I'll just copy paste what I wrote in the same thread from last month:
Yes and no I suppose. Unfortunately the goblin after-party really set the mood for the companions, and literally every one of them mentioned finding someone to f**k. I know people think this is totally normal behavior, and having sex IS indeed normal behavior, but I'm trying to imagine going to a dinner after defeating a tough foe, and it's a bit silly that literally every companion you talk to, talks about their sex plans for the night, and how they include YOU.
It's just very immature writing that feels very videogamey. I have to laugh at people mocking bioware style romances for [flirt] dialogue, but at least it gave you some agency in leading the relationship towards what you wanted. Having some companions imply interest in you is one thing, but just straight up "I would SEX you SOO HARD if you weren't stupid" or "let's have a drink and then bear sex!".
I voted yes because of those things. Obviously the majority of the time your companions aren't talking about sex, but the way it frames everything is indeed overly sexualized imo.