I like the sex scenes when they're about the romance and done respectfully. Without the romance it essentially becomes porn though, which is where the bugbear and brothel scenes land. The beastiality is technically tied to Halsins romance, but it's immature and disturbing. I have no idea why the Emperor tries to screw me when the whole time I've only been mean to him. Nor do I understand why there's an achievement tied to this, forcing completionists to have sex with him.
Companions also need to chill out and let the player take the lead, all the thirsting is annoying and can be overwhelming. Let us have friendships with them, if not romanced and with enough approval. That's something I loved in DA:I where I could actually befriend all of them, play cards and they even ask about how I'm doing and they're not obsessed with getting in my pants. There isn't any of this in BG3 and it's so unrealistic. Like is there really nothing else to do but have sex? Can we not buy a deck of cards at a trader and just hangout? Sit around the campfire and tell stories? Friendships are so disregarded in this game.
If they had just kept it where we have the sex scenes with our chosen romance partner, and left all that other porn stuff and beastiality out, I would have voted no on this poll. Unfortunately, they went overboard in my opinion.