Originally Posted by Capricorny
Originally Posted by Annahri
Yes! And also... why do we have to wait until act 3 to get camp clothes that don't all look frumpy?
Exactly, I just want to look pretty for all of my romance scenes with Astarion in the first 2 acts, not clothes that literally have road dust on them cryicon

Lol!! Ikr?!?

Where clothing is concerned this game kinda feels like an MMO, where looks are a competition. But we're not competing with anyone for fashion sense, so it feels a bit frustrating, imo.
It also feels a bit off when you get to pick a background. For instance, if you're a wizard and pick a noble background, then why are you walking around in your bathrobe?

In the meantime, all of our companions have a 'look' that suits them. I really love what Astarion is wearing when you meet him. But when you come across better armor for him you can't keep this look because it doesn't fit in the 'camp clothing' slots.