Wulbren? Wulbren is alright, he's on a quest. I like Wulbren. Volo, on the other hand... He's annoying by design, and gods they nailed it.
Oh, the dog lady. Shit... Has anyone *ever* handed Scratch over to her? Not even when save scummig would I try that 'to see what happens'. I don't want to know. It would break my heart. I'll murder a thousand bards in my camp before I resort to that kind of evil. Dog freedom!
And lets not forget that BG1/2 had tons of stupidly annoying NPC's to hang out with. Ajantis who can;t formulate a sentence without mentioning Helm. Aerie annoys you faster than Chiktikka Fastpaws. Even Minsc and that screeching Boo sound [and the fact that he's one of the WORST companions in the originals]
Oh, and then there's the terrible Beamdog additions. Holy crap, I forgot all about them. Bwegh, Neera's cringey voice just sends shivers down my spine. Neera is *hands down* the least likeable character in all of Baldur's Gate, with Dorn and Rasaad following close behind. Shame, because her class and ToB mission are *awesome*