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Yup Lest Dig More..
i Always Find that Maybe, Just Maybe..
Larian did here what Frosoftwere do in his Games..

They Left the Clues for the Plot Holes for us to Find..
and man.. they Screaming in my Face since the First Time i Notice then..
i Told this in the Thread when i talked with Ido58

And he kinda Created this Thread here becouse of what we Talked..
dont Know.. theres Something here yu Know.. its calling Me..
Like Wait ?!
Has to be more to It.. Lets Dig a Litle Deeper.. haha

(maybe im Overthinking becouse im a True Souls Borne Fan.. and this Kind Stuff i Always Love in there Games..)

Sometimes the Aswer is In front of your Nose.. But yu cannot See. haha

(Like the Conversation with Viconia i Told hin about it that yu Can go there Alone to Confront Her.. i never did becouse im a Fanboy of Shadow.. so i always get there wanting Blood.. so i never bother to Talk too much with her..xD)

But Maybe this way she will Gave us the aswer we want.
and Spill out the Beans while yu face her solo.
(even Better if yu Can Mind Read Her.. Just Lobotomize the Truth out of Her..haha)

And another Stuff .. Lae'zel and Shadow are the ones when i Belave yu Can Find the Truth..
Becouse in Both Paths of Then yu Can find Clues Here and There that explains a Lot about a Bunch of Stuff that Happens in the Tale..
and even so that i Had 1200 hrs Played..
I CANNOT BELEAVE I SAW EVRYTHING THEY HAD TO SAY.. trust i beleave there are still conversations with then that i did not Trigger yeat.
but i will find out.. im that Kinda of Crazy.

If i Had to Turn this Game Up Side Down i will do it.. dosent matter what i have to Do.. i will find a Way..

(its like the Tablets yu Can Find in Act 1,2 that Laezel Take of your Hand to Read Orpheus Tale.. if she find that before yu Go to Cresch the First Time Some Reactions Change a Lot.. and the way she talk to Voss too.)
i Told Before this Game its His Own Beast When it Comes to Slap My Face
He Always Show me Something New.. when i Beleave i already Saw evrything..
even when i Forced the Game to Run Events the Same Way.. he slaped me and did Original..
Like No Run i Ever Made in this Game was Equal.. the Same.. Always Has Something New.

Last edited by Thorvic; 28/11/23 12:25 AM.
Joined: Sep 2023
Joined: Sep 2023
Originally Posted by Rahaya
Because the companions + the PC was on the ship? It doesn't make any sense if this was a completely random nautiloid operated by uninvolved mindflayers, because then the whole story thread about searching for information on the cult of the Absolute is a thing.

Of course, sorry for the confusion, I thought you might have meant more with it than the obvious (English is not my first language).

I still think
the Emperor coming close to SH, breaking free from the brain's influence thanks to the artifact and then tadpoling SH is the best explanation. The Intro showed people being teleported directly into the pods by the tentacles so maybe no other mindflayer than the Emperor came close enough to SH to be affected by it. (I won't die on this hill though)

Joined: Sep 2023
Joined: Sep 2023
Originally Posted by Veranis
Originally Posted by Rahaya
Because the companions + the PC was on the ship? It doesn't make any sense if this was a completely random nautiloid operated by uninvolved mindflayers, because then the whole story thread about searching for information on the cult of the Absolute is a thing.

Of course, sorry for the confusion, I thought you might have meant more with it than the obvious (English is not my first language).

I still think
the Emperor coming close to SH, breaking free from the brain's influence thanks to the artifact and then tadpoling SH is the best explanation. The Intro showed people being teleported directly into the pods by the tentacles so maybe no other mindflayer than the Emperor came close enough to SH to be affected by it. (I won't die on this hill though)
But then that begs the question of if
SH was personally tadpoled by the Emp,
why is she ignored almost immediately in favor of the PC who can be a random Balduran? Larian also has the artifact magically teleport into the PCs possession if you never ask for it, too.

Last edited by Rahaya; 28/11/23 12:44 AM.
Joined: Oct 2023
Joined: Oct 2023
I don't think there really is a great explanation for how Shadowheart came to be in possession of the prism. For games, I'm always willing to do some hand-waving, especially when it's things that set the background of the story. It is however, unfortunate the amount of hand-waving needed for an item such as the prism which sits at the core of plot. In a number of ways, it feels like this arises from some late rewrites and the devs trying to work with what they had - for example, the opening cinematic. I think it would have been fine for the situation of how Shadowheart happened to be in possession of the prism not explained, but then they added the Emperor and also tied it to the prism which presented a number of issues.

