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Originally Posted by MountainViking
PS: Saw you had Mirror Image on your list…a long time favorite to be sure!! And done so spookily in Conan!
Have you ever seen it paired with Blink?? Can stretch the bleeeeps out of your Images wink
Personally I haven't tried that but do take note there is a Ring of Blink you can get later in the game that will allow you to cast that spell.

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I wanna correct myself for earlier, there IS an item for Charisma, I completely forgot about it, it's called Birthright.
Here are the specifics.

It's best used with maximum charisma, otherwise it's just a small boost.

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This is another option I'm considering. I learned the other day that Constitution affects your concentration spells.

I wanna start by stating that Dexterity Profiency is imperative towards a Monk Dexterity build. It will affect your hit chance with DEX Monk melee attacks, it also affects finesse and ranged weapons and your DEX Save in general for avoiding melee and ranged attacks.

Here is what I have in mind for a new Monk/Draconic stat build, this is assuming starting as a Monk.


STR= 8 + (+2 Stat Potion)
DEX= 16 + (+2 Ability)(+2 Ability)
CON= 15 + (+1 Resilient)
INT= 10
WIS= 15 + (+1 Hag Hair)
CHA= 10

AC= 18

Save Proficiency
Constitution (Resilient: Constitution)

04 Resilient: Constitution (CON +1)
08 Ability Improvement (DEX +2)
12 Ability Improvement (DEX +2)

MountainViking you could probably try this but I still suggest just going full Sorcerer.


STR= 8 + (+2 Stat Potion)
DEX= 15 + (+1 Hag Hair)
CON= 16
INT= 8
WIS= 10
CHA= 16 + (+2 Ability)(+2 Ability)

Save Proficiency

04 Ability Improvement (CHA +2)
08 Ability Improvement (CHA +2)

You could try going lvl 11 Sorcerer so you can get lvl 6 spells but you will lose a feat and won't be much of a monk. You'll have extra bonus attack and flurry of blows, that's about it at lvl 1 Monk and probably 2-3 Ki slots.

Edit: Another option could be trading one ability feat for dual wielding and dual wield 2 staffs and later get the charisma hat to top off your Charisma.

Last edited by BhaalSpawnKensei; 15/11/23 06:42 AM.

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Found this on BG3 wiki
"In the case of Multiclassing, learned class spells will use the Spellcasting Ability Modifier for the class the spell is learned by. So a Fire Bolt learned by a Wizard will use INT for its attack rolls, but a Fire Bolt learned by a Sorcerer will use CHA for its attack rolls."

If this is true then JandK was right and I may end up needing Charisma after all if I want to use damage cantrips. In which I'm gonna have to work on my build a bit more.

Also apparently Firebolt does eventually deal 3d10 damage according to wiki. Didn't do that much as a Wizard tho. My game must've been bugged.

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OOOPS...I meant to say Blur, but I see now that the mechanics of Mirror Image have changed. It seems as tho every time an ememy misses you an image is popped. Used to be they had to hit you and then it was a random roll to see whether it was you or an image. At this point I'm thinking BLUR is the better spell because you could potentially lose all of your images in one round vs. multi attack or several attackers...

Am I reading that wrong?

And as far as Firebolt, I am assuming that eventually I'll get that 6th level of sorcerer and add the +3 to fire damage there.

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Originally Posted by MountainViking
OOOPS...I meant to say Blur, but I see now that the mechanics of Mirror Image have changed. It seems as tho every time an ememy misses you an image is popped. Used to be they had to hit you and then it was a random roll to see whether it was you or an image. At this point I'm thinking BLUR is the better spell because you could potentially lose all of your images in one round vs. multi attack or several attackers...

Am I reading that wrong?

And as far as Firebolt, I am assuming that eventually I'll get that 6th level of sorcerer and add the +3 to fire damage there.

You're not wrong, the Spell is different from what it once was in the older games. Mirror Image gives +9 AC total with 3 images (3×3=9). It also doesn't require Concentration. If a creature misses on hitting you, then it served it's purpose. No? Each miss against you does indeed dispels an image lowering the AC boost bit by bit. 3 misses and it's gone. Mirror Image comes in handy in case you are already concentrating on a spell. You can only concentrate on one spell at a time.

Blur is also useful, it poses disadvantage from attackers which gives you a 2d20 roll, using the highest value in a defensive roll, also this doesn't exceed 2d20 and there for doesn't stack with similar disadvantage rolls. Just something to keep in mind. Also Blur is a Concentration spell and can be used with Mirror Image if you wanted.

