Originally Posted by Thorvic
Well In my opinion yu should only Get Nomination or indicated to any Prize when yu Product is Ready or finished..
that its not the case Here..
But ok..
Good For Yu Larian..
i Dont Beleave yu guys Deserv any Prize until the Game its Finished.. but..
God For Yu.. Now Finish the Game Please ?
and dont get this Stupid Prizes get to Your Head.. Finish the Product first.

What the hell are you talking about? The game is completed and after patch 3 it runs smooth like a butter on my 2019 laptop (GTX 1660Ti). Sure, there is some cut content, like in 90% games these days, but saying it's not finished os just an I'll will, and just a way to make some noise. It's like saying Alan Wake 2 has some previous generation graphics. The same caliber of a statement.