Originally Posted by Tarlonniel
We never found out (unless the dataminers located something). I miss the rather (darkly) hilarious "fanfic" involving Halsin which was laying around the Grove in EA - I guess they removed that too?
Oh, never heard of it! interesting.

Originally Posted by Thunderbolt
IIRC, the going theory was the Nightsong was influencing Isobel to attack (And the Nightsong was not originally Aylin either), otherwise sounds like an accident.
Hm, if it was Orin, than it makes sence. With this story Halsin could have had more emotional background, more reasons to break the curse. I wish it could be at least a DLC. Also, I heard that originally he stopped drinking because after the death of Isobel he was drinking a lot, to drown his sorrow and depression, and some time after he decided it needs to be stopped. So, Halsin was much more complex person with his own pain, and it looks much more interesting that "being a victim of drow" which came out of nowhere.
Tav could have helped him with his "demons", maybe even lift a negative effect from his glaive and it could lead to a start of romance in Act 2.

Also, a bit of off-topic: Dave did an online authograph session at Streamily on YouTube (if some are interested) and he said he will do another stream this weekend.