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I’m actually a really big fan of Lae’zel and I miss her when she’s not in my party. First of all, she’s an absolute boss in combat. Second, if you kill her instantly every time, you’ve been missing the opportunity to see her awesome character arc, and her growth and development as a person. If you romance her, she’s adorable, and has a very expressive face. (I still will always prefer Shadowheart though.) And her voice actor puts her heart and soul into the character, and the way she performs Lae’zel’s deadpan humor is really nice.

So yeah, I would say, echoing Lae’zel’s voice actor, “give the little green lizard a chance” LOL.

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Helll YEAH lol
Lae'zel Rules baybe!
Give her a Shot.. and Best advice ever..
Bring Her and Shadow at the Same time..
its like the Most Fun ever yu can Have in this Game no Joke.
(even there Banthers Evolve with Time and start to Show the Change with Laezel and Shadow Too..)

can even put astarion in the Mix too just to have more lought.. they 3 have so pretty cool Banther.. xD
(the Best One is at the Cresch.. man i never lought so much in my Life.. haha)

if yu are a Fan yu know xD

Last edited by Thorvic; 26/11/23 02:17 AM.
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Most of the gith aren’t exactly good people but… think about the position she’s in. Lae’zel was kidnapped by the creatures she was taught to fear since she was young. The ship she was on flew through the hells. It crashed, left her stranded on an alien world stuck with nothing but a handful of locals who know less than she does about the illithid. She’s terrified. As her culture dictates, the only acceptable way to express it is through anger and violence.

I didn’t like her much either at first, but I’ve definitely grown to appreciate her character arc. Watching Lae’zel slowly become more comfortable expressing her other feelings is a very big highlight her story.

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So much drama over a character. I like Laezel growth. And it is an interesting character. But even if I disliked her, since Annoymen still exists, the crown for the most unlikable would still go to him. And if I start thinking I would probably come out with a list of least likable companions/characters.

It is a matter of preference. It is ok if you don't like her, others do.

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Originally Posted by EMC_V
So much drama over a character. I like Laezel growth. And it is an interesting character. But even if I disliked her, since Annoymen still exists, the crown for the most unlikable would still go to him. And if I start thinking I would probably come out with a list of least likable companions/characters.

It is a matter of preference. It is ok if you don't like her, others do.

You mean Anomen from BG2? Yeah, he is one of the worst companions in the history of video games - topped only by Skadge from KOTOR, since he is a rapist.

I don't tend to feel too strongly about characters, I don't like, if the game doesn't force them on me (looking at you, Skadge). In BG3 you can get rid of every companion, you don't like (Lae'zel has indeed a lot of ways to die, poor soul). The only one, you can't outright tell to leave, is Halsin, but you can kill him - or let Orin do the job. SO basically you don't have to paly with anyone, you don't want to play with. Which I think, is a nice feature in the game.

"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."

Doctor Who
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I remember absolutely loathing Lae'zel during my 1st playthrough. But then I realized on my 2nd...that she's an anomaly insofar as Gith go in this game. It's not too far-fetched to believe that any other Gith would have ditched you out of pride if you were both infected, after the ship crash. Leaving you to die.

But The Grumpy Frog Princess, Lae'zel is a true "ride or die" for you.

She always wants to save your life and get you cleansed, even though she has no real reason to after you're back on Fae'run. Other than her own code of honor.

Last edited by Mr. Oakby; 26/11/23 12:26 PM.
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Originally Posted by fylimar
Originally Posted by EMC_V
So much drama over a character. I like Laezel growth. And it is an interesting character. But even if I disliked her, since Annoymen still exists, the crown for the most unlikable would still go to him. And if I start thinking I would probably come out with a list of least likable companions/characters.

It is a matter of preference. It is ok if you don't like her, others do.

You mean Anomen from BG2? Yeah, he is one of the worst companions in the history of video games - topped only by Skadge from KOTOR, since he is a rapist.

I don't tend to feel too strongly about characters, I don't like, if the game doesn't force them on me (looking at you, Skadge). In BG3 you can get rid of every companion, you don't like (Lae'zel has indeed a lot of ways to die, poor soul). The only one, you can't outright tell to leave, is Halsin, but you can kill him - or let Orin do the job. SO basically you don't have to paly with anyone, you don't want to play with. Which I think, is a nice feature in the game.

