Originally Posted by Buba68
Why recruit such an evil person, with countless crimes and atrocities to her name, if you are GOOD?

Because she is a kidnapped victim of the cult, not its enforcer. She even mentions herself after being freed that she had no control whatsoever of her actions and relates to Dark Urge the most about this.

So the enemy of my enemy is a friend.

Originally Posted by MalacPok
I somehow feel like the intention behind the patch change wasn't to make her recruitable on a good playthrough. If it was then it is at least very poorly implemented. My money is on unintentional, otherwise they would have included this massive change in the highlights section of the patch notes along with a line like "so you can recruit her later."

These are naturally the very first raw steps to making her officially available, I have no doubt Larian will improve her recruitment vastly and content so it ties in seamlessly.

Originally Posted by Lillith
Are you going to do Act 3 now?

Nope, deleted my current 120h playthrough instantly once I confirmed Mimthara is recruitable. Started anew grin

Originally Posted by fylimar
You can just destroy the drum in front of her - that makes her temporary hostile and they can't call reinforcments.

Tried that in the cut portion of the video, but she didn't even notice it grin

Originally Posted by Ekleipein
I was wondering, does this force the scene where you have to choose between her and Halsin in your camp (the one that was datamined)? Also, I noticed that if you rescue Halsin and bring him with you when you start the attack on the camp, she becomes temporarily hostile. Can I knock her out then instead of committing a crime in font of her?

Oh that's a perfect way to make her temporarily hostile, thanks for mentioning that.

Also I didn't get any scene where her and Halsin argue. It's most likely content that is coming in future updates now that she is officially available, but I know who is getting left behind if it comes to that grin