If I have time later, I'll go dig through the dialogs to provide better evidence, but for now:

1. I believe the Absolute mentions that it revealed the artefact to the dead three's chosen as it was the sole item capable of thwarting its plans for the Grand Design.

2/3. The Emperor is sent on the mission by Gortash, as the Emperor had been re-enthralled by the Absolute after Gortash discovered the Emperor operating in Baldur's Gate. The Emperor also states that it was just one of many who were sent to retrieve the artefact, the Emperor just happened to be the one to find it first - it's not clear if this means that the Emperor was the first of anyone to find it, or just the first of those sent by Gortash.

Presumably, the artefact would be alongside Vlaakith's phylacteries as one of her most guarded possessions, as it is could undo her reign and prematurely end her aspirations of godhood. Yet, somehow either the (what I presume) stowaway Sharrans or the tadpoled strike team are able to abscond with it. The art book describes Orpheus as being held in an illithid prison, which would have seemingly avoided this conflict with Vlaakith.

4/5. Viconia choosing to send several of her cloister on a suicide mission, including the one person she has spent years grooming to be Shar's chosen is... an interesting choice, especially as she apparently has no idea what the artefact is even used for but believes it can be used against the Absolute. Viconia also states that Sharrans are not adept fighters, but subterfuge is their forte so they would wait for the conflict between the Absolutists and the Githyanki to then steal the artefact. This appears to paint a picture where it seems unlikely the Sharrans would be the first to make contact with the prism - yet, Shadowheart describes her team being cutdown by Githyanki and not the Absolutists. I also assumed that Shadowheart's team used the nautaloid as transportation as there were only five members listed and none of them seemed to have skills for traversing planes, which makes it further questionable why the team would have not waited for the Absolutists to steal the artefact and once it was aboard the ship, steal it from them.

6/7. I try not to include the opening cinematic too much, as changes from EA have created a somewhat confusing situation that is the source of some debate - is the mindflayer we see in the cinematic meant to be the Emperor? In EA, and some surrounding material, it appeared that the garb worn by the Emperor was not unique, and may have been worn as a sort status of rank amongst mindflayers - the ones wearing this garb might have been the Illithid Harvesters who were responsible for tadpoling victims. In the current version, this was changed so that only the Emperor is seen wearing this garb, which presents some potential issues if the devs wanted this to imply that the Emperor was the mindflayer in the cinematic. The Emperor states that upon coming near the artefact, its free will began to return and it decided to go inside the prism to investigate. The Emperor then finds Orpheus and dominates him in order to use his power, needing to establish a dome to prevent the honor guard from interfering once they are aware. Presumably, the Emperor should not have been able to leave the prism once this occurred so if the Emperor found the artefact first, it would seem unlikely that the Emperor was on the ship.

Also, this would be one of those "well, the game couldn't exist then" situations, but it's not really clear why Vlaakith wouldn't just...wish for the prism back? If it's so important to her, surely it would be worth it - she's willing to use up one cast if you say some words that upset her, and it's not like Vlaakith of anyone is at all worried with the price to pay. I'm not really concerned with trying to find every small inconsistency/unanswered question, but again, this is one that popped up due to the change so might as well have some fun with it.

8/9. I didn't interpret it this way, I saw it as stumbling upon additional survivors. In part, due to the somewhat clunky use of long rests to move the story forward, it's likely that you'll encounter at least a couple of them before you even meet the Guardian. I'm not sure if it's different now, but I didn't initially meet my Guardian until the third long rest - long after I had met every origin and had them at camp. How they remain uninfluenced by the Absolute until you find them could be explained by the Emperor proactively extending protection to them. For me, it's one of those handwavey gameplay things that I'm lenient on - sure, it poses some questions but it's not the biggest deal to me. However, it is questionable that the Githyanki were hunting the nautaloid and do not expend a greater effort surrounding the crash site.