As for firebolt, I dunno. I'll have to read more into Sorcerer if they do get a small boost like that.

Last edited by BhaalSpawnKensei; 16/11/23 06:21 PM.

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Thanks for taking the time to answer my ??? Appreciate You!

Monk just fits so well with what I want to do in the game. 45' speed at 3rd level is 50% more than most characters and having fists for weapons removes the action required to sheath them when I want to cast spells.
I think I will go with Acrobatics & Athletics for the ultimate in movement, taking advantage of the 3D nature of the game; running & jumping to get her in position to fire spells from above with that to-hit bonus.
Monk3 moves the damage up to d6, same as shortswords, and the extra attack makes up for the lower damage die than a fighter...specially considering you get to add the Bonus Damage +3 twice when you hit twice.
Monk5 gives Stunning & another Extra Attack (potentially +3dam x3). I think I'll end up Monk 5/Sorcerer 7 but I am totally going to reconsider along the way depending on how the game is going; what it is throwing at me.
If ye ole rusty trap serves, in BG2 physical attacks were more required in early levels & spells more necessary later in the game...

And perhaps I should mention, there is a bit of real world connection for me since I've studied Martial Arts myself for over 30 years. I am totally looking forward to the cinematic presentation of the attacks; hoping for kicks too...
And that ties in to the spells as well; I just dig the spell scenes. Here's my likely spell & 4E Monk ability choices to give you an idea of what I'm SHOOTING for - PUN intended ;)-
I only went up to M3/S3 cuz I figure that's a long ways away and I might change my mind anyway.

S1: Blade Ward, Firebolt, Mage Hand, Light (or DL?) 1s Ice Knife, Chromatic Orb
S2: Fog Cloud (or Witch Bolt??) MM: Twinned & Distant
M3: Fist of Unbroken Air, Thunder Fist, Water Whip
S3: Blur MM: Quickened???

Mage Hand for disarming traps at distance. Blade Ward for a small defensive boost. 3 ranged attack spells of varied elements. I chose those via sorcerer because less chance of getting the spell interrupted with some distance between you and your enemies...whilst the Monk choices do Not provoke I'm guessing?!? And can push the enemies away to buy time for other spells or retreat without provoking.
Fog Cloud comes in handy for getting out of surprise/traps, and especially vs. several ranged attackers.
Can't wait to see some Twinned Ice Knife!! IF they're close enough they'll both be in both AoE radius for 4d6 cold damage...and then maybe slip & fall! Hehehehe
Totally had Fists of Fire on there too but could not help but want to see how Water Whip looks & works. Figure IF i'm not digging that I can respec back to the Fire Fangs...which I'm guessing also look cool.
And being able to knock an enemy prone to delay their approach or pull a spell caster within range of crushing their concentration can be worthy skillz.

Thanks & Cheers!!

PS. Actually, one more ? Can you cast light on a dagger/coin/rock whatever and then throw it where you want it to some extent...?

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Through the Draconic line:

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You know, you could also consider going full Monk Elements as well. They are much better when compared to the older games. At high level they can eventually cast Fireball, they call it something else tho and can learn to fly. But so can high level Draconic Sorcerer.

Also keep in mind you get traveling companions and one being a rogue close to the beginning of the game that can pick locks and disarm traps.

Dancing Lights is handy for temporarily plugging poison vent holes, that or drop a bucket or something on it.

Mage Hand could be used to trigger traps, dunno about disarming them with Mage Hand and triggering traps can leave you in a bad situation. One being a boulder blocking a pathway if not careful.

As for that last part, I see what you mean now, but it will have to be of the same type as your ancestery for that bonus. But it says Spells, not cantrips. Dunno if it'll affect cantrips or not. There is a necklace that will add your spellcasting modifier to your cantrips tho.

Last edited by BhaalSpawnKensei; 16/11/23 08:01 PM.

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Here is what I got so far for myself that I'm planning. I think this is the best route for me, I could get some extra goodies going lvl 9 Monk but screws up my defensive spell list. So I'm keeping it lvl 8.

This is more of an Ice build. Could be better if using ice block and tavern brawler maybe but I didn't include it in this build and it also requires strength going that route.

