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JandK Offline OP
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I've been hearing that there's a higher difficulty mode on the way.

It seems someone found a new achievement called Foehammer, which references completing the game in Honour Mode, which is basically finishing without save scumming, to my understanding. Apologies for not linking where this originates; I've simply heard it in passing. Perhaps someone here has more details?

Anyway, I'm hoping this is true. Have you heard anything about it?

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Honour Mode in Divinity Original Sin 2 was proper hardcore. BG3 Honour Mode would be insane, bring it on!

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I'm hoping it's more than just an ironman mode, but I doubt it.

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I'm hoping, they will fix the bugs the game has before adding a new difficulty. Still it isn't just a few bugs.

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Originally Posted by JandK
Apologies for not linking where this originates; I've simply heard it in passing. Perhaps someone here has more details?

It can be found under achivements in GOG galaxy, so I'll say that it's 100% sure we'll have a new diffficulty level. Can't tell if it's an (ironman) honour mode equivalent of DOS2, or just a new one.

Here's a cut from my goog galaxy achivements panel, it isn't hidden or anything so anyone with gog can see just entering in the achivements panels:

[Linked Image from]

Last edited by kharneth; 07/11/23 05:55 PM.
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Wonder why the name ‘foehammer’…

Also wonder how hirelings will be treated in honour mode. They all seem quite expendable. Astarion too.

Hopefully it’s not just ironman play on top of tactician mode, but a whole new difficulty level.

Hint for Larian: hostile Withers in Honour mode! No respecs, no hirelings.

Last edited by Wizbane; 07/11/23 06:20 PM.
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I hope to .
In act 2 I falled down to the texture and died.
If the game whould be 100% bug free honor mode mybe isn't so bad option.
But currently it's garbage. I also saw the new achievements for gog.

On the last 2-3 minutes I falled down from the lift into the casm do to a geometry bug. So in this case honor mod is bull.. S

Last edited by ZOZO1006; 08/11/23 11:49 AM.
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Originally Posted by ZOZO1006
On the last 2-3 minutes I falled down from the lift into the casm do to a geometry bug. So in this case honor mod is bull.. S

Every game has a lift that sooner or later kills you, don’t you know? It’s a feature not a bug.

But, well, honour mode solo would be self-imposed risk acceptance just like it is now, the solo restriction won’t be a supported variant I guess.

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Finally i will Have a reason to Make another Solo Run. Shit
Comon Gave me a Moonlight Blade and i will go nuts Larian..

Praise the Sun \0/

Last edited by Thorvic; 08/11/23 12:22 AM.
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Trivia: in Siege of Dragonspear there’s a quest named ‘Foehammer’s Blessing’.

So maybe the LotR reference is not the right one?

It’s Tempus in FR.

Last edited by Wizbane; 08/11/23 12:43 AM.
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LIke what @ZOZO1006 said.... I played only 2 playthrough's. 1 normal and 1 tactician and I mopped the floor with the game in tactician after knowing what to do and not do to. I'm not really interested in solo as it's just too long watching hours of just "misses" from the mobs until it's your turn. I'd much rather have a mega hardcore run, but not at the expense of bugs. Can't tell you how many times I died whereby the jump was clearly identified by the landing circle I was good... only to fall to my death. On a 1 save game, that would be unacceptable.

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old hand
old hand
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Originally Posted by Minscforlife
LIke what @ZOZO1006 said.... I played only 2 playthrough's. 1 normal and 1 tactician and I mopped the floor with the game in tactician after knowing what to do and not do to. I'm not really interested in solo as it's just too long watching hours of just "misses" from the mobs until it's your turn. I'd much rather have a mega hardcore run, but not at the expense of bugs. Can't tell you how many times I died whereby the jump was clearly identified by the landing circle I was good... only to fall to my death. On a 1 save game, that would be unacceptable.

Well, to make it really difficult and realastic they could remove the target circle from jump, so you can land anywhere near the pointer, or maybe land sooner if you can't jump far enough.
Do you want difficult or not ?

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Location: Athkatla
I want a pre-2001 gamer mode.

Limited slot inventory (this in my opinion is the single most FUN aspect of the old games! I like having to THINK about the gear I want to keep or need, instead of hording everything)
No minimaps.
Limited resting.
Remove ALL fast travel locations.
Remove 25% of all Magic items (the over powered or useless stuff). Remove ALL duplicates.
Remove 75% of potions and scrolls.
Increase all item prices by 200%.
Remove 25% of all gold in the world.

Proper creature stats and levels (increased)...why? :

BG3 Beholder(Spectator):
Level 5(???), just 4 ABILITIES and dark vision/opportunity attack.

BG2 Beholder:
Level 9
Has 9 ABILITIES! (Anti-Magic Ray , Serious Wound Ray, Paralysis Ray, Charm Person Ray, Fear Ray, Flesh to Stone Ray, Domination Ray, Slow Ray ,Death Ray). Has IMMUNITIES to 9 conditions (Backstab, Entangle, Grease ,Hold Creature, Paralyze, Power Word, Stun, Slow ,Stun, Web.) And 1 SPECIAL ability : Free action.

Casual modern gamers be like: jawdrop cry lol

Something like that anyways. I know, Larian will never have the balls to do something like that. Some kind of "Retro BG" hard mode smile
I applaud Obsidian for doing something very similar to this in PoEII Deadfire.

Last edited by Count Turnipsome; 08/11/23 12:52 PM.

It just reminded me of the bowl of goat's milk that old Winthrop used to put outside his door every evening for the dust demons. He said the dust demons could never resist goat's milk, and that they would always drink themselves into a stupor and then be too tired to enter his room..
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I'm also glad to hear about "new game mode" as the difficulty is completely ridiculous compared to the powerfull characters the game allow to build...
That said I'm absolutely NOT interrested in a 1 savegame mode. I just want combats to be more challenging without having to use a "tactician +" mod.

