...cut the Emperor out entirely and rewrite the plot, removing the butchered lore (the illithids, people turning at the snap of the finger, and especially everything tied to Balduran which came out of absolutely nowhere and serves NO purpose). Also allow for a proper Absolutist path to be followed instead of railroading the player down a very specific route. Restoring the old Wyll is probably too much to ask, but still - he was a far better character in EA.
not think about return old Wyll, but i dont want see just a good guy. I would like to say the same thing about Astarion spawn, Halsin. About Emperor completely agree
Originally Posted by Thorvic
Well Guys Just Like i Said Before i really think yu all should Temper the Expectations becouse i dont really beleave that we will ever gona see Half of the Cut Content. The Way this game Are at the Moment they will just Try to Fix It. (maybe give us some Party or Slides at the ending for the Hero Path and Thats It..) But even this Stuff that i beleave they will do i dont put my Trust that they will deliver yu know ? i just Hope that at Least they Fix this.. but i dont Trust nor beleave in then in Anything anymore.. (and im saying this becouse of the Way Things are Going.. they are called at the Moment the Industry Changer yu know.. evrybody is Praising then Nom Stop while the game its unplayable for almost all players around the world and they just went Silence Maybe becouse they are on Vacation like others are saying.. but in my Opinion they are just Waiting for the Storm to Stop, so they can make a Move to keep been called the Best.. thats how things are nowadays.)
I want to belive just a little. But i think you right, when i see new pat?h i just disappointed....