Originally Posted by Norrec69
Originally Posted by mattmcrich
i dont want any of them to have a sealed fate it doesnt make sense for a game based so heavily on choice and player action to have a companion whose fate is predetermined from the beginning whether the player acts or not.

Exactly this. It would be different if this was a game kike cyberpunk or last of us. Where the player is kind of *along for the narrative ride* so to speak. But from the get go this was a game heavily invested in making player choices matter and larian HAULED ASS to do so many amazing little dialogues/events and mocaps that will take some ppl YEARS before they unlock due to how much choice can affect the game. Which of course is amazing! But thats kind of why alot of us have posted on this thread i think...because karlachs story and lack of player action affecting her outcome aswell as having really no good* ending option or way to be saved. Is so glaring in contrast to the rest of the game. And honestly the character deserves a good ending/ fleshed out content. What little that made it into the game has just been an absolute blast to experience. But it just very much feels unfinished/unresolved.


Pretty much, Karlach's story would fit perfectly in a linear game where we don't get any choice and we just go for the ride. But bg3? It just feels so odd and out of the place. Almost like the DM is 'forcing' the player to go to that route and nothing else to offer us to do something.