My Build

Sorcerer 4/Monk 8
(Start as Sorcerer)

Act 1 -> 2

STR= 8 + (+2 Stat Potion)
DEX= 17 + (+1 Res.)(+2 Ability)
CON= 14 + (+2 Ability)
INT= 8
WIS= 15 + (+1 Hag Hair)
CHA= 12

AC= 18

Dexterity ++
Wisdom +

Dexterity (Resilient: Dexterity)

Entertainer (Acrobatics, Performance)


04 Resilient: Dexterity (DEX +1)
04 Ability Improvement (CON +2)
12 Ability Improvement (DEX +2)

Lvl 4 Sorcerer - Draconic Bloodline

SP= 4

Draconic Ancestery: White (Cold)
Draconic Resilience: Hit Points (+4)
Draconic Resilience (Doesn't Stack)

Blade Ward
Firebolt (Twinned Spell)
Bone Chill (Twinned Spell)

Armor of Agaths (Ancestery: White)
Shield (Reaction)
Misty Step
Blur (Concentration)
Mirror Image
Enlarge/Reduce (Concentration)

Create Sorcery Points
Create Spell Slot
Metamagic: Distant Spell (Toggle)
Metamagic: Twinned Spell (Toggle)
Metamagic: Quickened Spell (Toggle)

Lvl 8 Monk - Way of the Four Elements

Ki= 9

Unarmoured Defence (WIS)
Martial Arts: Dexterous Attacks (DEX)
Martial Arts: Deft Hands
Martial Arts: Bonus Unarmed Strike
Unarmoured Movement (+3m)
Deflect Missles (Reaction)
Harmony of Fire and Water (Action)
Slow Fall (Reaction)
Extra Attack
Improved Unarmoured Movement (+4.5m)
Ki-Empowered Strikes
Stillness of Mind

Blade of Rime (DEX)
Sphere of Elemental Balance
Water Whip (DEX)
Embrace of the Inferno

Flurry of Blows
Patient Defence
Step of the Wind: Dash
Step of the Winds: Disengage
Stunning Strike (Melee)
Stunning Strike (Unarmed)

Gear Act 1
Head= Haste Helm -> Cap of Wrath
Body= Armour of Uninhibited Kushigo
Gloves= Bracers of Defence (+2 AC)
Boots= Disintegrating Night Walkers
Amulet= Amulet of Misty Step
Ring= Ring of Elemental Infusion
Ring= Ring of Protection (+1 AC)
MW= Mourning Frost (Ray of Frost)
RW= Bow of the Banshee

AC= +3 (21)

Gear Act 2
Head= Coldbrim Hat
Body= Armour of Uninhibited Kushigo
Cloak= Cloak of Protection (+1 AC)
Gloves= Bracers of Defence (+2 AC)
Boots= Disintegrating Night Walkers
Amulet= Amulet of Misty Step
Ring= Snowburst Ring
Ring= Ring of Free Action
MW= Mourning Frost (Ray of Frost)
RW= Darkfire Shortbow (Save Tieflings)

AC= +3 (21)

Gear Act 3
Head= Coldbrim Hat
Body= Vest of Soul Rejuvenation (+2 AC)
Cloak= Cloak of Protection (+1 AC)
Gloves= Gloves of Soul Catching
Boots= Disintegrating Night Walkers
Amulet= Amulet of Greater Health (=23 CON)
Ring= Snowburst Ring
Ring= Ring of Free Action
MW= Mourning Frost (Ray of Frost)
RW= Darkfire Shortbow (Save Tieflings)

AC= +3 (21)

Act 3: Respec

Sorcerer 4/Monk 8
(Start as Sorcerer)

STR= 8 + (+2 Stat Potion)
DEX= 17 + (+1 Res.)(+2 Ability)
CON= 8 + (=23)
INT= 8
WIS= 15 + (+1 Hag Hair)(+2 Ability)
CHA= 16

AC= 19 (22)

Dexterity ++
Charisma +

If Hag Hair Bonus is lost.

STR= 10 + (+2 Stat Potion)
DEX= 17 + (+1 Res.)(+2 Ability)
CON= 8 (=23)
INT= 8
WIS= 16 + (+2 Ability)
CHA= 14

AC= 19 (22)

Dexterity ++
Wisdom +

Last edited by BhaalSpawnKensei; 16/11/23 11:19 PM. Reason: details and spacing, added background and changed skills

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I failed to mention that attacks with quarterstaff registers as an unarmed attack. This also tracks for spears as well. Your extra attack will be a kick if wielding one these weapons.

I believe how it goes is, as long as it's a monk weapon you're wielding then it's considered being unarmed.

