Nature Armor
Lvl 1 - Summon Spikes of plants and flowers to your armor adding damage.
Lvl 2 - Add bear skin adding defense
Lvl 3 - Add shoulders with claws adding protection and damage to the spikes.
Lvl 4 - Add wolf furs adding protection and speed for the druid.
Lvl 5 - Add a head dragon on the place of your helm, adding fire and lightning protection and adding fire and lightning damage for the user.
Lvl 6 - Give boost for all other lvls of armor protection skill.

Why not:

Nature Armor
Lvl 1 - Summon vines armor adding slight protection.
Lvl 2 - Creates marple armor with mediocre protection but with speed penalities.
Lvl 3 - Creates oak armor with higher protection but with speed penalities.
Lvl 4 - The caster's body is covered with a wolf pelt adding protection against cold and excellent dexterity at no penalities.
Lvl 5 - The caster's body is covered with Dire bear's pelt adding strenght, constitition and upgraded protection.