Originally Posted by NomTheBurritos
For those that can't watch:

Thanks for the summary, I've been eyeing that video the whole day, but wasn't able to watch it still. I do agree wholeheartedly that this loud divide over the ending, regardless of any action or inaction taken about it, is a compliment to the character first and foremost.

Originally Posted by Zentu
A wish spell, as some have suggested, is SCARY to use and should be an act of desperation.

You know, just theoretically - I do not expect anything like that to actually be added in the game - it would be fun to be able to roleplay a fully desperate Tav here. I know that's how I see mine. A wish spell is an overkill, sure, considering the level of the adventure and such, but it's still a pity that, say, Raphael wasn't in any way utilized here. The devil talks the big talk about Tav coming to him when all the hope runs out, but never tries to exploit a thing that seems far more hopeless than the tadpole situation by Act 3 - a friend/lover dying without a fix. Like, I don't even necessarily say we should've been able to actually bargain on that point - story limitations are a thing (although, again, would be fun to actually roleplay a desperate character making huge mistakes, perhaps even mirror it with Ketheric), but like. Feels like it'd be appropriate to mention it, at least. (And then, idk, have Karlach threaten to explode you both right now and there if you DARE to consider a freaking devil pact on her behalf, thus closing the negotiations :D)

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