10. Presumably, the Absolute is aware of the mission and communicates with the camp. Except, either the Absolute has no idea that we carry the prism, or it is not sharing this information with the camp - Dror Ragzlin uses speak with the dead on the mindflayer if you leave its corpse at the crash site and only then will he be able to learn that we were aboard the ship.

11. This appears to be another "the artefact works however the game needs it to in that moment" or it's part of the Emperor manipulating us, though I don't believe anything suggests that is how the devs intended for it to play out - much like how the other dream sequences involving the Guardian in Act I don't really make much sense. At that point, we should have been protected from the Absolute. We later see that while under the prism's protection, the Absolute is unable to even locate us. Yet, somehow the Absolute was able to not only locate us, but exude enough power to bring us to our knees. Obviously, it makes for a very dramatic scene, which I'm also not going say that I think such things should be excluded as it's ultimately a game, but it certainly doesn't help what comes across as a fairly weak plot line already.

12. This is probably best explained if you choose to believe the Absolute when it states at the end of the game that all of this had been a plot devised by it (whether you believe it could be a debate in itself) - following this, the Absolute needed one of the dead three's chosen to die in order for their hold on it to waiver. The Absolute could have withheld this information from Ketheric so that we would have the opportunity to get close enough and defeat him.

13. Again, this probably hinges on believing that this is all pawns moving as the Absolute predicts - after Ketheric is dead, the Absolute will be able to break free of being dominated and can move onto securing the prism, thus revealing that we are the ones in possession of the prism so that those enthralled by the Absolute can obtain it instead.

Personally, I am not so willing to believe that the Absolute was able to calculate a plan that accounted for so many variables. Especially as if you reach the end of the game, then the Absolute was not correct - somehow able to devise a plot for obtaining the crown, one that involved itself being dominated and ultimately breaking free, and also setting the Emperor free in order to obtain the sole item that could stop it which resides on an entirely different plane and directly inhibits the Absolute's power - just to be dominated or killed by us so close to its goal. Also, prior to being dominated by the crown, the elder brain that would become the Absolute was apparently quite the failure.

Anyway, I don't think this really answers much and probably only adds additional questions. I think that's about as good as it gets regarding a lot of things surrounding the astral prism, though. Trying to use what's in game sort of works for some things, but then always seems to open up additional questions or prevent an issue with something else that might have otherwise seemed answered. A lot of it feels clunkily glued together to try and make those late rewrites work as best as they could, which, seem to work decently enough if you don't question things.

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Joined: Oct 2023
Nowadays yu only Have the Dream with the Guardian.. When the artifact is Revealed..
(when yu Cross the Bridge to Goblin Camp or Rosymon..)

it was i Bug i Beleave he showing so early before..
becouse in the Last 5 runs i Made always Run this way.
(the artifact has to Come in to Play for hin to show in your Dreams..)

Since i always explore evrything in act 1 after going to goblin Camp.. in my Games nowadays he only Shows up after 10,15 sleeps..haha
when i play on Harder Difficults becouse i Burn the Spell slots super Fast..haha
when in Normal its much Less sleep i Need.haha

(yu can even have some unique conversations if yu Go there Deal with the Zentharin Dudes in the Cave if yu did not Have the Dream yeat..there are other Places this Happen too if he did not Show to yu yet too.)
when yu Use the Power to Control the Beast..
after the Battle all of then will have a Exclamation in the Head to Talk about the Tadpole Powers.

i Told Before.. this Game has So Much to it in act 1,2 that i still beleave i did not saw evrything they have to say.

(well if in the End we Find Nothing.. at Least we Can gave Larian some Great Ways of Tie evrything for the Future Players enjoy the hell out of it..)
Lets Beleave in the Blood God And Praise the Sun.

Fear the Old Blood and Ascend to the New Era. xD
Lets Become so Greater as Kos and Shatter some Planes.

We just Need to Increase our insight so we can See the Truth Guys.. lol
(give me More unbilical Chords and i will swing my Moonlight to the Truth)

Last edited by Thorvic; 28/11/23 01:33 AM.
Joined: Sep 2017
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If you play as a Dark Urge, you'll get even more answers to these questions which will help fill in the blanks.

In my opinion, the Dark Urge is the true Tav of the game. The Dark Urge background is the true "main character", and playing it offers many explanations for things that you don't get if you don't play it.

