And yes, you also rightly noticed that BG3s companions suffer a lot because all of them have to be (very) sexual which limits the type of possible (origin) companions and that companions in other RPGs, for example Kingmaker and Wrath, are much better.
In my opinion the only companion that fits this descriptions is Halsin, which turns into a sex pest in act 3. But the others? I think it adds more than it takes away. Drow matriarchs are known to use sex to control their underlings, which is why she tries to murder you if you refuse. The Gith reproduce asexually, so sex is "no strings attached for" for them. Which is why lae'zel will bang you early on and only catches feelings later. And Astarion is well, Astarion. None of these fit the mould of what I would consider a normal/healthy relationship. But they do fit their lore, which is what makes it believable.
Horny, yes. Over-sexualized, no.
The point still stands that BG3s sex focus limits the type of companions. To keep using Kingmaker as example many of its companions would be impossible in BG3 simply because they are not interested in sex (Amiri, Jubilost, Ekundayo, Nok-Nok, Harrim, Jaehtal, Linzi). And while it would work for some, making them sexable as per BG3 requirement would break their character.