For anyone who wants to see it for themselves, here is a YouTube link:

The kiss is really well done, the hug is sweet and everything thats being said is cute, especially about the children. Yet is doesn't feel like it's been 6 months since we met last time, there is no passion, no fire, it's more like "nice to have".
Beside a few words and the kiss and hug, I don't really feel like this a real mutual relationship thing or anything but more like friends with benefits.

From what I heard, this is not the only version of it. It seems like there is another version thats not in the game
for those who decided to go with Halsin in the end. You arrive at the party together and he is worried about you thinking you could've made the wrong decision, living a quiet life with him but then he starts to enjoy the party (or something like this)

If you want to answer to any of my posts with just hate, please just don't answer at all.

If you want just to white knight everything and can't accept opinions, please don't even answer me.

Thank you!