We told them during 3 years that the game was a lot too easy due to all these unbalanced mechanics...

Last edited by Maximuuus; 08/11/23 12:46 PM.

French Speaking Youtube Channel with a lot of BG3 videos :
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Originally Posted by Count Turnipsome
I want a pre-2001 gamer mode.

Limited slot inventory (this in my opinion is the single most FUN aspect of the old games! I like having to THINK about the gear I want to keep or need, instead of hording everything)
No minimaps.
Limited resting.
Remove ALL fast travel locations.
Remove 25% of all Magic items (the over powered or useless stuff). Remove ALL duplicates.
Remove 75% of potions and scrolls.
Increase all item prices by 200%.
Remove 25% of all gold in the world.

Proper creature stats and levels (increased)...why? :

BG3 Beholder(Spectator):
Level 5(???), just 4 ABILITIES and dark vision/opportunity attack.

BG2 Beholder:
Level 9
Has 9 ABILITIES! (Anti-Magic Ray , Serious Wound Ray, Paralysis Ray, Charm Person Ray, Fear Ray, Flesh to Stone Ray, Domination Ray, Slow Ray ,Death Ray). Has IMMUNITIES to 9 conditions (Backstab, Entangle, Grease ,Hold Creature, Paralyze, Power Word, Stun, Slow ,Stun, Web.) And 1 SPECIAL ability : Free action.

Casual modern gamers be like: jawdrop cry lol

Something like that anyways. I know, Larian will never have the balls to do something like that. Some kind of "Retro BG" hard mode smile
I applaud Obsidian for doing something very similar to this in PoEII Deadfire.
Originally Posted by Maximuuus
I'm also glad to hear about "new game mode" as the difficulty is completely ridiculous compared to the powerfull characters the game allow to build...
That said I'm absolutely NOT interrested in a 1 savegame mode. I just want combats to be more challenging without having to use a "tactician +" mod.

We told them during 3 years that the game was a lot too easy due to all these unbalanced mechanics...
First time someone sayed something reasonable.
I would like to have bg1-2 difficulty and combat encounters.

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You can a also play with a low AC if you want a better challenge. Even at BG3 high levels (Like 12) with 5e bounded accuracy you should not have AC's in the high 20s - the game system is not designed around that. Look up stats of high levels enemies f you don't believe that. In my case my monk character had an end game average 22AC - without using any monk abilities or really overpowered stuff . That was enough that they still manged to avoid being hit in most case. Likewise, your to hit bonus should be bounded in the same way...if its not, the system is not really following the 5e design philosophy. Sadly Larian threw balance out the window so that further messes things up.

In 5e AC is overpowered and works against magic spells that need to hit. Which is daft but a simplification because players apparently don't like to worry about different kinds of AC... in 3.5/3e you had "touch AC" which was all about dexterity and was usually way, way less - certainly a fighter in platemail would have been easy prey for any touch based spell attack (any spell with an attack roll). in 5e - especially with Larian's overpowered items and broken AC stacking from some sources - you can get such a high AC that almost every attack (physical or magic targeting) misses. Of course, even in that case, a smart DM would adapt and drop AoE spells on you, or things like magic missile that never miss...but Larian is not a good DM.

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JandK Offline OP
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I just played through the arcane tower after patch 4 and noticed that there were a couple extra arcane robots at the top of the tower with Bernard.

So there was Bernard and six others instead of four others.


I still had an easy time with the fight because I happened to have sussur flowers on me and my main, a warlock multi, used a repelling eldritch blast that knocked Bernard out the window. Nevertheless, I'm happy to see some movement in regards to the difficulty. Adding enemies is a good sign.

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I still don't care about new difficulties.

They haven't even fixed half the bugs that came with patch 4. And no, not even the Hotfix solved it. There's still a ton of quests and dialogues bugged in act 3. I'd daresay that act 3 is worst reagrading bugs. Some quests can't even be concluded.

Enemies like the Sharrans in the House of Grief and Gortash have become so overpowered i only made it because i scaled down to lowest difficulty. Otherwise they deal so much damage, the party dies in no time.

On top, the romances of Gale and Wyll are still not fixed. The animations still fail to appear, whole banters with Gale and Lorroakan for example are missing. Party banter partly has disappeard. Dialogues are broken, which mean their companion quests are acting weird, or respectively can't be concluded at all.

I'm sorry, but at this point i want them to fix all those bugs before adding new stuff.

Last edited by Rebel Moon; 10/11/23 08:02 AM.
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Originally Posted by booboo
In 5e AC is overpowered

AC was traditionally seriously underpowered in AD&D and D&D3, at least on highlevel.

In BG2 ToB, it was basically pointless to try to stack AC unless you would go for Swashbuckler with Shield. Then you could actually reach AC -24, the hard maximum (AD&D uses reverse logic and lower AC is better). Everyone else would get hit all the friggin time.

The exact same happended with d20, by the way. In KotOR there was no point making a defense focused character, you would still be hit all the time anyway.

D&D5 is a huge improvement over this state of affairs.

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Originally Posted by booboo
You can a also play with a low AC if you want a better challenge.

When I'm playing a turn based game video game I want the game to challenge me... which is very different than challenging myself with stupid rules or self limitations because the game's is poorly balanced...

OPStuff-wise, AC is probably one of the last issues of the game... if it is one.

Last edited by Maximuuus; 10/11/23 10:49 AM.

French Speaking Youtube Channel with a lot of BG3 videos :
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