I think the problem here, personally, is with the thesis. We're asking if BG3 was overly-sexualized, but it's a product. We don't have to invest money in it, we choose to. The product itself can only inherently be "sexy" or "not sexy." Even that is subjective, though. Imo, the real question should be: "Was BG3 overly-sexualized for you?" We can't decide if the product was 'too sexy' for everyone, unless we look at the market reaction to the product. It's really our best and only barometer for if a product was too much of anything. BG3 has sold a minimum of seven million copies, which I would say is a fairly warm reaction to the product as a whole. The final sales figures will likely be in the tens of millions, and to me that is a pretty good sign that BG3 wasn't too much of anything for a majority of the intended market.

But it's okay if you're not part of the majority, or even not part of the intended market. You can disagree subjectively with how the sexiness in BG3 has been received specifically, and you can certainly say if it was subjectively overtly-sexual to you. But I don't think you can argue with those results. What Larian did worked, and it is apparently still banging on all cylinders after three months on the market.

Last edited by Jankrat; 04/12/23 07:23 AM.