PC Game Of The Year nominees also included the System Shock remake and Shadow Gambit (RIP Mimimi Games). None too shabby. If both names were as popular as the nomination suggests, Mimimi may have still continued making games (not sure), and System Shock 3 had already been a thing a decent while ago.
Decent games but yeah, they'd never had a chance against any big release in a public vote ever. That's also basically the three new games I've played all year, actually, BG3, Shock remake plus Shadow Gambit. And yeah, I haven't played much new games this year, and Broken Roads just got delayed til 2024 too. Not suggesting that those should have won. The Shock remake has its issues all the same, and in some ways, Shadow Gambit isn't as compelling as Mimimi's prior game/s.
Last edited by Sven_; 11/11/23 02:25 AM.