Originally Posted by Dark_Ansem
We've been through Game of Thrones and its complete betrayal of GRRM's approach to sex and violence.

GoT had rape, gang-rape, sadism, incest and all sorts of other things from the books. I don't see any 'complete betrayal' of the books. The medium is the message and GoT pushed a few limits for TV.

Originally Posted by Dark_Ansem
BG3 is TAME by comparison. Calling it over-sexualised in a society like ours, where in the early 2000s literally any ad and most magazines had nude spreads seems, as you said, a deliberate attempt to start a storm in a teacup, to put it politely.

You are not comparing like with like. Different medium, different message. A point I made several pages back is that the thread title is poorly formulated - 'overly' is too relative and 'sexualised' is too vague.