Originally Posted by druidofthestars
Originally Posted by Salo

We're aiming to release Patch 5 this week, which fixes the eternally-active acts of thefts & violence that were causing slowdowns.
Hi, thank you for this public statement on when we can expect the Patch being released. I saw the post on Twitter, as well. It's nice for Larian to finally use their social media to give users advanced information on these things.

However, I'm confused what "ixes the eternally-active acts of thefts & violence that were causing slowdowns" means. I thought the issues with Act 3 lag were related to assets and memory. Are you saying they are, in fact, caused by issues with the combat and thiervery systems in the game? I understand you're Community Manager, and not involved with actually working on game code, but a little clarification on what this means would be nice, since the announcements do not even say this is specifically targeting Act 3 lag which players have found to be caused by asset and memory issues. Thank you.

I guess we have to wait for the patch 5 release to know for sure but it does sound like they were able to pinpoint the slowdowns to "eternally-active acts of thefts & violence". Thanks for the update Salo and thanks Larian for this GOTY!!!