Ok... that is ...something, I guess.
I agree, that in general gith are not nice people by far. But Lae'zel is very young and she is still learning. She comes across as no-nonsense and even confrontational in the beginning, but she goes through such an amazing character development imo. In the end, she decided to stay with our little dysfunctional group and not join Orpheus and Voss in teh fight against Vlaakith - and I haven't romanced her, we were just really good friends. The relationship between her and Shadowheart is really nice too later on. I love, how proud she is of SHadow, when she stands up to Shar.
She was abducted in my first playthrough by Orin, because I had karlach as my front liner in the group for story reasons - and it really did hit me hard. I was so afraid, Orin would kill her , that I rushed through the Bhaal plot.
I like Lae'zel. I think the point in bringing a character like her, from a confrontational race , into the story, is to show, that someone can be more than their heritage. She reminds me of STen from DAO without being a copy. I like those characters. I like nice and easy going characters liek Wyll and Kalrach too, but someone liek LAe'zel brings another dynamic to the group.
As for gith being ugly: I think, it's in the eye of the beholder. I like Lae#zels look and the look of my own gith mage, I'm playing at the moment. They look good in a more serene way. I myself are a bit sick of all the perfectly modded drow and elf mannequins you see in every BG3 picture thread (not hating on them, tehy just begin to look all the same for me). I like Lae'zels look and the gith lady at the bridge , Beretha, and that gith scientist at the creche for example.
And Lae'zel is not hated - in fact, you are the first person, I encpountered, who says, they didn't like her outright.
Last edited by fylimar; 25/11/23 09:14 AM.