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Originally Posted by Ixal
That would have made sense if Larian would have killed off inactive party members as planned. But when you can switch Wyll in and out as required from practically everywhere this doesn't really have much impact.

It has the impact that it makes Wyll feel meaningful to your progression and gives him a role within the world. It´s not about gameplay, it´s about the character development and story. You can do the Shar related quests without Shadowheart all you want, and it has little impact gameplay wise. You still fight the same enemies and have to get past the same obstacles, but having her with you makes a huge difference to the story.

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Originally Posted by FreeTheSlaves
Originally Posted by Ehhhh123
For Minthara I'm just roleplaying as the Durge who couldn't control themselves and led Minthara to the grove. They feel incredibly shit about it as they thought they were able to control themselves after killing Alfira, but the urge to slaughter was too strong. Afterwards they seek comfort in Minthara, probably another monster such as themselves. This is incredibly dumb on my part, but I have no other idea how to justify getting Minthara as a romance and getting the good ending.

If I didn't have to slaughter/ignore the grove I'd pick Minthara over Halsin every single time.
It's also hard to logically justify recruiting Minthara.

The basic premise there is to save yourself by infiltrating the Cult of the Absolute to find their secret stash of cure-tadpole.

(Lae'zel's creche has arguably* better chances.)

If I'm going to non-stupidly recruit Minthara without being a sociopath, I'd exhaust grove options, exhaust Halsin option and possibly Gut/Hag - then sacrifice the grove out of desperation. Heck, a sympathetic MC might even try forcing Zevlor to leave before the attack.

A learned MC can probably deduce the zhaith'sk is a front for docile self-extermination.

Yeah there's basically no true way of getting Minthara AND being good. Which sucks, because if we choose her we get the cooler companion but the tieflings remain slaughtered whether it's by you or Minthara's goblins. You also lose 2 companions if you got Minthara with her romance in mind. Whereas if you choose Halsin you get a lame companion, but it's an overall way more positive outcome by far and is definitely more rewarding in terms of content.

Last edited by Ehhhh123; 24/11/23 07:16 PM.
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Originally Posted by Taril

You mean twice?

He complains about being punished by Mizora in Act 1 and again when sent to retrieve the asset in Act 2 (Where he goes deeper into self pity saying he'll just end up being turned into a blob)

I said that he comments once after each appearance. It's in one of the quotes that you chose not to respond to. Also, expressing ONCE that "you don't want to be a blob on the front-lines in a war in hell" isn't "self-pity." You're continuing to be completely ridiculous, at this point.

He has in-camp noted dialogue for Mizora (With the special scene where he gets turned into a devil) and then he mopes about how it sucks he got punished with dialogue options prompting you to tell him to get out of the pact (Which he readily agrees to but says it will be difficult)

He's literally mad and angry sounding that he got transformed. Once. That's not moping.

He has in-camp noted dialogue for his father, because it's his father. He makes it clear that it his father IMMEDIATELY upon the first time he is mentioned by anyone in the game.

Ya, it's brought up in the scene with Florick when you talk to her IN Waukeen's Rest. After saving her. He doesn't give any specific mention of his lineage before that. So, I don't know why you said this, as though that was a new feather in your cap. Because it's not.

He then has in-camp noted dialogue for Mizora again in Act 2 when she appears to get you (Not specifically him unless he's in the party) to rescue Zariels asset. Where as mentioned, he mopes about Mizora.

Incorrect. Completely and laughably. To the degree that you're a boldfaced liar. Because even when Wyll's not IN the party, he still speaks in the conversation. And when you talk to him, he's angry, not mopey. Even when you pick the option where you outright SAY that you're not sorry for him, he literally says "And you shouldn't be." Meaning that Wyll himself isn't feeling sorry for himself.



My PC didn't have ANY trouble running off and saving the Tieflings. Running off and saving the Deep Gnomes. Running off and saving the Harpers. Running off and saving the Tieflings and Deep Gnomes (Again).

We're all on the same borrowed time. Why is he just focused on his dad and Mizora?

All of those things were along the way to Moonrise and he joins YOUR character as the leader. Do you need me to explain to you how "a party" works in RPGs and what "a companion quest" is? All the companions have them, but somehow don't have that as a strike against them. Because you seem to think that just because he didn't go rogue and leave to continue to do his own thing, that he stops being a hero. Which is just pure nonsense.
He's not demonstrating concern for them much is he? He helps them at the gate (Though that could just be him helping the scouts). He's helping one single child when you talk to him.

Ok, you're just being really obtuse now. Or you're probably just trolling, because no one is really this dense.

He helps at the gate because the tieflings are there as well. He knows Zevlor so he obviously knows the entire situation, because the only others in there are the Druids, Volo, evil Sazza, the 3 or 4 mercs who were with Halsin, and evil Ethel (who is already far more powerful than anyone there.) Wyll also doesn't have ANY unique dialogue with the mercs or the Druids, and only does with the aforementioned Zevlor and Umi. So, logic would dictate that he's already on board with helping the tieflings. If he wasn't a hero and didn't care about the tieflings, he would just leave after the gate fight. Or not be there at all and "YOLO it" to go after Karlach. But he's not, since he's there helping the tieflings to learn how to defend themselves. All of them on the platform. Since he's the only one with a sword who's not standing guard and whose ALSO not hitting a training dummy with fencing strikes.