Yes, I mean Anomen. But someone called Annoymen in a forum (or something similar) and I think it fits. XD The thing is that while Laezel comes from a racist, fascist, and oppressive culture/race but can learn that it is wrong and improve herself, Annoymen remains sexist and selfish the whole game. Even when he supposedly becomes "good" aligned, he really is still classist, sexist, and kind of an ass. And I think many people still dislike him, not just me, as he keeps being the example of what people don't want in a companion/romance. XD

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Joined: Oct 2023
Annoymen.. huahauhauhauha
Yeah.. Give a Shot on Lea'zel Guys.. She is Great..

Like i Say Before.. Just Bring Her and Shadow and see them Grow up as People.. its Amazing..
(even the Banthers Get Better and Better with Time..)

She really make me Proud of investing on her and making her becoming a Baddas Hero.
(hell yeah Lae'zel lets Pummel Down Vlakith just call me when the Time Comes and i will come from my Farm with Shadow to Take her Down with you.)

She becomes like my Sister, my flesh and Blood i will fight and die for yu.. no joke.

Another Stuff that make me Grow in Respect 100% for Her..
in all my Games She was the Only Companion that actually Asked what i Wanted from her..
Not just Like the Rest that just want to Lay down with Me..
She and Shadow are the Only Ones different in this Reggard..
and i love then Both becouse of that..

Last edited by Thorvic; 26/11/23 09:52 PM.
Joined: Dec 2020
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Originally Posted by EMC_V
Originally Posted by fylimar
Originally Posted by EMC_V
So much drama over a character. I like Laezel growth. And it is an interesting character. But even if I disliked her, since Annoymen still exists, the crown for the most unlikable would still go to him. And if I start thinking I would probably come out with a list of least likable companions/characters.

It is a matter of preference. It is ok if you don't like her, others do.

You mean Anomen from BG2? Yeah, he is one of the worst companions in the history of video games - topped only by Skadge from KOTOR, since he is a rapist.

I don't tend to feel too strongly about characters, I don't like, if the game doesn't force them on me (looking at you, Skadge). In BG3 you can get rid of every companion, you don't like (Lae'zel has indeed a lot of ways to die, poor soul). The only one, you can't outright tell to leave, is Halsin, but you can kill him - or let Orin do the job. SO basically you don't have to paly with anyone, you don't want to play with. Which I think, is a nice feature in the game.

Yes, I mean Anomen. But someone called Annoymen in a forum (or something similar) and I think it fits. XD The thing is that while Laezel comes from a racist, fascist, and oppressive culture/race but can learn that it is wrong and improve herself, Annoymen remains sexist and selfish the whole game. Even when he supposedly becomes "good" aligned, he really is still classist, sexist, and kind of an ass. And I think many people still dislike him, not just me, as he keeps being the example of what people don't want in a companion/romance. XD

That nickname fits - I hated his guts, I really can't believe that someone thought, he would make an interesting character - and make hima love interest on top. WHo would want to romance him? Masochists? Maybe a Loviatharan might be interested XD

"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."

Doctor Who
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That nickname fits - I hated his guts, I really can't believe that someone thought, he would make an interesting character - and make hima love interest on top. WHo would want to romance him? Masochists? Maybe a Loviatharan might be interested XD[/quote]

I think that is quite unfair to loviatharans, Abdirak seems way more interesting than Annoymen. And I don't see Annoymen putting on a show for him like Tav can do. hahaha

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Nah... Worse companion in any video game is still Vivienne from Dragon Age Inquisition, that fucking Bitch deserves a Fate Worse than Death.

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Originally Posted by fylimar
Originally Posted by EMC_V
So much drama over a character. I like Laezel growth. And it is an interesting character. But even if I disliked her, since Annoymen still exists, the crown for the most unlikable would still go to him. And if I start thinking I would probably come out with a list of least likable companions/characters.

It is a matter of preference. It is ok if you don't like her, others do.

You mean Anomen from BG2? Yeah, he is one of the worst companions in the history of video games - topped only by Skadge from KOTOR, since he is a rapist.