Last edited by HarmAssassin; 28/11/23 04:04 AM.
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Joined: Oct 2023
Yup i Did 3 runs as Durge already and im still looking for New Things..haha
The Run Never Ends its like That..

im actually with 2 runs Stucked at the Biggining of act 3 becouse of the last Cazy Bug that Happens with patch 4.0

Last edited by Thorvic; 28/11/23 04:12 AM.
Joined: Sep 2023
Joined: Sep 2023
Originally Posted by Rahaya
Originally Posted by Veranis
I still think
the Emperor coming close to SH, breaking free from the brain's influence thanks to the artifact and then tadpoling SH is the best explanation. The Intro showed people being teleported directly into the pods by the tentacles so maybe no other mindflayer than the Emperor came close enough to SH to be affected by it. (I won't die on this hill though)
But then that begs the question of if
SH was personally tadpoled by the Emp,
why is she ignored almost immediately in favor of the PC who can be a random Balduran? Larian also has the artifact magically teleport into the PCs possession if you never ask for it, too.

Well, in the end, this is a gameplay convinience since you always need to have the artifact with you, no matter who your pc is. We can certainly come up with some explanation, like that it took the Emperor a moment to decide that the pc seems to be the most important/capable person of the group (remember that he visits all companions' dreams in the beginning but then settles for the pc, who also might be SH).

Another interesting question is why the people left at camp don't fall back under the Absolute's control as soon as you stray too far from them for a longer period of time.

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Joined: Jun 2020
Originally Posted by Veranis
Originally Posted by Rahaya
Originally Posted by Veranis
I still think
the Emperor coming close to SH, breaking free from the brain's influence thanks to the artifact and then tadpoling SH is the best explanation. The Intro showed people being teleported directly into the pods by the tentacles so maybe no other mindflayer than the Emperor came close enough to SH to be affected by it. (I won't die on this hill though)
But then that begs the question of if
SH was personally tadpoled by the Emp,
why is she ignored almost immediately in favor of the PC who can be a random Balduran? Larian also has the artifact magically teleport into the PCs possession if you never ask for it, too.

Well, in the end, this is a gameplay convinience since you always need to have the artifact with you, no matter who your pc is. We can certainly come up with some explanation, like that it took the Emperor a moment to decide that the pc seems to be the most important/capable person of the group (remember that he visits all companions' dreams in the beginning but then settles for the pc, who also might be SH).

Another interesting question is why the people left at camp don't fall back under the Absolute's control as soon as you stray too far from them for a longer period of time.

Correct, it's because you are the protagonist. But if you want a reason:

you could argue that none of the Origin characters are a particularly great choice for the Emperor to carry out his plan, certainly at the start: Shadowheart is dedicated to Shar and her mission, Lae'zel is a loyal Githyanki foot soldier, Wyll is under Mizora's thumb, Astarion fiercely against doing anyone else's bidding again, Karlach similar, and Gale might just eat it. OK, maybe not the last one.

As for the Prism's protection, the infected Absolute aren't just mind controlled zombies. They seem to have free will and are usually just vaguely connected by the parasites, unless the 3 make a deliberate attempt to really control you. which is when the prism activates. As happens a little way into the game. It's also why they need to use the whole culty religion angle.

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ldo58 Offline OP
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When Minthara comes to you in the camp for the first time, she also feels calmness and peace in her head for the first time since long. You then have the option to tell her it is the artefact that shields her as well. I didn't choose that option but preferred to say nothing about it. So I don't know what will happen if you reveal it there to her. She's still an absolute commander at that point.
So in addition to the Emperor's constant attention there also seems to be a "radius of protection" inherent to the artefact.
It's all quite messy to say the least.

Joined: Jun 2020
Joined: Jun 2020
Originally Posted by ldo58

When Minthara comes to you in the camp for the first time, she also feels calmness and peace in her head for the first time since long. You then have the option to tell her it is the artefact that shields her as well. I didn't choose that option but preferred to say nothing about it. So I don't know what will happen if you reveal it there to her. She's still an absolute commander at that point.
So in addition to the Emperor's constant attention there also seems to be a "radius of protection" inherent to the artefact.
It's all quite messy to say the least.

Cheers. I haven't been able to bring myself to go all evil yet, so didn't know that. So it has a passive effect and an active skill, if you like? That actually makes sense for breaking the Emperor free. And not wildly different from a tonne of other magic items in the game.