Common sense. Try using it.

But what then. Does he tell you he wants to help the Tieflings when he joins you? Does he mention he has any care for what happens to them when he's going with you instead of protecting them? No he just mentions he's hunting Karlach.

See my previous comment. Also, you seem to be someone who needs every single solitary thing explicitly pointed out and explained to you. Which further leads me to believe that you're just trolling at this point.

Ahh, yes. Now he's on a similar hero level as... Karlach. Who is by no means, portrayed as a hero.

So, which claim is it from you? He doesn't care about/show concern for the tieflings or that he does?

It's his one moment of defiance, which is commendable.

And do you know why he can't defy more? Because Mizora will punish him again. And he obviously doesn't want to risk it, because she's evil, and even has shown that she has some measure of control over his body.

Again, same level of hero as Karlach.

Again. So, which claim is it from you? That he doesn't care about/show concern for the tieflings or that he does? Because you're now making BOTH claims, and now you're talking out of both sides of your mouth.

I'll give you a moment to decide which stance you're picking.

Yes, because he mentions them multiple times. In specific noted in-camp dialogue that's hard to miss because of the "Someone in camp wants to talk to you" warning when trying to rest.

That's a game mechanic "issue" (if you can call it an issue, since you can skip it). Not a Wyll "issue."

It changes the way the character is portrayed because it's putting these self focused dialogues as prominent character development points instead of portraying him as the hero he's trying to be.

Imagine believing that something regarding character development and wanting to save someone disqualifies you from being heroic, because you know someone you're going to rescue. I bet you got really confused when people used to say "My hero!" to the saviors they knew in old comics (and now cliche) hero stories.

In my opinion it'd have been better character development and writing if:

This is your problem right here. You conflate your open opinion with fact. Whereas I deal with the actual order of events in the game and the dialogue that occurs.

Something along those lines would better portray him as a hero archetype, rather than a self pitying loser. As it will show multiple times, how his resolve alows him to go above his unfortunate circumstances and think of the good he can do. Rather than slamming the player with "Noted dialogue" about how everything sucks repeatedly and making it seem like he mostly cares about his father and Mizora.

But that's just me and my take.

He still IS a hero. You just create nonsensical caveats to try to disregard what's inconvenient to your stance.

Which is still your main/fundamental issue. Second to that is that you don't really understand what "self-pity" is, as you conflate a single comment of "not liking mistreatment" (which is all Wyll expresses) with being that. Which is simple-minded at best, and completely dishonest at worst.

Last edited by Mr. Oakby; 24/11/23 10:40 PM.
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I don't know, why Wyll is called out for whining, when I have a certain vampire spawn in my group, that literally never stops complaining - you can even call him out on it biggrin

Tbh, I feel like a babysitter with all my companions, they all do a pretty amount of whining, so I guess, it is only fair, thout local warlock can do that too, when his backside is threatened to be dragged to hell. laezelapprove

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Originally Posted by fylimar
I don't know, why Wyll is called out for whining, when I have a certain vampire spawn in my group, that literally never stops complaining - you can even call him out on it biggrin

Tbh, I feel like a babysitter with all my companions, they all do a pretty amount of whining, so I guess, it is only fair, thout local warlock can do that too, when his backside is threatened to be dragged to hell. laezelapprove

Because in general, 'Haters' are both biased and delusional.

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Wyll may be vanilla. But I don't know why people hate vanilla. Vanilla is a fantastic flavor of ice cream.

Last edited by Ehhhh123; 25/11/23 11:40 AM.
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Halsin, Gale..
Wyll he Never stay too long in my Games.
its like he never was a Companion for me.
(and in all my games besides Evil Gale i endup as Lock so why have two yu know ?!)
And Karlach its like the Same as Wyll for me.
(never Care or bother bring her after the first time i try becouse of Bugs.)

But nowadays she got a little bit higher on my Nervs.. so i really always avoid her its better for my Sake.
Halsin i just Wish i could Refuse hin coming to act 3.. like Save Grove, do his quest and move dude go stay with Thaniel..
yu bother my sake for this now yu will leave hin behind alone ? no wait with a dude that will die pretty soon.. ok.
see ya Halsin.. your Threesome is really weird a lot for me dude sorry i cannot do this stuff.
no wait theres a 5 Some too. Jesus the Dude never Stops.. i cant even Talk to hin after the Party when i Learn of that for the First time..
(and sometimes i just Made me Tell the Direction in the Prison and Kill hin ASAP... just to save only the Thieflings..i really dont want to save hin ever again.)
actually i never liked the Grove i just go that way becouse the game says its the Hero Way..haha
Minthara is so Much Better.. she is crazy i Know but she is so much Better.

funny thing.. i only Like Gale when i was Playing as Hin.. becouse as companion.. Jesus.
(sorry Bro Stay at the Stone forever..haha)