Starting as Sorcerer I most likely won't have spear proficiency anymore, which doesn't affect the new build I wrote. I spent an entire day researching and planning that build I posted recently. It's not tested yet.

Edit: I just tested it, multi classing doesn't affect Monk weapon profiency as a second class. So I can still use spears if I wanted, but it does affect your starting skills.

For example starting as a Sorcerer, you are cut off from learning Athletics and Acrobatics, this changes things for me, I'll have to restart with a different background now just so I can have certain profiencies.

Edit: Updated My Build background and other info.

Last edited by BhaalSpawnKensei; 16/11/23 11:21 PM. Reason: grammer & correction

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Last night I realized I forgot to make a seperate calculation for Draconic Resilience. First off it doesn't stack but it does replace unarmoured defense if Wisdom score is equal or below 16 (+3). This doesn't mean I can do without Wisdom tho, it still affects the DC of your Monk Ki abilities.

After playing this build for awhile, I realized I could easily survive with just the Blur skill alone. So I'm finally considering Level 3 Sorcerer, Level 9 Monk. It will be 1 less feat. This is probably the best it's gonna get, at least with an ice build anyway.

Here is what it would look like.

Draconic Monk

Intimidation +3
Base Racial Speed (9m)
Darkvision (12m)
Relentless Endurance
Savage Attacks

Sorcerer 3/Monk 9

Level Progression
Level 1 Sorcerer (+1)
Level 5 Monk (+5)
Level 3 Sorcerer (+2)
Level 9 Monk (+4)

STR= 8 + (+2 Stat Potion)
DEX= 17 + (+1 Resilient)(+2 Ability)
CON= 16
INT= 8
WIS= 13 + (+1 Hag Hair)
CHA= 12

AC= (13)+3=(16)+2=(18)

Dexterity ++
Constitution +

Dexterity (Resilient: Dexterity)

Entertainer (Acrobatics, Performance)


Level 4: Resilient: Dexterity (DEX +1)
Level 8: Ability Improvement (DEX +2)

Lvl 3 Sorcerer - Draconic Bloodline
SP= 3
Spell Slot Lvl 1 (4)
Spell Slot Lvl 2 (2)

Draconic Ancestery: White (Cold)
Draconic Resilience: Hit Points (+3)
Draconic Resilience (AC= 13)

Cantrips (Distant, Twinned, Extended Spell)
Blade Ward
Bone Chill
Ray of Frost (Mourning Frost)


Level 1: LEVEL 1 SPELL
Armor of Agaths (Ancestery: White)
Shield (Reaction)
Magic Missle

Level 2: LEVEL 1 SPELL
Enhance Leep (Extended Spell)
Magic Missle -> False Life

Level 3: LEVEL 2 SPELL
Misty Step (Distant Spell)
False Life -> Blur (Con.)(Extended Spell)

Create Sorcery Points
Create Spell Slot
Metamagic: Distant Spell (Toggle)
Metamagic: Twinned Spell (Toggle)
Metamagic: Extended Spell (Toggle)

Lvl 9 Monk - Way of the Elements
Ki= 10

Unarmoured Defence (Doesn't Stack)
Martial Arts: Dexterous Attacks (DEX)
Martial Arts: Deft Hands
Unarmoured Movement (+3m)
Deflect Missles (Reaction)
Deflect Missies (Throw Back Reaction)
Harmony of Fire and Water (Action)
Slow Fall (Reaction)
Extra Attack (Action +)
Improved Unarmoured Movement (+4.5m)
Ki-Empowered Strikes
Stillness of Mind
Martial Arts: Deft Strikes
Improved Elemental Casting

Blade of Rime (DEX)
Sphere of Elemental Balance
Water Whip (DEX)
Embrace of the Inferno
Gong of the Summit (CON)

Bonus Unarmed Strike
Flurry of Blows
Patient Defence
Step of the Wind: Dash
Step of the Winds: Disengage
Stunning Strike (Melee)
Stunning Strike (Unarmed)

Gear Act 1
Head= Haste Helm -> Cap of Wrath
Body= Armour of Uninhibited Kushigo
Cloak= N/A
Gloves= Bracers of Defence (+2 AC)
Boots= Disintegrating Night Walkers
Amulet= Amulet of Misty Step
Ring= Ring of Elemental Infusion
Ring= Ring of Protection (+1 AC)
MW= Mourning Frost (Ray of Frost)
RW= Bow of the Banshee

(+3 AC)
Feat: +1 AC (3+1=4)
AC= (13)+4=(17)+3=(20)

