I want a pre-2001 gamer mode.
Limited slot inventory (this in my opinion is the single most FUN aspect of the old games! I like having to THINK about the gear I want to keep or need, instead of hording everything)
No minimaps.
Limited resting.
Remove ALL fast travel locations.
Remove 25% of all Magic items (the over powered or useless stuff). Remove ALL duplicates.
Remove 75% of potions and scrolls.
Increase all item prices by 200%.
Remove 25% of all gold in the world.
Proper creature stats and levels (increased)...why? :
BG3 Beholder(Spectator):
Level 5(???), just 4 ABILITIES and dark vision/opportunity attack.
BG2 Beholder:
Level 9
Has 9 ABILITIES! (Anti-Magic Ray , Serious Wound Ray, Paralysis Ray, Charm Person Ray, Fear Ray, Flesh to Stone Ray, Domination Ray, Slow Ray ,Death Ray). Has IMMUNITIES to 9 conditions (Backstab, Entangle, Grease ,Hold Creature, Paralyze, Power Word, Stun, Slow ,Stun, Web.) And 1 SPECIAL ability : Free action.
Casual modern gamers be like:

Something like that anyways. I know, Larian will never have the balls to do something like that. Some kind of "Retro BG" hard mode

I applaud Obsidian for doing something very similar to this in PoEII Deadfire.