And I use withers to trivialize encounters which I wouldn’t be able to without him.
I soloed house of Grief with a warrior who I respeced to take “war caster” feat before the fight just so that his haste from
The bow doesn’t get interrupted.
I also respec my Sorc / lock to sorc 6/ assasin 4/ warlock 2 just so I can get the assasin surprise attack and also have devils one with shadows warlock invocation- once again this build would be very suboptimal if I level it all the way without respecing as it would only be good for this specific encounter and would be very suboptimal in most other encounters.
Without withers I would have had to go with a lot more balanced moderate builds and wouldn’t be able to trivialize these encounters as I wouldn’t have had access to All the tools needed to solo them and trivialize them.
This isn’t Skyrim where you could be everything all the time by design, a master wizzard but also a master assassin and a master crafter, you are supposed to be “either this OR that” and with withers you can be everything you want any time.
I disagree that using Withers as you do to solo encounters trivializes encounters. The very fact that you have to respect for every encounter would seem to suggest the opposite. That to solo encounters is not a trivial affair as it requires planning, tactics and the optimal spec that can only be achieved by respecing for each individual encounter.
Secondly if you believe your videos do trivializes encounters why does that matter to you? I am sure you do not feel that your videos are trivial achievements, lacking the “satisfaction of beating a difficult encounter”.
It seems to me you are quite adept at imposing your own set of difficulty rules Solo, and I am sure you did not play through with a full party respecing for each encounter. No respec game mode would not increase satisfaction over just not respecing. Neither would solo game mode have been more satisfying than your self-imposed soloing.
While a no Withers option is not going to satisfy most players that are finding tactician lacking in challenge, it is the sort of additional option I would have expected to be present at release. Another would be scrolls restricted to classes able to and have the level to cast the spell.