Gear Act 2
Head= Coldbrim Hat
Body= Armour of Uninhibited Kushigo
Cloak= Cloak of Protection (+1 AC)
Gloves= Bracers of Defence (+2 AC)
Boots= Disintegrating Night Walkers
Amulet= Amulet of Misty Step
Ring= Snowburst Ring
Ring= Ring of Free Action
MW= Mourning Frost (Ray of Frost)
RW= Darkfire Shortbow (Save Tieflings)

(+3 AC)
Feat: +1 AC (3+1=4)
AC= (13)+4=(17)+3=(20)

Gear Act 3
Head= Coldbrim Hat
Body= Vest of Soul Rejuvenation (+2 AC)
Cloak= Cloak of Protection (+1 AC)
Gloves= Gloves of Soul Catching
Boots= Disintegrating Night Walkers
Amulet= Amulet of Greater Health (=23 CON)
Ring= Snowburst Ring
Ring= Ring of Regeneration
MW= Mourning Frost (Ray of Frost)
RW= Darkfire Shortbow (Save Tieflings)

(+3 AC)
Feat: +1 AC (3+1=4)
AC= (13)+4=(17)+3=(20)
Feat: +1 AC (4+1=5)
AC= (13)+5=(18)+3=(21)

Stats (Act 3 Respec)
STR= 8 + (+2 Stat Potion)
DEX= 17 + (+1 Resilient)(+2 Ability)
CON= 8 + (=23)
INT= 8
WIS= 15 + (+1 Hag Hair)
CHA= 16

AC= (13)+3=(16)+2=(18)+3=(21)

Dexterity ++
Charisma +

Stats (If Hag Hair Bonus is lost)
STR= 10 + (+2 Stat Potion)
DEX= 17 + (+1 Resilient)(+2 Ability)
CON= 8 + (=23)
INT= 8
WIS= 16
CHA= 14

AC= (13)+3=(16)+2=(18)+3=(21)

Dexterity ++
Wisdom +

Last edited by BhaalSpawnKensei; 19/11/23 05:04 AM. Reason: Update

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I finally bought the game and fired it up on the old PC last week. It's mostly working smoothly, but Wow! Loading a game or new screen takes some freaking time!?!?? And the game it self's initital download took over 6 hours...Tho, 121 GB is big.
I had thought I had pretty good internet speed...?

I am about 10 hours of gameplay in and got up to level 2 with just the 2 of us (Shadowheart) looting the crash site of Ravaged Beach and some random exploration north; but it felt like I got a good bit of that experience from Role Playing & making skill checks in conversations. While yes, slightly disappointed the WIS-AC does not stack with the Draconic Resilience, that +2 has already come in handy several times in conversation choices, insight rolls etc. And eventually will for 'spell' DC once I get the 4-Elements. I've LOL a few times at the Monk inspired conversation options. wink

Stumbled upon the Goblin attack scene & Wyll first and then went out of my way to find Lae'zel who was right nearby anyway (so close & could have used her vs. the Gobbos.) I wanted the badass fighter for my party design, but man, that is one lawful evil bitch, eh!?!?? The other party members do not approve of her & I suspect she's the one most likely to turn against us and is likely leading us to a trap instead of the cleansing purification she touts...

So, as partially expected I guess, a good amount of learning the controls & buildup time, studying party member abilities & gear tweaking; BUT Finally now have a Full Party: Lae’zel for muscle/meat-shield, Shadowheart the healer/cleric & Wyll the Warlock as 2 versatile ranged/melee options…To go with my character at Monk1/Sorcerer1, also very ranged or melee versatile. ALL but Lae’zel are stealthy.
Bought Wyll some AC. Bought a fancy ‘spellthief’ bow for my elf: 1/day a critical hit restores a first level spell slot!

Guessing I might like this Halsin the Druid better than LZ wink

As for spear can always just go half-elf, eh? One of the things I like about Elf is Bow prof...not that this character will need it for long term levels, but spells slots go quickly now.


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Here's one tip. If you want to have some acrobatic skill and don't want to be an Entertainer, human race has an option for skills. Most other races will be limited if starting as a Sorcerer.

I decided to go half-orc after restarting from my last build. But It seems like I'm missing dialogue options here and there compared to other races. Could be a bug, I dunno, but it's lame and needs to be fixed wither it was intentional or not.

