It seems that you and I are talking about different things entirely. You are focusing on the sex (animated) scenes themselves while I'm talking about the overall sexual feel or overreliance of sexual writing within the game and comapanion/npc stories. (I do think certain companions have been ruined or made less because of a mindset that just adding sex/sexual situations was thought to be hot with the disregard of what came before/was established. Again, not the sex itself but the implementation of everything sexual surrounding it.)
Sexualized - Made sexual, given sexual associations. So it doesn't necessarily mean just sex.
Like I mentioned in my post quoting Fylimar, I lost interest in discussing these things and romances as a whole to be honest with you. Maybe I could spend and hour or two having a conversation with someone going into more detail seeing how I would be forced to be present within the moment but with the forums and their reliance on text I find myself drifting off mid writing because I just don't find it as interesting as I did before. I kinda regret diving into this topic a bit lol.
You might be right tho, the word that was used might not be appropriate to the situation at hand. But when I look at the game and everything sexual within it I cant shake this feeling of I don't know, disgust.(Might be too strong a word for it.)
From Larians braggadocious interviews about romances and them being taken seriously to the poor excuse of 'deep and romantic' writing that we ended up getting that is more in line with a cheap erotica I really cant take it seriously.
Every companion being playersexual - as if their main reason for existing is to fulfill the players need to have sex (People are even begging for Jaheira and Minsc to be romancable ffs.) / Companions jumping at the thought of trying to bed you / Bestiality which by the way isn't confined to one 'funny' scene (One of the weirdest interactions I've had around this is that I was called homophobic for saying that having sex with animals was bad/wrong, just what?!) / Necrophilia / Cheating (Out of nowhere a character does a 180 just because the writer thought it would be spicy) etc. So, no. Not everything is about being explicit and seeing two pixels bang. (To me.)
And Larian seems to be catering to this crowd.
As for the 'just ignore it' thing. Not to beat our good ol' dead horse Halsin but he's the perfect example of a character being over-sexualized to the point that he infects others companions and other parts of the story (You can't resolve the issue surrounding the shadow curse/shadowlands without him). And despite all of that the majority of people either ignore him or outright kill him but their issue still persists.
I would say that BG3 is more sexual than other mainstream RPGs but I think the fanbase or a part of the games fanbase has made it worse. To quote Roy Batty 'I've seen things, you people wouldn't believe.' I'm just waiting for this games Tali sweat guy to pop up and we come full circle.
Originally Posted by Taril
Which is why I suggest that RPG developers look into Dating Sims and AI Girlfriend apps.
Oh I hope fucking not lol. That would be horrible, games shouldn't become waifu/husbando simulators for lonely people.
Originally Posted by Taril
Since with or without sex, the genre still fails hard in creating interesting and fulfilling character relationships.
This I do agree with and maybe in the future we will see writing improve but until then I rather see the boring BioWare style romances/friendships opposed to what we ended up getting in BG3.
Originally Posted by Taril
We might as well just say to cut relationships from RPG's entirely and just focus on making more in depth gameplay and world building since that would be a far better use of resources than half-baked shallow relationship systems.
I agree with this even more. I like romances even tho they aren't the most important thing that I look for in a RPG, I do think they have a place within games (some games) seeing how they can add to the story and companion/npc depth but I rather have a well crafted game with no romances than a hole ridden unfinished mess that masks it behind 'Look you can bang these people' or 'You can have an orgy with them' you get the point.
Now I feel like I'm rambling and If I misunderstood your point I blame it on being tired from my night flight.