Can't believe I read through this entire thread. Gave me a lot to think about when it comes to Sorcerers and Wizards for my next spellcaster playthrough. DumbleDorf knows his stuff.

Never did it accure to me to try dual wielding staffs as a spellcaster. That's insane, in a good way. Thanks for the tip.

I could care less for a spell scroll exploit, it doesn't affect my single player playthrough or multi-player team playthrough, at all. Why does anyone else care? You don't want someone else exploiting it? That's rather selfish. This isn't an MMO, you know. It's not like you are being challenged to duel or anything. Not that I care either way, I haven't even played a full Sorcerer on BG3 yet. Just wanted to spill my thoughts on the subject.

There are some pretty valid arguments here. I always felt melee combat is pretty ridiculous in damage for the low low price of free, not counting purchased gear.

The game is most certainly imbalanced towards spellcasters in general, the entire game really. However, I can't help but notice a huge lacking in spellcaster feats. A bunch of feats really, such as Weapon Focus, Exotic Weapon Profiency, Blind Fighting, Subvocal Casting, Snake Blood, etc. Metamagic definitely should have been there as a feat. From what it sounds like, Sorcerer is overpowered when compared to Wizard.

I wouldn't call Intelligence useless but certainly more Wizard spell memory and story driven, such as Arcana, History, Religion, and Intelligence Checks. I think it really depends on the player on what they wanna be good at in an RPG.

However, a Wizard may be able to learn any arcane spell but a Sorcerer can manipulate their magic by talking you to death while recovering there spells with a short rest and look good doing it.

Meanwhile, the ugly, nerdy wizard, the one nobody wants to hang with and can't cast two spells in one turn that does damage. Your companion only calls you when they need you for something because you're an artifact cookie monster with no real skills.

Wizard needs a little more elbow grease, you know what I mean? A little more umph, huzzah, and all that.