All joinable characters do not betray you, so don't worry. But it isn't without conflict mostly between Laezel and Shadowheart. I'm playing it on PS5 and it took about 6 hours to download for me as well with gigabyte speed internet, tho PS5 is limited to 700mb speed.

Here's some stuff to help guide you through the game.

Interactive Map

Approval (for all characters, started on Astarion)

Inspirations (Interactive Map also shows this but not all)

Last edited by BhaalSpawnKensei; 22/11/23 10:36 PM. Reason: Grammer

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Originally Posted by MountainViking
As for spear can always just go half-elf, eh? One of the things I like about Elf is Bow prof...not that this character will need it for long term levels, but spells slots go quickly now.

Actually Monk can get Spear and Short Bow Proficiency even with it as a secondary class, I figured that out as soon as I multiclassed, there have been times I expected multiclassing being like the old games but it isn't. I briefly used a spear until I got a decent staff from Ethel at the Grove, the spear was useful for a short while.

I'm not really gonna worry about spears considering there isn't any really good ones later in the game but there is a good Halberd and Trident, a shame Monk doesn't have Proficiency in those. Which is why I decided to go with a Quarterstaff, there are some decent ones.

Edit: Elves do get Bow Proficiency, tho it's irrelevant to Monk but can be handy for classes that don't get any Bow Proficiency like Druid for example.

Last edited by BhaalSpawnKensei; 22/11/23 10:59 PM. Reason: Correction and Extra

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Here's another for approval, tho a little outdated but still useful, this one shows what everyone's approval would look like in story dialogue, unlike it being individual like the previous one I posted.

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I'd say I went wood-elf more for the +movement than the proficiency, but it's still a lil extra gravy for me. I do also appreciate the visual character of elves as well.

I'm now at Monk2/Sor1 with the same group. We blasted through the sentinel goblins & their worgs at the bridge pretty easily, but definitely took some damage & spent some spells.
*Even got my first shove-kill pushing a heavily injured Gobbo off of the archery tower on a bonus action since I didn't want to give him another swing smile But...

Now I'm feeling like I am in a bit over my head...There are SO Many Goblins! Guessing, Yes, I was totally over confident and just wanted to do some battle now that I've got a full group.
And besides quantity, as my friends used to sometimes point out on my old Dungeon Master/Storylines: too many of them are leveled up with class skills. I mean I figured out how to get the Priestess solo but then the rest of camp comes crashing in anyway, like they can see through the walls. Feels like I need to back off from winning the first battle and go buy some more healing potions and perhaps try again at 4th level? And/or fully healed & spell stocked...
I have not even found the other 2 leaders yet...and I think I fooked up the Volo story too.

By my math guestimations: Gobbo Priestess/Shaman's 40 hit points implies 5th level cleric with a +2 constitution bonus...

I am trying pretty hard & mostly succeeding at not reading any spoilers and figuring things out the hard way by sometimes playing through parts multiple times to see different scenarios.
As much as I do appreciate that they've kept a good bit of Role Playing in this RPG; most of us play these games for the combat & to test our characters skills, abilities & strategies. Right?

Hope you are enjoying a very Happy Thanks-Feasting!!! Cheers!

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After many playthroughs, you will get burnt out on story and skipping dialogue can cause some unforseen glitches, like voice audio not playing, dialogue auto skipping, and loss of dialogue options. I once lost all dialogue options in place with "continue" after doing a history check when speaking with Volo at the Grove about the goblin attack. That's the weirdest one I've seen so far.

Your first playthrough can seem difficult. It's a learning process, after awhile the game will become easier, your strategy will improve over time. It sounds like you're rushing the game a bit. You should be level 4-5 before doing the goblin camp. Otherwise it's gonna be rough.

If you manage to kill the cambion general and mindflayer on the Nautiloid, it'll rack you 150xp, you can do it by picking up all the purple tanks throughout the Nautiloid and place them around the cambion and mindflayer, help beat on the cambion, back away then have shadowheart or yourself throw a fire bolt at the tanks.

You'll then be able to get to level 3 before the first Goblin attack on the Grove if you go there last. You'd then be able to use Shadowheart to summon an enchanted weapon to fight off some goblins. Prepare the spell before hand of course.

If you manage to reassemble the spear of the absolute, you can later use it to kill a beholder in the Underdark. It helps a lot in that fight. You get it early in the game, one piece is on the dwarf where the Edowin siblings are, the other piece is jabbed in the owlbear mother.

Last edited by BhaalSpawnKensei; 24/11/23 10:38 PM. Reason: Grammer

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