Another Stuff that Make me Not Like Bring Gale again as companion.. Besides the non stop trying to get late with me Stuff..
The game Keep Pushing Hin as Protagonist the entire Time the Dude was in my Party..
First with the Elmister at Camp, first time that i felt this way..
Second when yu First Met the Brain in the Tadpole Colony in act 2.. again game wants hin to be the Main.
Third if yu Bring hin to the Final Fight and his conversation with MIstra Solo.. again game wants hin to be the Main..
comon larian i Made a Custom Character to be the Protagonist.. Not to feel like im the Companion Jesus. and he was the Only Origin that made me feel this way.. i really hate it. thats the same reason why i Made a Evil Gale Run..The game was pushing So Hard for hin to be the Main that i Just did That.

Last edited by Thorvic; 26/11/23 03:58 AM.
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Wyll is so very, very dull and talks about himself in the 3rd person, Halsin is both dull and lecherous. Karlach is like an irritating teenager. Gale is a pompous arse.

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Originally Posted by LordSnugglepuss
Wyll is so very, very dull and talks about himself in the 3rd person, Halsin is both dull and lecherous. Karlach is like an irritating teenager. Gale is a pompous arse.
Dull AND lecherous? Not a common combo, but it definitely describes Halsin. As for Wyll, he definitely got shafted quite a bit in terms of what he can provide. As for Karlach and Gale, I love em both but I understand why some don't.

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I should probably create a poll of my own now that Minthara is more accesible. I wonder what the results would be this time.

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This thread did a poll on people's favorite companion, that also shows us least favorites as well, which included all of the options. 150 people isn't a huge sample size but it does give us somewhat of an idea where many people on this forum stand at least.

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Originally Posted by Cheerio
This thread did a poll on people's favorite companion, that also shows us least favorites as well,

Not really as you can just vote on one. Even if 65 (made up number) people would have Jaheria as their second favourite, she would still lose out since she's the number one favourite of few. We'd need a real least favourite poll here instead.

Personally I like most of the companions, and I do not get the Wyll hate. I think his problem is that he is a bit underwritten (I preferred his EA version and would have really liked to see a zero to hero story with him), but he is a delight together with Karlach and one of my go to companions for good runs. I can understand if people find him boring, though.

If I had to pick one least favourite I'd be hardpressed to choose between Minsc and Halsin. Minsc because I never found his schtick funny, not even back in the days in BG1 and even if he says some funny lines it gets grating after a while. Act 3 Halsin because of the sex pest issue and the bear thing, which is sad because his VA is really great and I liked the doubting Archdruid stuff with him up to Act 2. I wish they would have kept his backstory that tied in even more with Act 2 and the glaive in the druid grove.

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Originally Posted by Veranis
Personally I like most of the companions, and I do not get the Wyll hate. I think his problem is that he is a bit underwritten (I preferred his EA version and would have really liked to see a zero to hero story with him), but he is a delight together with Karlach and one of my go to companions for good runs. I can understand if people find him boring, though.

I made a threat about more content for Wyll, especially in act 3, but I'm afraid, it will get buried among all the romance threads.

"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."

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Originally Posted by fylimar
Originally Posted by Veranis
Personally I like most of the companions, and I do not get the Wyll hate. I think his problem is that he is a bit underwritten (I preferred his EA version and would have really liked to see a zero to hero story with him), but he is a delight together with Karlach and one of my go to companions for good runs. I can understand if people find him boring, though.

I made a threat about more content for Wyll, especially in act 3, but I'm afraid, it will get buried among all the romance threads.

Isn't Halsin's the only romance thread here?

I've never seen anyone outright hate Wyll. My problem with him is that I like the idea, but not the implementation. He gets nothing to do so it feels like he just stands at his tent and preaches about being a hero. I do appreciate that he has enough of a mind of his own to leave if you raid the grove though.

Halsin, though... I recruited Minthara recently and she is just so much better.

Last edited by t1mekill3r; 02/12/23 01:21 PM. Reason: Halsin
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Originally Posted by t1mekill3r
Originally Posted by fylimar
Originally Posted by Veranis
Personally I like most of the companions, and I do not get the Wyll hate. I think his problem is that he is a bit underwritten (I preferred his EA version and would have really liked to see a zero to hero story with him), but he is a delight together with Karlach and one of my go to companions for good runs. I can understand if people find him boring, though.

I made a threat about more content for Wyll, especially in act 3, but I'm afraid, it will get buried among all the romance threads.

Isn't Halsin's the only romance thread here?

I've never seen anyone outright hate Wyll. My problem with him is that I like the idea, but not the implementation. He gets nothing to do so it feels like he just stands at his tent and preaches about being a hero. I do appreciate that he has enough of a mind of his own to leave if you raid the grove though.

Halsin, though... I recruited Minthara recently and she is just so much better.

Halsin, Minthara, Astarion all have multiple threads spanning through multiple categories.

And I made the Wyll thread precicely because he is the companion, who needs stuff to do the most. So if you want help to make him better, it is hopefully still on page 1.

"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."

Doctor Who
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