I don't tend to feel too strongly about characters, I don't like, if the game doesn't force them on me (looking at you, Skadge). In BG3 you can get rid of every companion, you don't like (Lae'zel has indeed a lot of ways to die, poor soul). The only one, you can't outright tell to leave, is Halsin, but you can kill him - or let Orin do the job. SO basically you don't have to paly with anyone, you don't want to play with. Which I think, is a nice feature in the game.
I forgot about Skadge, however I heard you can later kill him off.

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Joined: Dec 2020
Originally Posted by EMC_V
That nickname fits - I hated his guts, I really can't believe that someone thought, he would make an interesting character - and make hima love interest on top. WHo would want to romance him? Masochists? Maybe a Loviatharan might be interested XD

I think that is quite unfair to loviatharans, Abdirak seems way more interesting than Annoymen. And I don't see Annoymen putting on a show for him like Tav can do. hahaha
Nono, I mean, that you have to embrace pain to tolerate Anomen. Abdirak is a cool character.

Last edited by fylimar; 27/11/23 12:54 AM.

"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."

Doctor Who
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Location: Wales
I like Lae'zel. She's young, has been brainwashed for all her life and Creche Ka'lir (probably spelt that wrong) was pretty much the premier Creche relating to Toril so she has an inbuilt pride and arrogance deriving from her upbringing. But as part of that she is also very honourable - not trying to ditch you outside the Creche but insisting you go with to be cured as well. As far as she's concerned the creche is the only way to cure you all - it's what she has always been taught. Her heartbreak with the events regarding the Inquisitor is her whole world crashing around her, would have been easy for her to just blame you but instead she picks herself up and helps you to carry on.

My dream team for playing this game is Astarion, Shadowheart and Lae'zel. Rogue. Cleric and Fighter which means without even respeccing at all I can more or less pick whatever I want to round out the party as I feel like.
All three have strong character progression throughout the game, depending on your choices with any of the three you can alter their perception of the world in substantial ways. They all have some hilarious interactions and snark in the early chapters. And all three have interesting personal quest lines.
All the rest I pretty much ignore, either leaving them in camp whenever that is possible or not recruiting them in the first place.

# Justice for Astarion
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old hand
old hand
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I just remembered this thread while taking some pictures of the epilogue in my Origin-Gale save. It made me feel the need to comment, that she has so much development and that I think at least my Gale is pretty proud of her in the end.

Astarion, Gale, Lae'zel and Shadowheart is my preferred party combination too. I just wish, they would leave character you play included in the party-banter if you choose an Origin.

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To each their own, some people dislike Shadowheart and adore Lae'zel, others prefer Karlach over everyone else.
Me? I like them all, but Shadowheart is my all time favorite.

"Vivamus, moriendum est"
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Shadowheart Karlach Lae'zel and Halsin are my most favorite characters (in that order), though I also like others too (with 1 exception: my Karlach party haven't been able to talk to Minthara once recruiting her since weeks ago and I'm now waiting for a response from Larian on my bug report regarding that).

Lae'zel is a significantly better character than I initially thought/misjudged. I genuinely like her, especially after she's been toned down a little with Patch #5.

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Everyone is different. Lae'zel is my favorite character, she carries my team in every playthroughh, and her arc is genuinely touching. Nothing makes me go as hard as seeing an angry froglady become a caring froglady.

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Well..... I get why people have this impression. Lae'zel is rather unlikeable at first.

But what can I say. She went from my least favorite to my favorite in the course of the game. Do her quests, talk with her. Her defining trait is loyalty. She starts being loyal to an evil cause, and she really struggles with it before abandoning it. It is not easy, but if you win her regard, you will have a companion you can always rely on.

This loyalty, I have to say, is an irresistable trait for a love interest. For me at least. It has this "you and me against the world" vibe I'm missing from so many other game romances.

So, as opposed to the OP, I think Lae'zel is one of the best characters ever made in any video games.

LOL@ "Annoymen". More than 20 years and I've never heard that moniker, I immediately recognized who it referred to and I wholeheartedly agree. ROFL, that was a good one.

Last edited by Ieldra2; 05/12/23 07:19 PM.
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I don't know why I didn't give Astarion a second chance like I did Laezel. Probably since she was straightforward with the sex an all laugh

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