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Joined: Oct 2023
Originally Posted by Dagless
Originally Posted by ldo58

When Minthara comes to you in the camp for the first time, she also feels calmness and peace in her head for the first time since long. You then have the option to tell her it is the artefact that shields her as well. I didn't choose that option but preferred to say nothing about it. So I don't know what will happen if you reveal it there to her. She's still an absolute commander at that point.
So in addition to the Emperor's constant attention there also seems to be a "radius of protection" inherent to the artefact.
It's all quite messy to say the least.

Cheers. I haven't been able to bring myself to go all evil yet, so didn't know that. So it has a passive effect and an active skill, if you like? That actually makes sense for breaking the Emperor free. And not wildly different from a tonne of other magic items in the game.

Act 2 and 3 Spoilers:

It does... and it doesn't:

We see with both Duke Ravenguard and Minsc that they apparently get no benefit from simply being near the prism until the Emperor is convinced to extend protection.

There's also the situation with Jaheira when you approach Last Light Inn where if you reveal the artefact to her, it just... incinerates the tadpole she has in the jar? Despite the fact that we've been near many so far that seem unaffected by any sort of radiant effect of the prism.

At the end of Act 2, if the Emperor dies while you are inside the prism, you are instantly found by the Absolute who promptly transforms and enthralls you.

Similarly, at the end of Act 3, if you betray the Emperor in some way that causes it to leave the prism then there are a few possible options:

1. You have the hammer already - you're able to free a chained, but not yet fully cooperative Orpheus.
2. You did not kill Raphael but haven't made a deal with him - he apparently has the ability and time to teleport inside the prism, offer you the deal once again, and allow you to free Orpheus.
3. You either killed Raphael previously or just rejected his final deal and you do not have the hammer - you are instantly found and enthralled like the end of Act 2.

It could be inferred that the prism does have passive protection, but it just isn't strong enough to be effective within a certain distance from the Absolute. This however, then seems contradicts the explanation of the Absolute's reveal at the end of the game that all of this has been plot conceived by it. Does the prism have a passive effect that works a certain distance from the Absolute or was it indeed the Absolute who "freed [the Emperor] from its leash"?

The behavior of the astral prism seems to be pretty poorly defined and ebbs and flows as the story needs. People are of course free to choose some explanation they like and just roleplay with that, but as the story presents, it is...sloppy to say the least in my opinion. There are a couple of situations at the very end of the game that also present some issues with how exactly the power of Orpheus even works - which, I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt for now and say it's just the result of very rushed development but time will tell.

Yikes, I tried submitting right as the forums began experiencing the timeout issues yesterday and it looks like it's managed to duplicate this. Sorry for that, I'll try to clean up the others.

Last edited by Vystria; 29/11/23 04:16 PM.
Joined: Oct 2023
Joined: Oct 2023
Originally Posted by Vystria
4/5. Viconia choosing to send several of her cloister on a suicide mission, including the one person she has spent years grooming to be Shar's chosen is... an interesting choice, especially as she apparently has no idea what the artefact is even used for but believes it can be used against the Absolute.

The way I interpreted this is by separating Shar's and Viconia's motivations. Shar does not care about the prism, or the absolute. She might even indirectly benefit from their plot. But Viconia does care since the absolute threatens her personal power base. The hunt for the prism is her personal project.

From her journals we can deduce that Viconia does not have a high opinion of Shadowheart. She is resentful that she had to destroy her cloister in Waterdeep for her. Shadowheart proves to be a real pain to train. Viconia is also jealous of the undeserved favour Shadowheart enjoys from Shar. So she might have concluded that Shadowheart could become a threat to her, and work to undermine her (like by denying her the rank of justiciar). Viconia cannot defy Shar and get rid of Shadowheart in the open. But she can send her on a dangerous mission, which is a win-win for Viconia. If she gets the prism she improves her own power. And should the mission fail Shadowheart will suffer a convenient death in the service of Shar. There's also the possibility of hitting two birds with one stone and achieving both.

Shar seems none too pleased about any of this. Because should Shadowheart prove her loyalty, the first thing she does is send her to usurp Viconia.

Last edited by Dwapking; 29/11/23 04:49 PM.
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