I really tried already the Traslator becouse sometimes i dont know how to put on words what i really want to say..haha
But the Traslator always make it sound worse..
so i gave up. xD

I actually learned by my Self from the times i Played Esports and made somes Speedruns..
Many of my Tean Mates were not from my Country.. so i had to Learn and man..
they teach me to speak like a Rutheless Bastard..
First things i learned was how horrible things they were calling me when i Made some Bad call in the CS. haha

But i do speak a lot better maybe becouse i always talked with then this way and never write or anything like that..
Thats kinda the Reason of my Donkie way of write in english..

(Something Weird too its maybe yu guys never come across this stuff.. becouse its english yu learned from start, but there are expressions and Stuff we use in my Country that dosent exist in english.. so i have to Find a Way to say it in english..haha)