or wished to offend anybody..

Last edited by Thorvic; 10/11/23 06:17 AM.
Joined: Nov 2023
Joined: Nov 2023
Originally Posted by Niara
With respect... throwing decades worth of universe lore under the bus for the sake of nonsense last minute plot twists and sudden drama seems to be quite exactly what a lot of folks are complaining that BG3 is doing, too...
How exactly if I may ask? BG3 problem is that act 3 is barely playable and issues like Minthara's scenes not triggering or Gale romance ending persist through patches. Emperor vs Orpheus isn't the best story I experienced, but I don't think it throws the lore under the bus for the sake of plot twist. Other than that I can't think of anything that could be treated like cheap drama or retcon (Astarion's ending is questionable, fine, but that wouldn't be a problem with epilogues). And comparing it to the damn star brat that killed Mass Effect franchise is way too big stretch

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I think what they're talking about is:

1. The Emperor being Balduran, which I find to be a bit excessive and doesn't add much to his character, but the worst it does is retcon Balduran to being an Elf (or Half-Elf) than Human.

2. Durge kinda contradicts Bhaal's return to be a few decades earlier.

This post, which is a long read, goes into these two (and much more) in more details:

3. Viconia and Sarevok's mischaracterisations, seen more here:

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A good summary of many of the faults in BG3s story.

Last edited by Ixal; 10/11/23 10:08 AM.
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Spoilers for Dream guardian:

It just doesn't make sense to me that the Emporer, given who he is, would go over to the nether brain. He created the city, now he's gonna help destroy it? Seriously? Who thinks like that?

It's so illogical it's painful.

I could go on and on about the ending. There's no denouement at all, and every story needs a denouement.

I'm a writer/editor/writing teacher and omg do I ever want to sit whoever wrote those end scenes down to a writing 101 class. Sheesh.

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Joined: Nov 2023
Originally Posted by KaelanRhy
It just doesn't make sense to me that the Emporer, given who he is, would go over to the nether brain. He created the city, now he's gonna help destroy it? Seriously? Who thinks like that?

It's so illogical it's painful.

Painful is exactly the right word. I usually don't care a lot about stories in video games, because they tend to be generic and predictable, but this managed to anger me. It was mind-numbingly stupid. And for what? Just so the game can throw another enemy at you in the final fight?
This game also just won a Best Storytelling Award. It really shows you the standards in this industry.

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Yuuup. And honestly, it currently probably *is* the best. They've raised the bar on a lot of facets of gaming and I really hope the other companies are paying attention.

The bar was so low they were releasing unfinished games and using the people who bought it as unpaid testing labour. I really hate that.

And yeah, BG3 has bugs, but soooo much works the way it's supposed to. They've got polyam options and I've been really wanting that for around a decade or more in CRPGs.

I think people forget how awesome the game actually was on full release, compared to other recent games. Larian did do a lot right. I just wish they'd hired a competent editor to catch eff ups like the emporer ridiculousness.

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Joined: Nov 2023
Even if you ignore the outright ridiculous twists, the main story is just another generic tale of EVIL monsters doing EVIL things for the sake of EVIL, because they are EVIL. People were (rightly) criticizing the endings of Mass Effect 3, but those at least raised some interesting questions. Here you get nothing thought provoking. The story of BG3 is so shallow, that I have trouble believing that there wasn't a game this year that told a better story.

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Joined: Aug 2023
Originally Posted by KaelanRhy
Spoilers for Dream guardian:

It just doesn't make sense to me that the Emporer, given who he is, would go over to the nether brain. He created the city, now he's gonna help destroy it? Seriously? Who thinks like that?

It's so illogical it's painful.

I could go on and on about the ending. There's no denouement at all, and every story needs a denouement.

I'm a writer/editor/writing teacher and omg do I ever want to sit whoever wrote those end scenes down to a writing 101 class. Sheesh.

I'd bet the biggest issue was a rush to release and hasty rewrite to fit that.

Writing in the earlier Acts was pretty good. That said, I don't get all the praise for the studio. There are plenty of games that were far superior on release in their time. BG3 is engaging but extremely rough.

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Joined: Aug 2023
Originally Posted by KaelanRhy
Yuuup. And honestly, it currently probably *is* the best. They've raised the bar on a lot of facets of gaming and I really hope the other companies are paying attention.

The bar was so low they were releasing unfinished games and using the people who bought it as unpaid testing labour. I really hate that.

And yeah, BG3 has bugs, but soooo much works the way it's supposed to. They've got polyam options and I've been really wanting that for around a decade or more in CRPGs.

I think people forget how awesome the game actually was on full release, compared to other recent games. Larian did do a lot right. I just wish they'd hired a competent editor to catch eff ups like the emporer ridiculousness.



Raised the bar? For what genre?


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Joined: Nov 2023
Originally Posted by KaelanRhy
Yuuup. And honestly, it currently probably *is* the best. They've raised the bar on a lot of facets of gaming and I really hope the other companies are paying attention.

The bar was so low they were releasing unfinished games and using the people who bought it as unpaid testing labour. I really hate that.

And yeah, BG3 has bugs, but soooo much works the way it's supposed to. They've got polyam options and I've been really wanting that for around a decade or more in CRPGs.

I think people forget how awesome the game actually was on full release, compared to other recent games. Larian did do a lot right. I just wish they'd hired a competent editor to catch eff ups like the emporer ridiculousness.

The "polyam options" is literally just an orgy. Plus, lesbians and straight men are excluded from this content, so I have no idea why this is being praised tbh lol They set the bar very low here, like clearly very little thought or effort was put into it.

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Joined: Nov 2023
Originally Posted by KaelanRhy
Yuuup. And honestly, it currently probably *is* the best. They've raised the bar on a lot of facets of gaming and I really hope the other companies are paying attention.

The bar was so low they were releasing unfinished games and using the people who bought it as unpaid testing labour. I really hate that.

And yeah, BG3 has bugs, but soooo much works the way it's supposed to. They've got polyam options and I've been really wanting that for around a decade or more in CRPGs.

I think people forget how awesome the game actually was on full release, compared to other recent games. Larian did do a lot right. I just wish they'd hired a competent editor to catch eff ups like the emporer ridiculousness.
Yes, that's the exact issue. Act 3 was barely playable on release (it's still performing poorly and is horribly bugged) and the game still doesn't have a proper ending with nothing more on the horizon coming up. And it's drowned in praises, awards and everyone wants GOTY award while calling it game of the decade if not greatest of all time. That's how low the bar is and just shows how much you can get away with today. It's sad at the very best

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